List of druids

Druid Crest

This article is a list of druids that are known from around Azeroth, Outland, alternate Draenor, and Argus.

Named druids[]

Alliance Crest Alliance[]

Name Role Affiliation Status
IconSmall NightElf Male Alune Windmane One of the Alliance captains in Ashran. Wrynn's Vanguard Killable
IconSmall NightElf Male Anenga Leader of the druids in Stormshield. Darnassus, Wrynn's Vanguard (presumed) Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Arvell Friend of Ralaar Fangfire, died during the War of the Satyr. Darnassus Deceased
IconSmall NightElf Male Astrylian Member of the forces who repelled The Ironmarch. Wrynn's Raiders, Uber Town Deceased
IconSmall NightElf Female Becanna Edune Druid found at the House of Edune in Ashenvale. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Braxiss the Sleeper Darnassus Alive
IconSmall Broll Broll Bearmantle Champion of the Cenarion Circle and of the Crimson Ring. Cenarion Circle, Varian Wrynn Alive
IconSmall Worgen Male Bryan Schnau Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Celadina Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall Worgen Female Celestine of the Harvest Druid trainer in Gilneas, Stormwind City, and Mount Hyjal. Gilneas, Stormwind, Guardians of Hyjal Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Corvine Moonrise Quest giver at Auberdine Refugee Camp, Darkshore. Darnassus, Druids of the Talon Alive
IconSmall Worgen Male Dareth Druid trainer at the entrance of Ironforge, Dun Morogh. Gilneas Alive
IconSmall Worgen Male Daven Kessler Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall Worgen Male Dekland Strange Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Denatharion Druid trainer at Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Druid of the Talon Quest giver at Gordok Commons, Dire Maul. Druids of the Talon Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Dular Druid trainer at Lor'danel, Darkshore. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Eivi Nightfeather Druid trapped inside icicle blocks and must be freed if the raid wants help against Hodir. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Elerethe Renferal Once a mighty druid and adept shapeshifter, was led by a dark path. Darnassus, Stormpike Guard, Cenarion Circle Active
IconSmall NightElf Female Ellie Nightfeather Druid trapped inside icicle blocks and must be freed if the raid wants help against Hodir. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall Worgen Male Ellington Moonheart Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Fylerian Nightwing Druid trainer at Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Gaivan Shadewalker Quest giver at Dor'Danil Barrow Den, Ashenvale. Darnassus, Druids of the Claw Deceased
IconSmall NightElf Male Golhine the Hooded Druid trainer at Talonbranch Glade, Felwood. Darnassus Unknown
IconSmall NightElf Male Gorandir Wildsong Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Heralath Fallowbrook Quest giver at Razorfen Kraul. Darnassus Deceased
IconSmall NightElf Female Hestiah Ravenwood Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Ilaniel Pine Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall Worgen Female Ilspeth Hollander Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Kage Satsuke Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Kal Druid trainer at Dolanaar, Teldrassil. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Kavina Grovesong One of the possible opponents for Horde in the Faction Champions battle in the Trial of the Crusader. Darnassus Defeatable
IconSmall NightElf Male Kerlonian Evershade Quest giver at Grove of the Ancients, Darkshore. Darnassus, Druids of the Claw Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Kihra Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Kinelory Quest giver at Go'Shek Farm, Arathi Highlands. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Kirandros Galeheart Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Lyros Swiftwind Druid trainer at Talonbranch Glade, Felwood. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Maldryn Druid trainer at Lion's Rest, Stormwind City. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall Malfurion Malfurion Stormrage The first of the druids on Azeroth. Darnassus, Cenarion Circle, Guardians of Hyjal, Avengers of Hyjal Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Mardant Strongoak Druid trainer at Aldrassil, Teldrassil. Darnassus, Guardians of Hyjal Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Mathrengyl Bearwalker Druid trainer at Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus. He used to be Fandral Staghelm's second. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Melador Valestrider One of the possible opponents for Horde in the Faction Champions battle in the Trial of the Crusader. Darnassus Defeatable
IconSmall NightElf Male Melithar Staghelm Quest giver at Aldrassil, Teldrassil. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Muran Fairden Druid trainer at Dalaran. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Narestel Palestar Druid located at Dalaran. Darnassus (presumed) Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Nuria Thornstorm Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Oben Rageclaw Quest giver at Ban'ethil Barrow Den, Teldrassil. Darnassus (presumed) Active
IconSmall NightElf Female Officer Lunalight Quest giver at The Temple Gardens, Darnassus. Darnassus Unknown
IconSmall Worgen Female Permelia Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Qiana Moonshadow Follower. Member of the forces who repelled The Ironmarch. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Ramall Trueoak Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall Worgen Female Randee Wallyce Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall Worgen Male Renthal Bloodfang Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Rin Starsong Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Rina Moonspring Quest giver at Sylvanaar, Blade's Edge Mountains. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall Worgen Male Ruvan Hornsby Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall Worgen Female Sarah Schnau Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Scarletleaf Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall Worgen Female Seline Keihl Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Sentinel Amarassan A sentinel who patrolled around Stonetalon Mountains. Darnassus, Sentinels Unknown
IconSmall NightElf Male Shalannius Druid trainer at Valaar's Berth, Azuremyst Isle. Exodar Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Sheldras Moontree Druid trainer at Lion's Rest, Stormwind City. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Syverandin Yewshade Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Talar Oaktalon Ship captain sent by Darnassus to assist Gilneas with the worgen. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Tallonkai Swiftroot Leader of Dolanaar. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Talran of the Wild Druid trainer at Howling Oak, Darnassus. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Thaal'kos Thundersong Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Thalis Moonleaf Member of the forces who repelled The Ironmarch. Darnassus Unknown
IconSmall NightElf Male Theridran Druid trainer at Lion's Rest, Stormwind City. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Thisalee Crow Follower. Champion of the Cenarion Circle. Cenarion Circle, Guardians of Hyjal, Druids of the Talon Alive
IconSmall Worgen Female Ursila Hudsen Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Vassandra Stormclaw Druid trainer at Howling Oak, Darnassus. Darnassus Alive
IconSmall Worgen Male Verroak Greenheart Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall Worgen Male Vulric Fangborne Follower. Lunarfall Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Xeranitas Follower. Lunarfall Alive

