Mage trainers

  • ️Tue May 13 2008

A mage trainer is an NPC that offers mages the opportunity to train abilities and reset their talent points. A general rule-of-thumb to find the local Mage trainer is to search the city's centre of knowledge, like the library. Keeping an eye out for the portal trainer is also a good tactic, as where a portal is, a Mage is never far away.

Alliance Crest Alliance Trainers[]

Location Mage Trainers Portal Trainers
Bc icon Crash Site, Azuremyst Isle
(Draenei starting location)
IconSmall Draenei Female Valaatu (6) None
Bc icon Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle IconSmall Draenei Male Semid (10) None
Bc icon The Vault of Lights, the Exodar IconSmall Draenei Female Bati (40)
IconSmall Draenei Male Harnan (50)
IconSmall Draenei Female Edirah (60)
IconSmall Draenei Female Lunaraa (30)
Anvilmar, Dun Morogh
(Dwarf starting location)
IconSmall DarkIron Female Teegli Merrowith (5) None
New Tinkertown, Dun Morogh
(Gnome starting location)
IconSmall Gnome Female Bipsi Frostflinger (6) None
Thunderbrew Distillery, Kharanos, Dun Morogh IconSmall Gnome Male Magis Sparkmantle (10) None
Hall of Mysteries, The Mystic Ward, Ironforge IconSmall Gnome Female Bink (40)
IconSmall Gnome Male Dink (40)
IconSmall Dwarf Female Lainda Gemgold (40)
IconSmall Gnome Female Juli Stormkettle (50)
IconSmall DarkIron Male Pyromancer Scorchbrew (50)
IconSmall DarkIron Female Flarna Flametongue (60)
IconSmall Gnome Male Nittlebur Sparkfizzle (60)
IconSmall Gnome Male Milstaff Stormeye (45)
Northshire Abbey, Elwynn Forest
(Human starting location)
IconSmall Human Male Khelden Bremen (5) None
Lion's Pride Inn, Goldshire, Elwynn Forest IconSmall Human Male Zaldimar Wefhellt (13) None
Wizard's Sanctum, Mage Quarter, Stormwind IconSmall Human Female Jennea Cannon (40)
IconSmall Human Male Maginor Dumas (60)
IconSmall HighElf Female Elsharin (50)
IconSmall Gnome Female Sparkbright
IconSmall Draenei Female Laluu
IconSmall Human Female Larimaine Purdue (50)
Training Hall, Stormwind IconSmall Gnome Male Frazzle Frostfingers IconSmall Draenei Female Azunla
Cataclysm Military District, Gilneas City (Worgen starting location)
Cataclysm Greymane Court, Gilneas City
Cataclysm Duskhaven, Gilneas
Cataclysm Stormglen Village, Gilneas
Cataclysm Livery Outpost, Gilneas
The Howling Oak, Darnassus
IconSmall Worgen Female Myriam Spellwaker (40) None
Aldrassil, Shadow Glen, Teldrassil IconSmall Highborne Female Rhyanda (10) None
Dolanaar, Teldrassil IconSmall Highborne Female Irriende (20) None
The Temple of the Moon Exterior, Darnassus IconSmall Highborne Male Maelir (40)
IconSmall Highborne Female Dyrhara (50)
IconSmall Highborne Male Tarelvir (60)
IconSmall Draenei Female Emissary Valustraa (60)
IconSmall Human Female Elissa Dumas (35)
Bc icon Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle IconSmall Draenei Male Lennah (25) None
Lor'danel, Darkshore IconSmall Worgen Male Lareth Beld (25) None
Thelsamar, Loch Modan IconSmall Gnome Male Gindle the Green (25) None
Sentinel Hill, Westfall IconSmall Human Female Zalna Wefhellt (25) None
Theramore, Dustwallow Marsh IconSmall Human Male Horace Alder (50) IconSmall HighElf Female Ysuria (50)
Battle for Azeroth Stromgarde Keep, Arathi Highlands None IconSmall HighElf Female Yvera Dawnwing
Warlords of Draenor Stormshield, Ashran None IconSmall Human Female Julia Watkins (100)
Battle for Azeroth Boralus Harbor, Boralus None IconSmall HighElf Female Yvera Dawnwing
Battle for Azeroth Sanctum of the Sages, Boralus None IconSmall KulTiran Female Yvia Wavebound

Horde Crest Horde Trainers[]

