Lion's Rest

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
Legion Alliance Epilogue - Lion's Rest

Lion's Rest in the Defeat of the Burning Legion: Alliance Epilogue cinematic.

Lion's Rest

Lion's Rest in World of Warcraft.

Anduin Speach at Lion's Rest

Anduin gives a speech at Lion's Rest.

Lion's Rest is a subzone of Stormwind City, built over the site of the former Park and Old Barracks, previously destroyed by Deathwing.

Lion's Rest is a peaceful place dedicated to reflection which commemorates the late King Varian Wrynn as well as those who fell in battle to defend the Alliance. The monument there does not contain the body of the King, as it could not be recovered. King Anduin Wrynn often uses this place to address his people on solemn occasions.[1]

After completing A [10-45] The Fallen Lion, Lion's Rest phases and becomes a cenotaph for King Varian Wrynn after he was slain at the Broken Shore, as well as the site of a monument to Stormwind's fallen.

The Uncrowned's Shadowblade, Taoshi, and Mathias Shaw sneaked through the area in order to get to the SI:7 building and reveal Detheroc.[2]

After the end of the third invasion of the Burning Legion, and the defeat of Sargeras, Anduin gave a hopeful speech at Lion's Rest to the Alliance. He was then approached by Spymaster Shaw and Genn Greymane for a private meeting about a mysterious new substance in Silithus.[3]

Following the Fourth War, when Sylvanas Windrunner used the Helm of Domination to shatter the barrier between Azeroth and the Shadowlands, both King Anduin Wrynn and King Genn Greymane were at Lion's Rest to visit Varian's grave. From the sky, two Mawsworn kyrian kidnapped Anduin and took him away to the Shadowlands, leaving Genn furious and helpless.[4]

Guard description[]

Lion's Rest is a place of contemplation and remembrance, a tranquil park dedicated in honor of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf.[5]

Varian's monument[]

Lion's Rest Writing

The inscription on the monument above Varian's cenotaph.

The pillar behind Varian's cenotaph is engraved with an inscription honoring the late king. It reads:

The Son of Stormwind lies here. Broken in two by his weakness, he lived by the sword. Forged together again, the greatest king the kingdoms of Lordaeron have ever seen. He led the might of the Alliance with pride. He lives forever in our heavy hearts. Rest in peace, O Son of Stormwind.[1]




Patch changes[]

External links[]

Stormwind City Stormwind Extraction

Stormwind City is Alliance territory

Map of Stormwind City