Horde Crest Horde[]

Name Role Affiliation Status
IconSmall Tauren Male Allabas Flight master at Windfall Cavern in Stormsong Valley. The Honorbound Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Bashana Runetotem Daughter of Hamuul Runetotem and member of the Cenarion Circle. Cenarion Circle, Thunder Bluff Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Cadi Grasshoof Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Choluna Follower. Member of the Druids of the Talon. Cenarion Circle, Guardians of Hyjal, Druids of the Talon Alive
IconSmall Troll Female Den'chulu Druid trainer at Sen'jin Village, Durotar. Darkspear tribe Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Dreadpaw Member of the Uber Town group. Uber Town Unknown
IconSmall Tauren Male Erin Misthoof One of the possible opponents for Alliance in the Faction Champions battle in the Trial of the Crusader. Thunder Bluff Defeatable
IconSmall Tauren Male Gart Mistrunner Druid trainer at Camp Narache, Mulgore. Thunder Bluff, Guardians of Hyjal Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Genah Brawnhoof Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Gennia Runetotem Druid trainer at Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore. Thunder Bluff Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Goahn Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Guardian Atohi Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Hahna Moonscrest Druid trainer at Dalaran. Thunder Bluff Alive
IconSmall Hamuul Hamuul Runetotem Archdruid of the tauren, leader of the Horde druids and Champion of the Cenarion Circle Cenarion Circle, Thunder Bluff, Guardians of Hyjal, New Council of Tirisfal Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Harene Plainwalker Druid trainer at Walk of Elders, Silvermoon City. Thunder Bluff Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Haumeja Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male High Chieftain Cliffwalker Leader of Cliffwalker Post in the Stonetalon Mountains. Thunder Bluff Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Humak the Verdant Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Hunaka Greenhoof Druid located at Dalaran. Thrall's Thrashers, Thunder Bluff (presumed) Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Iye Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Jabul Druid trainer at Razor Hill, Durotar. Darkspear tribe Alive
IconSmall Troll Female Ja'kala Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Troll Female Jakama Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Jannos Lighthoof Druid trainer at Camp Mojache, Feralas. Thunder Bluff Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Yano Barkhoof Leader of the druids in Warspear. Thunder Bluff, Vol'jin's Spear (presumed) Alive
IconSmall Troll Female Kaluaka Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Troll Female Kanga the Primal Fallen troll hero, former owner of a Savage Raptor. Darkspear tribe (presumed) Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Kar Greycloud Druid trapped inside icicle blocks and must be freed if the raid wants help against Hodir. Thunder Bluff Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Kona Thunderwalk Leader of the Horde forces located outside of Honor's Stand, Southern Barrens. Thunder Bluff Killable
IconSmall Tauren Female Kuma Thunderhide Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Kym Wildmane Druid trainer at Elder Rise, Thunder Bluff. Thunder Bluff Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Magrum Mistrunner Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Mala Skywatcher Druid trainer at The Apothecarium, Undercity. Thunder Bluff Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Musu Gentlemoon Druid trainer at The Crossroads, Northern Barrens. Thunder Bluff Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Matoclaw Follower. Quest giver at Grove of Aessina, Mount Hyjal. Guardians of Hyjal Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Mojo'kai Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Muaha Stonehide Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Troll Female Neejala Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Plainsmender Darragh Member of the forces who repelled The Ironmarch. Uber Town Deceased
IconSmall Troll Male Rada'jin Druid that wishes to prove himself and the Darkspear tribe as a whole to the orcs. Garad'kra Deceased
IconSmall Tauren Male Ruul Snowhoof Quest giver at Thistlefur Hold, Ashenvale Thunder Bluff Alive
IconSmall Troll Female Sa'vi Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Scarab Lord Hamlet Member of the Uber Town group. Uber Town Unknown
IconSmall Troll Female Sesebi Druid trainer at Valley of Spirits, Orgrimmar. Darkspear tribe Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Shalla Whiteleaf Druid trainer at Valley of Wisdom, Orgrimmar. Thunder Bluff Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Sheal Runetotem Druid trainer at Elder Rise, Thunder Bluff. Thunder Bluff Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Snig Druid who famously used Green Whelp Armor during a battle in Warsong Gulch. Thunder Bluff (presumed) Unknown
IconSmall Troll Female Sulaka Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Su'tila Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Tama Skyhoof Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Tapa Swiftpaw Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Tholo Whitehoof Follower. Quest giver at Nordrassil, Mount Hyjal. Guardians of Hyjal Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Tor Greycloud Druid trapped inside icicle blocks and must be freed if the raid wants help against Hodir. Thunder Bluff Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Turak Runetotem Druid trainer at Elder Rise, Thunder Bluff. Thunder Bluff, Guardians of Hyjal Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Va'zik Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Zandalari Female Wardruid Loti Member of the Zanchuli Council and the high priest of Gonk. Zandalari Empire, Zanchuli Council Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Xarantaur The Witness. He was raised to immortality by Nozdormu to serve as an agent of the bronze dragonflight. Bronze dragonflight, Warsong Offensive Alive
IconSmall Troll Female Zen'kili Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Troll Female Zen'tabra First troll druid and Champion of the Cenarion Circle Darkspear tribe, Guardians of Hyjal, Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Zen'taki Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Troll Female Zen'tenbi Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Troll Female Zen'tika Follower. Frostwall Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Zen'tiki Follower. Frostwall Alive

Neutral Neutral[]

