Krick and Ick

  • ️Thu Jul 28 2016
For the goblin recruiting officer, see Krick (goblin).
BossKrick and Ick
Image of Krick and Ick
Race(s) Gnome, Plague eruptor (Undead)
Level 25-30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Pit of Saron, Icecrown Citadel
Status Killable
Zombies serve as mindless muscle in the Pit of Saron's mines, stockpiling metals for Forgemaster Garfrost, and Krick - a devious leper gnome - supervises the operations from atop Ick, Krick's ghastly means of transportation.[1]

Krick and Ick are a gnome and a plague eruptor in league with the Lich King and serve as bosses encountered in the Pit of Saron inside the second wing of the Frozen Halls.

Their death is the objective of the Frozen Halls storyline quest A [25-30D] Deliverance from the Pit / (Horde).

Adventure Guide[]

The diminutive necromancer Krick oversees the workers in the Pit of Saron. From atop the ghastly Ick, he can safely throw poison, explosives and dark magic at his enemies. From this vantage point, he has also learned dark secrets of Icecrown Citadel that could topple the Lich King.


Astride Ick, an unusually large zombie, the devious gnome Krick supervises undead labor in the Pit of Saron.[2]


  • Inv gauntlets 05 Mighty Kick — Ick kicks a player, inflicting Physical damage and knocking them back.
  • Spell frost stun Pursuit — Krick orders Ick to attack a random player, fixating on them. While pursuing a player, Ick's movement speed is reduced by 50% and all damage done is increased by 50%.
  • Spell nature elementalshields Poison Nova — Krick orders Ick to unleash a poison nova, inflicting 15600 Nature damage and an additional 13650 Nature damage over 21 sec. to all players within 15 yards.
  • Spell nature wispsplode Explosive Barrage — Krick launches explosive missiles at all players. When the missiles land, they create an Exploding Orb that detonates after 3 seconds, inflicting (100% of Spell power) Arcane to all players within 6 yards.
  • Spell nature acid 01 Toxic Waste — Krick hurls toxic waste at a player's location, inflicting Nature damage to all enemies within 4 yards for 10 sec.
  • Spell shadow shadowbolt Shadow Bolt — Krick hurls a bolt of dark magic at a player, inflicting Shadow damage.


For the most part, this is a fairly simple fight with a lot of movement. Focus on Ick as Krick cannot be directly targeted.

First, make sure to clear out the other plague eruptors surrounding Krick and Ick, as they will periodically wander up to the boss area, which can cause a wipe if too many join the fight. When engaging Krick and Ick, Ick will stick to basic melee, while Krick will ride atop Ick's back, firing globs of poison that will land and create a field of poison, which continues to deal damage to anyone standing in it and lasts for around ten seconds. Thus, the tank must continue to drag Krick and Ick around to avoid the poison patches. Most of the time Krick will stick to firing off Toxic Waste. If not, any of the three abilities could be cast at random:

Krick yells: No, that one! That one! Get that one!
Ick is chasing you!

Krick will target and have Ick attack a specific player including the tank. Said player must immediately run away, kiting Ick around the area taking care to not get cornered. Ick's attack power is increased, so do not get caught.

Krick yells: Quickly! Poison them all while they're still close!
Ick begins to unleash a toxic poison cloud!

Ick will cast a poison nova, which is a point-blank AoE that deals extremely high damage (around 30k on Heroic) followed by a DoT ticking for 1500/6000 every three seconds. It only has an 18 yard range, so run away while he's winding up, as it's a five second cast. Death Knight's Spell shadow antimagicshell [Anti-Magic Shell] works to negate the damage here, enabling them to keep DPSing or tanking without running away.

Krick yells: Enough moving around! Hold still while I blow them all up!
Krick begins rapidly conjuring explosive mines!

In this attack, Ick remains stationary while Krick continuously summons mines at every player's position for 18 seconds. Said mines explode after a few seconds, so keep moving.







Our work must not be interrupted! Ick, take care of them!
Poison Nova
Quickly! Poison them all while they're still close!
Explosive Barrage
Enough moving around! Hold still while I blow them all up!
  • No! That one! That one! Get that one!
  • I've changed my mind... go get that one instead!
  • What are you attacking him for? The dangerous one is over there, fool!
Killing a player
  • Ooh... We could probably use these parts!
  • Arms and legs are in short supply... Thanks for your contribution!
Outro as Alliance (upon killing Ick)
Krick yells: Wait! Stop! Don't kill me, please! I'll tell you everything!
Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: I'm not so naive as to believe your appeal for clemency, but I will listen.
Krick yells: What you seek is in the master's lair, but you must destroy Tyrannus to gain entry. Now, within the Halls of Reflection you will find Frostmourne. It... It holds the truth.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: Frostmourne lies unguarded? Impossible!
Krick yells: I swear it is true! Please, don't kill me!!
Scourgelord Tyrannus yells: Worthless gnat! Death is all that awaits you!
Krick yells: Urg... no!!
Tyrannus uses Strangulating and then Necromantic Power, killing Krick.
Scourgelord Tyrannus yells: Do not think that I shall permit you entry into my master's sanctum so easily. Pursue me if you dare.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore yells: What a cruel end. Come, heroes. We must see if the gnome's story is true. If we can separate Arthas from Frostmourne, we might have a chance at stopping him.
Jaina then meets up with the large group of freed slaves and Martin Victus at the base of the path.
Outro as Horde (upon killing Ick)
Krick yells: Wait! Stop! Don't kill me, please! I'll tell you everything!
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Why should the Banshee Queen spare your miserable life?
Krick yells: What you seek is in the master's lair, but you must destroy Tyrannus to gain entry. Now, within the Halls of Reflection you will find Frostmourne. It... It holds the truth.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Frostmourne? The Lich King is never without his blade! If you are lying to me...
Krick yells: I swear it is true! Please, don't kill me!!
Scourgelord Tyrannus yells: Worthless gnat! Death is all that awaits you!
Krick yells: Urg... no!!
Tyrannus uses Strangulating and then Necromantic Power, killing Krick.
Scourgelord Tyrannus yells: Do not think that I shall permit you entry into my master's sanctum so easily. Pursue me if you dare.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: A fitting end for a traitor. Come, we must free the slaves and see what is within the Lich King's chamber for ourselves.
Sylvanas then meets up with the large group of freed slaves and Gorkun Ironskull at the base of the path.



  • In the Magic: The Gathering book, Time Streams, the primary antagonist is K'rrick, a spy who is compleated, turning him into a monster made of decaying flesh and scrap metal. The gnome's name and the choice of a plague eruptor to accompany him could be a subtle reference.
  • Krick's name might also be a reference to famed molecular biologist Francis Crick, co-discoverer of the DNA molecule.
  • This boss might be a reference to Master Blaster from Mad Max - Beyond Thunderdome, as Master Blaster was another pair up of a midget controller (Krick and Master), and a brutish slave (Ick and Blaster). Also, Master Blaster was the overseer of the machinery powering the city in the movie.
  • Krick's voice is very similar to that of Vizzini, an arrogant and controlling midget from the movie The Princess Bride. Ick may be a reference to Fezzik, a giant in Vizzini's gang.
  • Krick originally used the leper gnome model, but was later changed to a normal gnome with the glowing blue eyes of a death knight.
  • Krick is voiced by Dino Andrade.


  • Old model

    Old model

Patch changes[]


External links[]

Krick Ick