Karazhan Catacombs
- ️Tue Jul 19 2016

The catacombs' entrance.

World map.
Karazhan Catacombs are the large catacombs under Karazhan in Deadwind Pass. They acted as the main hideout for the Dark Riders and were where they brought all of their stolen artifacts.
This section concerns content related to Legion.
Soon after the Battle for Broken Shore, Ariden stole the Scythe of Elune in Duskwood, a relic the Riders had been seeking for some time.[1] He was followed to Karazhan not only by the druid adventurer, but also by a warlock adventurer seeking [Ulthalesh, the Deadwind Harvester], a death knight adventurer seeking
[Apocalypse], and the priest Revil Kost who had dealt with the Dark Riders before. After they find clues as to his whereabouts at his old camp, Ariden was pursued into the Dark Riders' base of operations beneath Karazhan. He and his Dark Riders held them off, but though Ariden even claimed the artifacts they seek, he was defeated by the adventurers.[2]
After the battle, Revil Kost announced that the Dark Riders were defeated, and that he would reclaim the stolen artifacts and return them to their rightful owners.
Before the events of Black Empire Campaign, Wrathion intended to study the artifacts stored within the catacombs,[3] continuing his journey to find a way to defeat the Old Gods. When the adventurers went to Karazhan in search of the Black Prince, one of his agent stood watch over the cave, but was killed by Sleepless operatives led by X'korr the Compelling who infiltrated the area. After the adventurers killed X'korr and his agents inside, they learned that Wrathion managed to elude his pursuers, but also left behind a message and a [Potion of Mental Clarity] in order to save the black dragon Ebyssian from N'Zoth's whispers.[4]

Tauren statue.
Along with the main artifacts that are retrieved during the Artifact class questline, the various rooms include the following:
- Numerous Titan technologies
- Numerous strange runes
- Numerous strange crystals
- Numerous scrolls
- Numerous weapons
- Numerous armor pieces
- Highmaul magical runes
- Skyreach technologies
- Ethereal technologies
- Draenei technologies
- Qiraji monoliths
- Twilight's Hammer ritual stones
- Scourgestones
- Either frozen or petrified humans
- Ancient totems
- Uldum sarcophagi
- Statue of the Earthmother
- Mantid relics
- Moonstones
- A severed ogre head
- A severed imp head
- The Last Guardian had its own depiction of Karazhan's lower levels, see Lower Karazhan.
- Before the First War, during Medivh and Aegwynn's magical duel, Aegwynn surmised that if he was to win their encounter, Sargeras would have imprisoned her in Karazhan's dungeon, able to see and hear all that went on, be made aware of every foul deed that her son performed in the archdemon's name.[5]
Patch changes[]
Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.