
  • ️Tue Jun 28 2011
Image of Magmus
Race Molten giant (Giant)
Level 22-32 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Blackrock Depths
Status Killable
Blackrock Depths
Detention Block

High Interrogator Gerstahn


Halls of the Law

Lord Roccor
Houndmaster Grebmar


Ring of Law (Arena)

Gorosh the Dervish
Hedrum the Creeper
Ok'thor the Breaker
Theldren & Company


Outer Blackrock Depths

Pyromancer Loregrain
Warder Stilgiss & Verek
Watchman Doomgrip
Fineous Darkvire
Lord Incendius
General Angerforge
Golem Lord Argelmach


Grim Guzzler

Ribbly Screwspigot
Hurley Blackbreath
Plugger Spazzring
Coren Direbrew (Brewfest, summoned)


Inner Blackrock Depths

Ambassador Flamelash
Panzor the Invincible
The Seven
High Priestess of Thaurissan
Princess Moira Bronzebeard
Emperor Dagran Thaurissan


Magmus is an elite fiery Molten Giant mini-boss found in the Iron Hall in Blackrock Depths.

Magmus protects the Emperor's Seat from penetration by any interested adventurers. When forced into battle, Magmus triggers statues in the Iron Hall to spew fire. The fire can be avoided by standing between statues while taking down Magmus.

Dungeon Journal[]

Ambassador Flamelash charged the molten giant Magmus with guarding Emperor Dagran Thaurissan's throne room, but not even this act put the Dark Iron ruler's concerns to rest. Ever fearful of assassins, the emperor also granted Magmus control over a series of fire-breathing statues outside his royal chambers.


  • Spell fire firebolt Fiery Burst — Inflicts 255 to 345 Fire damage to all enemies in a selected area.
  • Ability bullrush War Stomp — Inflicts 50 Physical damage to nearby enemies, knocking them back and stunning them for 8 sec.


Golem Skull Helm
Inv hammer 10 [Lavastone Hammer] Inv misc orb 05 [Magmus Stone]


Doors to Iron Hall opened
Magmus yells: Emperor Thaurissan does not wish to be disturbed! Turn back now or face your doom, weak mortals!


  • To get to the Iron Hall where Magmus lives you need to light 2 braziers in large The Lyceum room with Inv torch lit [Shadowforge Torch]. After that, two large doors to the northeast will open to his room.


  • His model before 4.2.

    His model before 4.2.

Patch changes[]

External links[]