Name Role Affiliation Status
IconSmall Unknown Aglaya She possessed Inv bracer 40 [Oneth's Intuition] from an ancient bull that had been graced with a disposition of eternal happiness. Unknown Unknown
IconSmall Tauren Female Almenis She provides a Inv misc azsharacoin [Seal of Broken Fate] at the Dreamgrove in Val'sharah. Dreamweavers Alive
IconSmall Worgen Male Alpha Prime Formerly known as Ralaar Fangfire, the first worgen. Druids of the Scythe, Wolf Cult Deceased
IconSmall NightElf Male Alverian Valerias Druid found in Sylvan Falls, Highmountain. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Amythiel Mistwalker Quest giver at Cenarion Post, Hellfire Peninsula. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Arathandris Silversky Quest giver at Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood. Emerald Circle Unknown
IconSmall NightElf Male Archdruid Lathorius Leader of Druids for the Ethical and Humane Treatment of Animals. Cenarion Expedition, D.E.H.T.A. Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Archdruid Lilliandra Druid found in Argent Vanguard, Icecrown. Cenarion Circle, Argent Crusade Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Arthorn Windsong Quest giver at Ruuan Weald, Blade's Edge Mountains. Cenarion Expedition, Guardians of Hyjal, Druids of the Talon Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Aurine Moonblaze Quet giver at The Stormspire, Netherstorm. Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Baelir Innkeeper at Terrace of Light, Shattrath City. Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Bor Wildmane Quest giver at Cenarion Hold, Silithus. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Borun Thundersky Druid found in Shrine of Aviana, Mount Hyjal. Druids of the Talon, Guardians of Hyjal Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Cenarion Scout Unlucky restoration druid captured by the Scourge. Cenarion Circle Deceased
IconSmall Cenarius Cenarius Lord of the Forest and leader of the Cenarion Circle. Cenarion Circle, Guardians of Hyjal Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Clintar Dreamwalker Guardian of the Relics of Aviana. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Daviid Undermoon One of the druids of the Scythe that can be freed from his Feral Worgen form with Scythe of Elune. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall HighArakkoa Dawnseeker Rukaryx Follower. Arakkoa Outcasts (presumed) Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Delandros Shimmermoon Leader of the Ashen. Cenarion Circle, Ashen Alive
IconSmall DraenorAncient Del'thanar Sagewood One of the elder disciples of Elothir. Dreamweavers Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Dendrite Starblaze Druid found in Nighthaven, Moonglade. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Dreamwarden Lurosa Druid found in Stormrage Barrow Dens, Moonglade Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall Goblin Male Druid Trainer Druid trainer found in all races' starting areas on the Arena Tournament realm. Independent Unknown
IconSmall Tauren Male Earthbinder Tavgren Quest giver at Cenarion Thicket, Terokkar Forest. Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Ebru Disciple of Naralex found in the Wailing Caverns, and one who has remained uncorrupted within it. Cenarion Circle, Disciples of Naralex Alive
IconSmall Elothir Elothir Archdruid of Lore. One of three ancient Archdruids of Val'sharah, his spirit lives on in the Emerald Dream. Dreamweavers Active
IconSmall NightElf Female Eridan Bluewind Quest giver at Ruins of Constellas, Felwood. Emerald Circle Alive
IconSmall DraenorAncient Erwind Mistfen One of the elder disciples of Elothir. Dreamweavers Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Gerdes the Drowsy Innkeeper at Wileywisp Den, Val'sharah. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Faeyrine Springsong Druid found in Gadgetzan, Tanaris. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Galandria Nightbreeze Quest giver at Cenarion Post, Hellfire Peninsula. Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Farden Talonshrike Quest giver at Firelands Hatchery, Mount Hyjal. Guardians of Hyjal, Druids of the Talon Alive
IconSmall Unknown Graham Silverclaw A young druid with great potential who ran into a Legion hunting party led by Stavvius the Cutthrat. Cenarion Circle Unknown
