
  • ️Tue Oct 14 2008
Image of Jotun
Title <The Curse Bearer>
Gender Male
Race Titanic watcher (Giant)
Level 15-30 Elite / 10-45 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Location Path of the Titans, Dragonblight (WoW); Unknown (lore)[1]
Status Unknown (lore)[1]
Killable Wrath-Logo-Small
Companion(s) Tyr

In game

Jotun is a titanic watcher that walks along the Path of the Titans in the Dragonblight, as if he had some purpose to his stride.[1] He is considered to be a titanic mystery of Northrend.[2] He and Tyr were close friends.[3]


Ancient history[]

Jotun forged and helped Tyr replace his hand with a fist of silver after his real hand had been devoured by Galakrond,[4][5] and he also added Tyr's new symbol onto his hammer.[5]

When Tyr discovered Loken's treachery, Jotun did not flee south with Tyr, but, inspired by the keeper's ideals of personal sacrifice, the giant stayed behind to distract Loken and help mask his allies' escape. He was captured and cursed by Loken to shatter the anvil he had used to craft Tyr's hand and reshape his hammer, and to attack any ally of Tyr's;[5] the curse will not let him die.[3]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, Jotun killed Galford who was carrying a Spark of Tyr. Lanigosa and the paladin champion tracked them and were forced to attack Jotun in order to regain the Spark from the watcher. During the fight, Jotun came to his senses for a moment. Unable to die and fearing of madness, Jotun gave his attackers the Spark.[3]

Exploring Azeroth[]

Muradin Bronzebeard was familiar with Jotun's story. After the war against the Jailer, the three brothers Bronzebeards walked the Path of the Titans, and Magni wanted to meet Jotun, but he was nowhere to be found. Magni wondered if perhaps Loken's defeat broke Jotun's curse, with Brann hoping he could be in the Storm Peaks. When the trio visited Thorim in the Temple of Storms, the keeper didn't know what had happened to Jotun.[1]


  • Ability smash Smash — Sends a wave of force in front of the caster, inflicting damage to enemies.


Main article: The Brother's Trail#Notes


  • His name is a reference to the Jötunn/Jotnar of Norse Mythology.
  • Though he can be killed, his drops nothing of note.
  • Jotun appears as a legendary demon hunter minion in the TITANS expansion. His flavor text reads: "He doesn't look like a turtle?"


  • Signature Jotun, the Eternal in Hearthstone.

Patch changes[]

See also[]


External links[]

Lesser titan-forged