Jaramin Skisson

Jaramin Skisson
No image available
Gender Male
Race Human
Affiliation(s) Alliance
Occupation Taretha's and Thrall's teacher
Status Unknown

Jaramin Skisson was a tutor to Taretha Foxton and Thrall. He is described as a "fussy, kind man". Jaramin taught Thrall how to read and write and was impressed at his intelligence. He was surprised when Aedelas Blackmoore told him that they would no longer need his services. He protested that Thrall knew little of subjects such as history or art, but Blackmoore dismissed his concerns, telling him that he only allowed Thrall to learn how to read because he thought it would make him a better strategist.[1]

His status is unknown.


  1. ^ Lord of the Clans, pg. 27-32