IconSmall Tauren Female Greta Mosshoof Quest giver at Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood. Emerald Circle Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Hierophant Cenius Quest giver at D.E.H.T.A. Encampment, Borean Tundra. Cenarion Expedition, D.E.H.T.A. Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Hierophant Liandra Quest giver at The Abandoned Reach, Borean Tundra. Cenarion Circle, Cenarion Expedition, D.E.H.T.A. Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Huum Wildmane Quest giver at Cenarion Hold, Silithus. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Instructor Allandria Druid found at Highmountain, instructing Fledgling Druids on the art of using Flight Form correctly. Druids of the Talon Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Isoraen Nightstar Presumed leader of the Druids of the Moon. Cenarion Circle, Druids of the Moon Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Ivy Leafrunner Quest giver at Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood. Emerald Circle Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Kayklee Vendor at [[]], Val'sharah. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Kayra Longmane Quest giver at Umbrafen Village, Zangarmarsh Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall Cenarian Male Keeper Orremin Defender of the hidden valley in Stonetalon Mountains. Independent Alive
IconSmall Cenarian Male Keeper Remulos Keeper of Moonglade and Champion of the Cenarion Circle Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Kelek Skykeeper Druid who went to Winterspring to study the Ruins of Kel'Theril. Emerald Circle Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Khur Hornstriker Vendor at Cenarion Hold, Silithus. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Killinger the Den Watcher Quest giver at D.E.H.T.A. Encampment, Borean Tundra. Cenarion Expedition, D.E.H.T.A. Alive
IconSmall MurlocSuit King Mrgl-Mrgl Agent of the D.E.H.T.A. always found wearing a Murloc Costume. Cenarion Expedition, D.E.H.T.A., Winterfin tribe, Murkloc tribe Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Koda Steelclaw Archdruid of the Claw, one of three ancient Archdruids of Val'sharah. Dreamweavers Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Lea Stonepaw Leader of the Druids of the Claw. Cenarion Circle, Druids of the Talon Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Lethyn Moonfire Quest giver at Cenarion Refuge, Zangarmarsh. Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Lintharel Druid found at Elwynn. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Loganaar Druid trainer at Nighthaven, Moonglade. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Mahuram Stouthoof Quest giver at Cenarion Post, Hellfire Peninsula. Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Mara Swiftmane Druid who is attacked by Amateur Hunters. Cenarion Circle, Druids of the Talon Alive
IconSmall DraenorAncient Marnor Lorleaf One of the elder disciples of Elothir. Dreamweavers Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Maybess Riverbreeze Quest giver at Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood. Emerald Circle Unknown
IconSmall NightElf Male Merrus Dawnwind Trusted companion of Enchantress Ilanya. Druids of the Claw Active
IconSmall NightElf Male Morthis Whisperwing Trained druids the way of the Swift Flight Form. Cenarion Expedition, Guardians of Hyjal, Druids of the Talon Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Muha Innkeeper at Terrace of Light, Shattrath City. Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Mulgris Deepriver Quest giver at the Writhing Haunt, Western Plaguelands. Cenarion Circle Deceased
IconSmall Tauren Male Muyoh Disciple of Naralex found in the Wailing Caverns, and one who has remained uncorrupted within it. Cenarion Circle, Disciples of Naralex Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Nalpak Disciple of Naralex found in the Wailing Caverns, and one who has remained uncorrupted within it. Cenarion Circle, Disciples of Naralex Alive
IconSmall Naralex Naralex Leader of the Disciples of Naralex and Champion of the Cenarion Circle. Cenarion Circle, Disciples of Naralex Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Netheril Swiftstream One of the druids of the Scythe that can be freed from his Feral Worgen form with Scythe of Elune. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Nighteyes Druid found in Suramar. The Nightfallen, Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Numa Skyclaw Druid found in Firelands Hatchery, Mount Hyjal. Guardians of Hyjal, Druids of the Talon Alive
