Legion alchemy recipes

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Alchemy recipes
By skill

Outland Bc icon
Northrend Wrath-Logo-Small
Cataclysm Cataclysm
Pandaria Mists of Pandaria
Draenor Warlords of Draenor
Legion Legion
Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands Shadowlands
Dragon Isles Dragonflight

By type

Battle Elixirs
Guardian Elixirs

Legion proficiency Alchemy proficiency can be trained as early as level 98, permits progression up to 100 skill, and access to the following recipes:

Recipe Materials Optional Skill G. G. G. Source
1x Inv alchemy 70 cauldron [Spirit Cauldron]
Combat Potions
Recipe Materials Optional Skill G. G. G. Source
1x Inv alchemy 70 red [Ancient Healing Potion]
1x Inv alchemy 70 blue [Ancient Mana Potion]
1x Inv alchemy 70 purple [Ancient Rejuvenation Potion]
1x Inv alchemy 70 flask02 [Potion of Deadly Grace]
1x Inv alchemy 70 orange [Potion of the Old War]
1x Inv alchemy 70 flask04 [Unbending Potion]
1x Inv alchemy 70 flask01 [Leytorrent Potion]
1x Trade alchemy dpotion a28 [Potion of Prolonged Power]
1x Inv alchemy lightbloodelixir [Lightblood Elixir]
1x Inv potion 153 [Astral Healing Potion]
Utility Potions
Recipe Materials Optional Skill G. G. G. Source
1x Inv alchemy 70 potion3 [Draught of Raw Magic]
1x Inv alchemy 70 potion2 [Sylvan Elixir]
1x Inv alchemy 70 potion3 drogbar [Avalanche Elixir]
1x Inv alchemy 70 potion2 vrykul [Skaggldrynk]
1x Inv alchemy 70 potion2 nightborne [Skystep Potion]
1x Inv alchemy tearsofthenaaru [Tears of the Naaru]
1x Inv first aid 70 jar [Silvery Salve]
Recipe Materials Optional Skill G. G. G. Source
1x Inv alchemy 70 trinket [Infernal Alchemist Stone]
1x Inv alchemy astralalchemiststone [Astral Alchemist Stone]
Recipe Materials Optional Skill G. G. G. Source
1x Wild Transmutation
1x Pile of Silk
1x Pile of Skins
1x Inv ore adamantite nugget [Pile of Ore]
1x Achievement guildperk bountifulbags [Pile of Herbs]
1x Pile of Gems
1x Inv pants 01 [Pile of Pants]
1x Inv misc food 114 orcablubber [Pulsating Sac]
1x Inv blood of sargeras [Blood of Sargeras]
1x Inv misc primalsargerite [Primal Sargerite]
Recipe Materials Optional Skill G. G. G. Source
1x Inv alchemy 70 flask03purple [Flask of the Whispered Pact]
1x Inv alchemy 70 flask03orange [Flask of the Seventh Demon]
1x Inv alchemy 70 flask03red [Flask of the Countless Armies]
1x Inv alchemy 70 flask03green [Flask of Ten Thousand Scars]

Potions, Elixirs, Flasks and Stones[]

