
A moonwell in Val'sharah.

A moonwell in the Dreamgrove.

A moonwell in Teldrassil.

A moonwell in Moonglade.

A corrupted moonwell in Felwood.

A moonwell in the Emerald Dream.
A moonwell (also spelled moon well) is an upwelling of magical waters created by the night elves to maintain and restore their magical powers. They are stone pools filled with silvery glowing water. Moonwells are bound to the magic of nature and the moonlight of Elune and are known as places of healing for both the land around them and those who drink of their waters, possessing extraordinary restorative properties. Magi and other spellcasters can refresh their mana in these pools — a gift from Elune to Azeroth's other defenders.[1]
Little is known about the first moon well or how the moon wells proliferated through Azeroth, despite the taboo on overt magical practice among the night elves.
History and usage[]
Moon wells are hallowed repositories of the sacred waters of the Well of Eternity, the pool of energy that gives life to the mystical World Tree. When additional water is added, these wells nourish the night elf troops with their life-sustaining waters. Additional moon wells become necessary as the night elf forces grow in number.[2] The first step to establishing a moonwell is to gain the blessings of the local wildlife. It is their goodwill that enables night elves to peacefully coexist, and a moonwell thrives on such energies. After receiving the blessings they are combined into a ritual bundle and imbue the moonwell, followed by water added from a preexisting purified moonwell. Combined with Elune's light, a moonwell can purify its surroundings for years.[3][4]
It is said that Illidan Stormrage contributed to the creation of the moonwells,[5] likely referring to his creation of the second Well of Eternity.
According to Tenaron Stormgrip in Aldrassil, the water of the moonwell is brought from the Well of Eternity, and Sentinels revere them as shrines to Elune. The night elven druids also take advantage of its properties.[6] They can be commonly found in most Temples of the Moon, such as in Val'sharah and Darnassus, as well as throughout night elf settlements. In kaldorei society, they are widely revered by the druids, Sentinels, and the returned Highborne alike.[7] Mordent Evenshade of the Shen'dralar even commented on how a single moonwell reminded him of the same beauty and purity as the original Well of Eternity.[8]
When a night elf dies, priestesses ritualistically cleanse the body in moonwells in preparation for burial.[9] Moonwells are also used to bless food, offer protection against fire,[10] and bless Warden's Arrows.[11] Some moonwells can apparently be used to create the "liquid fire of Elune", a substance that can be poured on animal corpses to cleanse them of Scourge taint.[12] The waters of the moonwell that rests under the boughs of the Oracle Tree are said to possess the very essence of Elune's Powers.[13] Cordana Felsong used waters from a moonwell, which have been blessed with the moonlight of Elune, to break the will of a demonic observer.[14][15] Ashenvale's Moonwell of Purity is protected by Elune's power.[16]
Water from moonwells can be safely drunk, but the most efficacious use for them is to bathe in the sacred waters, optionally while clad in robes. This act eases feelings of pain, weariness, and grief according to Astarii Starseeker.[17]
Corrupted moonwells seem to have the ability to transform people into satyrs.[18]
Following the Argus Campaign and the destruction of Silithus, night elf priestesses and druids built moonwells there to help restore the devastated land, but the extent of their effectiveness in healing the wound remains unclear.[19][20]
Shortly before the war against the Jailer, the moonwell in Twilight Grove was used by Mathias Shaw and Flynn Fairwind to restore the [Torch of Holy Flame] from unholy corruption.[21]
In-game uses of a Moonwell[]
In World of Warcraft, moonwells are typically only cosmetic or quest and material-creation (like [Mooncloth] and primal mooncloth) related, located mostly in night elf areas. Some newer players used to sometimes be seen standing in a moonwell after combat, with the uninformed belief that it is healing them faster (As was similar in Warcraft III).
Moonwell locations[]
- Ashenvale: Various places:
- Azshara: Talrendis Point[10, 74]
- Southern moonwell, east of Mystral Lake[60, 72]
- Darkshore: Various places, Ruins of Auberdine[37, 44], Lor'danel, Blackfathom Deeps (lore)[22]
- Desolace: Nijel's Point
- Felwood: Various places (The first two are corrupted, but can still be used to purify
[Felcloth] into
- Jaedenar[35, 60]
- Ruins of Constellas[32, 66]
- Whisperwind Grove (uncorrupted)
- Feralas: Feathermoon Stronghold, Dire Maul
- Moonglade: Nighthaven[48, 33][46, 45]
- Mount Hyjal: Grove of Aessina[19, 37]
- Silithus: Cenarion Hold[48, 37]
- Stonetalon Mountains: Stonetalon Peak
- Teldrassil: Various settlements, including Dolanaar
- Darnassus: Temple of the Moon (cannot be used in tailoring)
- Thousand Needles: Thalanaar
- Tanaris: Caverns of Time (near the entrance for the Battle of Mount Hyjal, can be used to create Primal Mooncloth as of Feb 14, 2008). Addendum: Currently not working as of Oct 11, 2018 for Primal Mooncloth.
Eastern Kingdoms[]