IconSmall Highmountain Male Pathfinder Petehsu Druid found in Summitcrest Basecamp, Highmountain Highmountain Tribe Alive
IconSmall Botani Phylarch the Evergreen Lord of The Everbloom on Draenor. Primals Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Rensar Greathoof Archdruid of the Grove. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall Human Female Rio Duran Quest giver at Shrine of Goldrinn, Mount Hyjal. Guardians of Hyjal Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Sarius Druid who followed Maiev Shadowsong to Outland to hunt Illidan Stormrage. Watchers Deceased
IconSmall NightElf Male Skylord Omnuron Leader of the Druids of the Talon. Cenarion Circle, Guardians of Hyjal, Druids of the Talon Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Sylendra Gladesong Leader of the Druids of the Antler and Champion of the Cenarion Circle. Cenarion Circle, Druids of the Antler Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Tajarri Druid found in the Shrine of Remulos, Moonglade. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Talza Led scouts into Stormheim where they were discovered by vrykul. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Taronn Redfeather Quest giver at Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood. He teaches baby wildkin at The Dreamgrove. Emerald Circle Alive
IconSmall Unknown Tenno Thornpaw Druid found at Moonclaw Vale, Val'sharah. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Thalyss Greyoak Druid found at Feralas, he stumbled upon Aramar Thorne, Makasa Flintwill and Murky. Cenarion Circle Deceased
IconSmall NightElf Male Thaon Moonclaw Archdruid of the Vale. One of three ancient Archdruids of Val'sharah, his spirit lives on in the Emerald Dream. Dreamweavers Active
IconSmall Tauren Female Thiah Redmane Quest giver at Cenarion Post, Hellfire Peninsula. Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Tiris Rainshadow Druid who seeks help to handle Gorebeak. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Tola'thion Quest giver at Cenarion Post, Hellfire Peninsula. Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Tree Warden Chawn Quest giver at Evergrove, Blade's Edge Mountains. Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall Furbolg Tur Ragepaw Furbolg who is instrumental in defeating the corrupted incarnation of Ursoc. Independent Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Warden Hamoot Quest giver at Cenarion Refuge, Zangarmarsh. Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Warden Haro Weapon crafter who use items from the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Warden Treelos Quest giver at Cenarion Thicket, Terokkar Forest. Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Watcher Jhang Quest giver at Coilfang Reservoir, Zangarmarsh. Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Watcher Leesa'oh Quest giver at Cenarion Watchpost, Zangarmarsh. Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Windcaller Blackhoof Quest giver at Cenarion Refuge, Zangarmarsh. Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall Tauren Male Windcaller Claw Member of a expedition to The Underbog, Zangarmarsh. Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Windcaller Kaldon Quest giver at Cenarion Hold, Silithus. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Windcaller Nordrala Druid found in Molten Front. Guardians of Hyjal, Druids of the Talon Alive
IconSmall Tauren Female Windcaller Proudhorn Quest giver at Cenarion Hold, Silithus. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Windcaller Voramus Druid found in Molten Front. Guardians of Hyjal, Druids of the Talon Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Windcaller Yessendra Ring crafter who use items from the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Ysiel Windsinger Leader of the Cenarion Expedition. Cenarion Expedition Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Zen'Aliri Quest giver at Marshal's Stand, Un'Goro Crater. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall Troll Female Zen'Balai Druid trainer at Nighthaven, Moonglade. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Zen'Kiki Assistant of the current Archdruid of the Cenarion Circle. Cenarion Circle Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Zen'Vorka Quartermaster of Guardians of Hyjal. Guardians of Hyjal Alive