Legion recipes beginning with quests by Deucus Valdera in Dalaran
Crafted Item Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3
Recipe Link Required Quest Recipe Link Source Recipe Link Source
Inv alchemy 70 red [Ancient Healing Potion] [Rank 1] N Alchemy [10-45] Get Your Mix On [Rank 2] Discovered [Rank 3] Discovered
Inv alchemy 70 blue [Ancient Mana Potion] [Rank 1] [Rank 2] Discovered [Rank 3] Discovered
Inv alchemy 70 purple [Ancient Rejuvenation Potion] [Rank 1] [Rank 2] Discovered [Rank 3] Discovered
Inv alchemy 70 potion3 [Draught of Raw Magic] [Rank 1] N Alchemy [10-45] Ley Hunting [Rank 2] N [45WQ] Work Order: Draughts of Raw Magic [Rank 3] Discovered
Inv alchemy 70 potion2 [Sylvan Elixir] [Rank 1] N Alchemy [10-45] Furbolg Firewater [Rank 2] N [45WQ] Work Order: Sylvan Elixirs [Rank 3] Discovered
Inv alchemy 70 potion3 drogbar [Avalanche Elixir] [Rank 1] N Alchemy [10-45] Thanks for Flasking [Rank 2] N [45WQ] Work Order: Avalanche Elixirs [Rank 3] Discovered
Inv alchemy 70 potion2 vrykul [Skaggldrynk] [Rank 1] N Alchemy [10-45] We Need More Powder! [Rank 2] N [45WQ] Work Order: Skaggldrynk [Rank 3] Discovered
Inv alchemy 70 potion2 nightborne [Skystep Potion] [Rank 1] N Alchemy [10-45] Return the Filter [Rank 2] N [45WQ] Work Order: Skystep Potions [Rank 3] Discovered
Inv alchemy 70 flask01 [Leytorrent Potion] [Rank 1] N Alchemy [45D] Bendy Glass Tubes [Rank 2] Drop from Wrath of Azshara in Eye of Azshara (Heroic or higher) [Rank 3] Discovered
Inv alchemy 70 flask02 [Potion of Deadly Grace] [Rank 1] [Rank 2] Drop from Advisor Melandrus in CoS (Heroic or higher) [Rank 3] Discovered
Inv alchemy 70 orange [Potion of the Old War] [Rank 1] [Rank 2] Drop from Advisor Vandros in Arcway (Heroic or higher) [Rank 3] Discovered
Inv alchemy 70 flask04 [Unbending Potion] [Rank 1] [Rank 2] Drop from Dargrul in NL (Heroic or higher) [Rank 3] Discovered
Inv alchemy 70 trinket [Infernal Alchemist Stone] [Rank 1] [Rank 2] Rare drop from demons in Legion [Rank 3] Discovered
Inv alchemy 70 flask03green [Flask of Ten Thousand Scars] [Rank 1] N Alchemy [45] Testing the Calibration [Rank 2] Drop from Odyn in HoV (Heroic or higher) [Rank 3] Discovered
Inv alchemy 70 flask03orange [Flask of the Seventh Demon] [Rank 1] [Rank 2] Drop from Cordana Felsong in VotW (Heroic or higher) [Rank 3] Discovered
Inv alchemy 70 flask03red [Flask of the Countless Armies] [Rank 1] [Rank 2] Drop from Helya in MoS (Heroic or higher) [Rank 3] Discovered
Inv alchemy 70 flask03purple [Flask of the Whispered Pact] [Rank 1] [Rank 2] Drop from Latosius (Heroic or higher) [Rank 3] Discovered
Inv alchemy 70 cauldron [Spirit Cauldron] [Rank 1] N Alchemy [45R] The Emerald Nightmare: Rage Fire [Rank 2] Drop from Cenarius (any difficulty) [Rank 3] Discovered
Other Legion recipes
Crafted Item Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3
Recipe Link Source Recipe Link Source Recipe Link Source
Trade alchemy dpotion a28 [Potion of Prolonged Power] [Rank 1] World Drop [Rank 2] First Arcanist Thalyssra, needs revered [Rank 3] Na'zak the Fiend
Inv alchemy astralalchemiststone [Astral Alchemist Stone] Rank 1 N Alchemy [45] Ascending Alchemy Rank 2 Toraan the Revered, needs revered Rank 3 Toraan the Revered, needs exalted
Inv potion 153 [Astral Healing Potion] Rank 1 Alchemist Funen, needs N Alchemy [45] Tracking the Trackers Rank 2 Discovered Rank 3 Toraan the Revered, needs exalted
Inv alchemy lightbloodelixir [Lightblood Elixir] Rank 1 Alchemist Funen, needs N Alchemy [45] Limited Supplies Rank 2 N [45WQ] Work Order: Lightblood Elixirs Rank 3 Discovered
Inv alchemy tearsofthenaaru [Tears of the Naaru] Rank 1 Alchemist Funen, needs N Alchemy [45] Tracking the Trackers Rank 2 N [45WQ] Work Order: Tears of the Naaru Rank 3 Discovered


The following are sold by vendors:

The following are discovered when using Wild Transmutation: