Investigator Erima

  • ️Tue Nov 15 2022
NeutralInvestigator Erima
Image of Investigator Erima
Gender Male
Race Bronze drakonid (Dragonkin)
Level 68-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valdrakken Accord, Scalesworn
Location Seat of the Aspects, Valdrakken; Misty Vale, Thaldraszus
Status Alive
Investigator Erima in the Seat of the Aspects

In the Seat of the Aspects.

Investigator Erima is a bronze drakonid located in Thaldraszus.




In front of Misty Vale

To think that the rebel hideaway was right under our noses...

Inside Misty Vale

It's alarming that the rebels were so easily swayed by the Primalists into harming their own kin.

After To Breach a Fire Wall

The rebels who harm innocents cannot be redeemed.


Main article: Chaos and Commotion#Notes
Main article: Follow the Clues#Notes

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