Mob Hostile[]

Name Role Affiliation Status
IconSmall Satyr Alzzin the Wildshaper A satyr who seeks nothing less than the total corruption of Feralas. Wildspawn Deceased-Killable
IconSmall NightElf Male Archdruid Glaidalis Once known as among the most talented shapeshifters in all of Azeroth, fell into the Nightmare's clutches. Independent Killable
IconSmall NightElf Male Boahn Rare druid found in the Wailing Caverns. Druids of the Fang Deceased-Killable
IconSmall NightElf Male Brother Ravenoak Rare druid found in Stonetalon Peak, Stonetalon Mountains Independent Killable
IconSmall Highmountain Male Degar Bloodtotem Imprisoned Ohn'ahra in order to discover the location of Talonclaw. Bloodtotem tribe Killable
IconSmall FandralFire Fandral Staghelm Majordomo of Ragnaros and Archdruid of the Flame. Old Gods' forces, Twilight's Hammer, Druids of the Flame Deceased-Killable
IconSmall BloodElf Male High Botanist Freywinn Herbalist and probably in charge of the experiments the blood elves are conducting on the plants in The Botanica. Sunfury Deceased-Killable
IconSmall NightElf Female Isalien Member of the mercenary-company The Veiled Blade. The Veiled Blade Deceased
IconSmall Worgen Male Marl Wormthorn Druid responsible for what the Tainted Scar is today, the Tainted Forest. Independent Killable
IconSmall Tauren Male Mor Grayhoof Member of the mercenary-company The Veiled Blade. The Veiled Blade Deceased
IconSmall NightElf Female Lady Anacondra One of the Fanglords within the Wailing Caverns. Druids of the Fang Deceased-Killable
IconSmall NightElf Male Lord Cobrahn One of the Fanglords within the Wailing Caverns. Druids of the Fang Deceased-Killable
IconSmall Satyr Lord Melenas A vicious satyr wanted death for his practices. Independent Killable
IconSmall NightElf Male Lord Pythas One of the Fanglords within the Wailing Caverns. Druids of the Fang Deceased-Killable
IconSmall NightElf Male Lord Serpentis Leader of the Druids of the Fang. Druids of the Fang Deceased-Killable
IconSmall NightElf Female Lyrath Moonfeather Rare druid found in Val'sharah, probably corrputed by the Nightmare. Independent Killable
IconSmall NightElf Male Mavoris Cloudsbreak Druids' once great leader, killed by the Horde. Independent Killable
IconSmall Vrykul Male Mordvigbjorn Druid found in Stormheim. Felskorn (presumed) Killable
IconSmall NightElf Male Shalas'aman Rare druid found in Val'sharah, probably corrputed by the Nightmare. Independent Killable
IconSmall NightElf Male Taneel Darkwood Druids' once great leader, killed by the Horde. Independent Killable
IconSmall NightElf Male Uthil Mooncall Druids' once great leader, killed by the Horde. Independent Killable

Unnamed druids[]

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