Nielas Aran

  • ️Tue Oct 25 2016
For tactics for Nielas Aran's fight in Karazhan, see Shade of Aran.
NeutralNielas Aran
Image of Nielas Aran
Gender Male
Race Human
Level 60 Elite
Class Mage, Conjurer
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kingdom of Stormwind, Tirisgarde, Kirin Tor
Occupation Court Conjurer of Stormwind, Archmage[1] of the Kirin Tor, member of the Tirisgarde, Sorcerer[2]
Location Various
Status Deceased,[1] spirit trapped in Karazhan
Relative(s) Medivh (son), Aegwynn (lover), Med'an (grandson)

Nielas Aran was the court conjurer of Stormwind, advisor to the throne and father and teacher of the sorcerer Medivh. Of all the mages, wizards, conjurers, and sorcerers, he had the most potential to protect and strengthen Medivh.[2]


Meeting with Aegwynn[]

Nielas dead

Nielas Aran killed from the backlash of both Sargeras's and the Guardian's power awakening within Medivh in World of Warcraft comic.

Nielas was a member of the Tirisgarde, a branch of the Order of Tirisfal, and was tasked with finding and capturing the wayward guardian, Aegwynn. Upon finally locating Aegwynn, Nielas hounded her for months; until they came to realize they both harbored similar opinions of the Council and its misdoings. Over time they fell in love and decided they must not allow the Council to name another Guardian. The two bore a child together, and named him Medivh. Nielas's natural affinity for magic would run deep within the child and define the tragic steps the child would later take. The power of Tirisfal was also implanted in the child, yet it wasn't to awaken until he reached physical maturity.[3]


Aegwynn left the baby Medivh in the care of his father and his people at Stormwind Keep.[4] On the eve of Medivh's Age of Ascension, Medivh awoke to fevered dreams, and sought his father. Upon merely touching the boy, a backlash of energies poured from the child, and only the combined powers of a hundred clerics and the Conjurer himself were able to properly contain him.[5] Medivh and Nielas were locked in a magical trance for hours or possibly days, before, finally, they both collapsed. Nielas was dead, drained of all life, and Medivh was in a deep sleep. Medivh was taken to Northshire to be tended by the Clerics.[6]

Trapped in Karazhan[]

Nielas Aran is dead, but he does not slumber peacefully in death; a boss called the Shade of Aran — a white-haired human mage - appears in the Guardian's Library in Medivh's tower of Karazhan. It has been confirmed that this ghost is in fact that of Nielas Aran, though how he became trapped in his son's tower is unknown. After arriving in Karazhan, he took Medivh's journal from Kamsis and now carries it with him.

Warrior: United[]

Comics title This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.

At some point, his ghost was approached by Loania and Lieren looking for their father Dougan. Furious, he attacked them and try to manipulate only to be saved by the ghost of Dougan. Aran commented that he is forever trapped in the tower, always shifting.[7]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

A vision of Medivh accidentally killing Nielas is seen in the dining hall of Karazhan.


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
Shade of Aran ?? 849,856
Return to Karazhan 110 25,981,676

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Nielas Aran is described as an Archmage of Kirin Tor.[8]



Bc icon This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Main article: Shade of Aran#Quotes

Return to Karazhan[]

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Enough of this weakness, boy! Contain your magic!

Notes and trivia[]

  • His original backstory was that Aegwynn planned to give birth to a son whom she would divest her power to. She had no intention of allowing the Order of Tirisfal to manipulate her successor as they had tried to manipulate her. Traveling to the southern nation of Azeroth, Aegwynn found the perfect man to father her son: a skilled human magician known as Nielas Aran.[9] Aegwynn thought he would be the perfect mortal father to her son, and so he was.[10] By the time Aegwynn met him, Aran was an actual member of the Order of Tirisfal, the court conjurer and advisor for Azeroth's king, Landan Wrynn. Aegwynn seduced the magician and conceived a son by him. The next day she told him that she had just used him and would now leave him.
  • Two Random Archmages from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos had part of his name: Aran Spellweaver and Fordred Aran. Additionally, another was called Nilas Arcanister, a close match to Nielas' own name.
  • The armor worn by his WoW model is the D2 mage set, Sorcerer's Regalia.
  • In "Chronicles of the War in Azeroth" (in the manual for Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, told from Sir Lothar's point of view) he is referred to as the King's Conjurer and father of Medivh.[5] In "A Brief History of the Fall of Azeroth" (in the manual for Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, told from Aegwynn's point of view) he was named as Conjurer Nielas Aran.[10]
  • According to Aegwynn, he liked dwarven music and was an admirer of hers. He had blue eyes.[11]
  • Nielas is mentioned in The Schools of Arcane Magic - Conjuration.
  • Aran is the word for king in a number of languages constructed by J. R. R. Tolkien.
  • Nielas Aran is voiced by Jamieson Price.



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.


Judging from his surname, Fordred Aran might be related to Nielas Aran.


It is possible, considering that it was well known that mysterious visions lurked the halls of Karazhan, that Nielas' spirit was drawn to the tower because of a vision experienced by Khadgar decades before - showing Nielas and Aegwynn shortly after Medivh was conceived.


  • Shade of Aran

  • Family Tree.

    Family Tree.

Patch changes[]

See also[]


External links[]