Location Mage Trainers Portal Trainers
Valley of Trials, Durotar
(Orc starting location)
IconSmall Orc Female Acrypha (10) None
Darkspear Training Grounds, Durotar
(Troll starting location)
IconSmall Troll Male Soratha (11) None
Sen'jin Village, Durotar IconSmall Troll Male Bomsanchu (25) None
Razor Hill, Durotar IconSmall Troll Male Un'Thuwa (14) None
Arcane Enclave, the Cleft of Shadow, Orgrimmar IconSmall Orc Female Gija (40)
IconSmall Orc Male Marud (50)
IconSmall Orc Female Ureda (60)
IconSmall Orc Male Rundok (45)
Goblin Slums, Orgrimmar IconSmall Goblin Female Conjurer Mixli (60) None
Barracks, Orgrimmar IconSmall Goblin Male Feenix Arcshine IconSmall BloodElf Female Lathysra Goldenstar
Valley of Spirits, Orgrimmar IconSmall Troll Male Uthel'nay (40) IconSmall Troll Female Zirazi the Star-Gazer (60)
Bc icon The Sunspire, Eversong Woods
(Blood elf starting location)
IconSmall BloodElf Female Julia Sunstriker (5) None
Bc icon Falconwing Square, Eversong Woods IconSmall BloodElf Female Garridel (12) None
Bc icon Sunfury Spire, Silvermoon IconSmall BloodElf Female Zaedana (40)
IconSmall BloodElf Male Quithas (50)
IconSmall BloodElf Male Inethven (60)
IconSmall BloodElf Female Narinth (30)
Cataclysm KTC Headquarters, Kezan
(Goblin starting location)
Cataclysm Shipwreck Shore, The Lost Isles
Cataclysm Wild Overlook, The Lost Isles
Cataclysm Town-In-A-Box, The Lost Isles
Cataclysm Sky Falls, The Lost Isles
Cataclysm Gallywix Docks, The Lost Isles
IconSmall Goblin Male Fizz Lighter (6)-(10) None
Pools of Vision, Thunder Bluff IconSmall Undead Female Ursyn Ghull (40)
IconSmall Undead Male Thurston Xane (50)
IconSmall Undead Male Archmage Shymm (60)
IconSmall Undead Female Birgitte Cranston (45)
Deathknell, Tirisfal Glades
(Undead starting location)
IconSmall Undead Female Isabella (5) None
Calston Estate, Tirisfal Glades IconSmall Undead Female Larah Firesong (10) None
Gallows' End Tavern, Brill, Tirisfal Glades IconSmall Undead Male Cain Firesong (14) None
The Magic Quarter, Undercity IconSmall Undead Female Anastasia Hartwell (40)
IconSmall Undead Male Pierce Shackleton (50)
IconSmall Banshee Kaelystia Hatebringer (60)
IconSmall Undead Male Lexington Mortaim (35)
The War Quarter, Undercity IconSmall Undead Male Derek the Undying (58) None
Bc icon Tranquillien, Ghostlands IconSmall BloodElf Female Denara Eversun (25) None
The Crossroads, Northern Barrens IconSmall Orc Male Egnom (25) None
The Sepulcher, Silverpine Forest IconSmall Undead Male Thom Denger (25) None
Battle for Azeroth Ar'gorok, Arathi Highlands None IconSmall Orc Female Druza Netherfang
Stonard, Swamp of Sorrows None IconSmall BloodElf Male Lorrin Foxfire (41)
Warlords of Draenor Warspear, Ashran None IconSmall BloodElf Female Samaeli Roseblade (100)
Battle for Azeroth The Great Seal, Dazar'alor None IconSmall Oculeth Chief Telemancer Oculeth
Battle for Azeroth Port of Zandalar, Dazar'alor None IconSmall Orc Female Druza Netherfang

Neutral Neutral Trainers[]

Location Mage Trainers Portal Trainers
Bc icon Terrace of Light, Shattrath City IconSmall BloodElf Female Alaressa (70) (Scryers only)
IconSmall Draenei Male Raluhi (70) (Aldor only)
IconSmall Draenei Female Iorioa (63)
Bc icon Scryer's Tier, Shattrath City None IconSmall BloodElf Female Mi'irku Farstep (63) (Scryers only)
Wrath-Logo-Small The Violet Gate, Dalaran IconSmall Human Female Jessa Weaver (75)
IconSmall HighElf Male Warcaster Fanoraithe (75)
IconSmall Human Female Archmage Celindra (80)
Shadowlands Ring of Fates, Oribos None IconSmall Broker Translocation Agent
Dragonflight Seat of the Aspects, Valdrakken None IconSmall Human Female Alregosa

Patch changes[]

Bc icon Patch 2.4.2 (2008-05-13): Undocumented change

  • Ysuria and Lorrin Foxfire added, training Teleports and Portals to Theramore and Stonard, respectively
    As well as class trainers Horace Alder to Theramore