Onslaught Harbor

  • ️Tue Oct 14 2008
NeutralOnslaught Harbor
Onslaught Harbor
Type Harbor
Leader(s) Unknown
  Formerly IconSmall Human Male IconSmall Nathrezim Grand Admiral Barean Westwind †
IconSmall Human Male Archbishop Landgren †
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
Language(s) Common
Faith(s) Holy Light
Affiliation(s) Scarlet Onslaught
Location Icecrown, Northrend[9, 41]
Status Active

Onslaught Harbor is the base of operations for the Scarlet Onslaught in Icecrown within Northrend. The area is a complex of islands that the Onslaught took over off the west coast of the glacier.[1] The harbor itself is built on a small island, with a bridge connecting it to a larger island, upon which sits the Crimson Cathedral, where the resurrected Archbishop Landgren once resided, surrounded by Onslaught Raven Bishops.

According to Lord-Commander Arete of the Knights of the Ebon Blade, only the battle-hardened Scarlet Crusaders who survived the Forsaken attack on New Hearthglen reside here. That, combined with the gryphons they took, makes the base very hard to conquer.

At the time of the war against the Lich King, after the adventurer received a note from Barean Westwind,[2] Lord-Commander Arete sent them to the harbor to get information about the Admiral's whereabouts. However, after beating the Scarlet Captains, they said that only Archbishop Landgren might have the information.[3]

Confident that the Archbishop knew where the Grand Admiral was, Lord-Commander Arete sent the adventurer to eliminate the Archbishop, and interrogated his soul to find out that the Grand-Admiral was hiding in a heavily guarded cave behind the cathedral, known as the Hidden Hollow.[4] Consequently, the adventurer came to the cave to eliminate Westwind, but it was then revealed that the Grand Admiral was in fact the dreadlord Mal'Ganis, who fled after being discovered, vowing revenge against the Lich King and the adventurer.[5]

Years later, following the war against the Jailer, the Bronzebeard brothers reported that even with their leadership still in disarray, there are still a surprising number of crusaders in the harbor.[1]



  • As Icecrown is surrounded on all sides by high, sheer cliffs, it is unknown how the Scarlet Onslaught planned to actually assault the glacier from Onslaught Harbor. The closest place to the harbor that their ships could dock on Northrend's mainland would be the coast of Borean Tundra.

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Icecrown is a contested territory

Map of Icecrown