Malace Shade

  • ️Tue Oct 14 2014
AllianceMalace Shade
Image of Malace Shade
Title The Wardens,
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The Wardens, Watchers, Alliance
Occupation Warden
Location Various
Status Alive

Malace Shade is a night elven warden.


Malace Shade first appears as a guard in Starfall Outpost in Shadowmoon Valley. She then briefly accompanied Cordana Felsong into the northern Frostfire Ridge. She is also seen in Yrel's Watch in Nagrand.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Malace and the rest of the Wardens defended the Vault of the Wardens when Cordana Felsong and Gul'dan attacked the place to retrieve the body of Illidan Stormrage.

She is later encountered by demon hunters in Stormheim having been captured by the Tideskorn tribe of vrykul. Once freed, she attacked the fel lord Lochaber. As a reward, she told the Illidari where to locate the Inv 7ti titan sargeritekeystone [Sargerite Keystone] and left the place.

Battle for Azeroth[]

Malace Shade in Darkshore

In Darkshore.


The Wardens, from left to right: Mirana Starlight, Malace Shade, Shalis Darkhunter, Maiev Shadowsong, Drelanim Whisperwind, and Marin Bladewing.

Malace, alongside many of her other warden sisters, answer Maiev and Tyrande's call to action in Darkshore. She fights alongside the other wardens defending the eastern flank. Here, she does not use a typical glaive, instead, using a two-handed one.


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
Spell shadow nethercloak [On the Shadow's Trail] 94 695,486
Nagrand (alternate universe) 100 2,152,788
Vault of the Wardens 110 2,054,934
Stormheim 110 21,824,608


Vault of the Wardens
  • Ability monk roundhousekick Knockdown Kick — Delivers a roundhouse kick, knocking the victim down.
  • Stormspear unempowered icon Strikethrough — Teleports to a location.
  • Ability monk roundhousekick Turn Kick — Delivers a turn kick, knocking the victim backwards.
  • Ability rogue throwingspecialization Blowdart — Hurls a poison-coated dart at the target, putting them to sleep for 10 sec.
  • Ability monk roundhousekick Knockdown Kick — Delivers a roundhouse kick, knocking the victim down.
  • Stormspear unempowered icon Strikethrough — Teleports to a location.
  • Ability monk roundhousekick Turn Kick — Delivers a turn kick, knocking the victim backwards.



Malace Shade

Malace Shade at Frostwind Crag

Patch changes[]


External links[]