The moonwell of Twilight Grove.
- Duskwood: In the Twilight Grove[49, 33]
- Ghostlands: On Shalandis Isle[13, 25]
- Wetlands: Greenwarden's Grove
- Stormwind City: In the Park. Destroyed by Deathwing along with the rest of the Park.
- Blade's Edge Mountains: Evergrove[62, 39], Sylvanaar[37, 63]
- Terokkar Forest: Cenarion Thicket[45, 24]
- Zangarmarsh: Cenarion Refuge[80, 64]
- Molten Front: Malfurion's Breach (phased, based on character completion of quests)
None of the moonwells in Draenor can be used in tailoring.
- Shadowmoon Valley: Starfall Outpost
- Ashran: Stormshield, night elf camp behind the auction house
Broken Isles[]
None of the moonwells on the Broken Isles can be used in tailoring.
- Val'sharah: Lightsong, Dreamgrove, road to the Dreamgrove, Wildwood, Thas'talah Basin
- Suramar: Irongrove Retreat (after completing
[45] Eminent Grow-main)
- Broken Shore: Nether Disruptor
In Warcraft III[]
- Main articles: Moon Well (Warcraft III), Corrupted Moon Well
In Warcraft III, the Moon Well was the night elven farm structure that also had the ability to heal friendly units, and it had mana that only recovered at night.
In the RPG[]
This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.
Moon wells were/are created by the night elves to harness the energy of the moon.[citation needed]
Moon Wells[]
Enchanted pools throughout the Moonglade give the night elves their spiritual power and feed the Nordrassil, World Tree that stands in Hyjal Summit. The shimmering waters within give off a blue light, causing the moon wells to glow slightly in the night. They are scattered throughout the forest, often near giant standing stones covered in ancient runes.[23]
The high elves of Theramore Isle, having left mostly before the destruction of Dalaran and Quel'Thalas, have formed a significant community in the city. They spend a great deal of time hunting the few undead forces in Kalimdor. Their exposure to the night elves has caused them to develop a great interest in moon wells, which they seek to find an alternative solution to their addiction. Even the presence of a hidden moon well 50 feet away is enough to replenish their mystical energies and makes meditation unnecessary.[24]
Theramore's high elves also have another interest in the continent. They have discussed privately the creation of their own realm on Kalimdor. The northern forests, full of moon wells and lush greenery are most attractive, but their control by the night elves is overly frustrating. High elven expeditions, claiming to be tracking undead, often search for suitable sites.[25]
Notes and trivia[]
- A moonwell features as an attraction in the Blizzard World in-universe map in Overwatch, but is not seen in the in-game map itself.
- Moonwells appear as the Alliance Healing Fountains in the Alterac Pass battleground in Heroes of the Storm.[26]
- Moonwell Tequila is a beverage in the StarCraft universe. The drink itself features an image of a moonwell as it appeared in Warcraft III.
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This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore. |
The night elf rogue Rell Nightwind used a blue liquid to display a recorded message from Admiral Taylor to Varian Wrynn. It's possible that it was moonwell water, indicating it can be used to exchange messages across vast distances in times of great need.[27]
The statue of Haidene in the middle of a moonwell.
See also[]
- ^ World of Warcraft: Stormrage, pg. 149
- ^ Warcraft III manual, pg. 60
- ^
[45] Homeward Bounding
- ^
[45] Eminent Grow-main
- ^ World of Warcraft Battle Chest Guide, pg. 153
- ^
[5] Crown of the Earth
- ^
[1-10] Precious Waters
- ^ Mordent Evenshade#Quotes
- ^ World of Warcraft: Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond, pg. 13
- ^
[35] Filling the Moonwell
- ^
[30-35] Hyjal Recycling Program
- ^
[15-30] The Liquid Fire of Elune
- ^
[1-30] Teldrassil: The Burden of the Kaldorei
- ^
[10-40] Catching His Eye
- ^
[10-40] Ominous Portents
- ^
[7-30] A Trip to the Moonwell
- ^ Elegy, pg. 6
- ^
[54] Well of Corruption: " corrupted, and used to bring forth more satyrs"
- ^ Before the Storm, chapter 13
- ^ Elegy, pg. 8
- ^ Terror by Torchlight
- ^
[25D] Twilight Falls
- ^ Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 204 - 205
- ^ Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 42 - 43
- ^ Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 178
- ^ Heroes Update 2018, Ranko Prozo Environment Artist, ArtStation
- ^
[10-35] The King's Command