
  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
Image of Ivanyr
Gender Male
Race Nightfallen (Humanoid)
Level 112 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Arcway
Status Killable

General Xakal
Advisor Vandros


Ivanyr is a nightfallen located in the Arcway.


Adventure Guide[]

Cut off from the power of the Nightwell and cast into the dark expanse of the Arcway, Ivanyr wandered aimless, slowly withering away, until he came upon a trove in the foundations beneath the great library of Suramar. He spends his days feverishly working to decipher the tomes there, feeding off the power of relics in the achives[sic] in order to sustain himself. But even as that magic sustains his body, his mind cracks and weakens.


As Ivanyr drains mana from the Night Crystal he grows increasingly powerful.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • Ivanyr will gain stacks of Overcharge if Overcharge Mana is not interrupted.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • Volatile Magic inflicts heavy damage to its target and nearby allies when it expires.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Ivanyr will gain stacks of Overcharge if Overcharge Mana is not interrupted.


  • Spell arcane blast Arcane Blast — Ivanyr blasts his target with Arcane energy, inflicting 219375 to 230625 Arcane damage.
  • Spell arcane invocation Nether Link — Ivanyr links 3 random players together, repelling them from each other for 5 sec. When Nether Link expires, a pool of arcane energy is created in the space between the targeted players for 2 min. The pool of energy inflicts 350000 Arcane damage to all players in within the area every second.
  • Ability socererking arcanereplication Volatile Magic — Ivanyr marks several random players with Volatile Magic. After 6 sec., the magic explodes, inflicting 300300 to 315700 to all players within 8 yards.
  • Spell shadow siphonmana Overcharge Mana Important Interruptible — Ivanyr channels power from the Night Crystal, periodically gaining stacks of Overcharge.
    • Spell frost manaburn Overcharge — Haste and all damage done increased by 5% per stack.
    • Spell arcane massdispel Charged Bolt Heroic Difficulty — As Ivanyr drains energy from the Night Crystal it becomes unstable, increasingly emitting Charged Bolts. Each bolt travels out from the crystal and inflicts 250000 Arcane damage every 0.5 sec to any player it touches.


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Item Type
Inv misc gem ebondraenite 02 [Ivanyr's Hunger] Shadow artifact relic
Inv shoulder cloth legionendgame c 01 [Manawracker Shoulders] Cloth shoulders
Inv chest plate legiondungeon c 01 [Crackling Overcharge Chestguard] Plate chest
Inv bracer leather legionendgame c 01 [Swordsinger's Wristguards] Leather bracers
Inv glove cloth legiondungeon c 01 [Ink-Smudged Handwraps] Cloth gloves
Inv glove mail legiondungeon c 01 [Nether Mindsnappers] Mail gloves
Inv belt plate legionendgame c 01 [Arcane Defender's Belt] Plate belt
Inv boots mail legionendgame c 01 [Ley Dragoon's Stompers] Mail boots
Inv boot leather legiondungeon c 01 [Tunnel Trudger Footguards] Leather boots
Inv 70 dungeon ring6a [Gnawed Thumb Ring] Caster ring
Inv 7 0raid trinket 01d [Portable Manacracker] Caster DPS trinket



Stay back! It's mine!
Thieves! The mana is MINE!
Volatile Magic
  • Go away!
  • Get away from my mana!
Killed a player
  • Thieving wretch!
  • I warned you!
  • I will not be consumed!
More... more...
Unused quotes
  • No! I need more...
  • No! I will not succumb.

Patch changes[]

External links[]