
NeutralThe Oracles
The Oracles
Main leader IconSmall Gorloc High-Oracle Soo-say
Race(s) IconSmall Gorloc Gorloc
Base of operations Rainspeaker Canopy
Quartermaster IconSmall Gorloc Geen
Notable reward(s) [Oracle Talisman of Ablution] [Mysterious Egg]

The Oracles are a faction of several friendly gorloc tribes that inhabit Sholazar Basin.[1] They see themselves as guardians of the titan technology that remains in the area, though they don't really have an understanding of the artifacts they are guarding.[2] They find themselves in an escalating territorial war with the Frenzyheart Tribe of wolvar.

Though they are the sworn enemies of the wolvar, the oracles seem to have a nearly identical social system. Grunt work is done by the warriors, but their cultural leaders are nearly always great shamanic practitioners.[3] Many of the Oracles' leaders have the word "Soo" in their name. This may be a title, especially since Jaloot says that someday the adventurer can become "Soo-Dryskin" (dryskin is what the Oracles call most other races).

During the war against the Lich King, the adventurer was introduced to the Oracles through the quest chain started by N [20-30] The Part-time Hunter. They are first introduced to the Frenzyheart Tribe, then switched over to the Oracles, and may choose whether to align with both factions through the quest N [20-30] A Hero's Burden.

Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard visited Rainspeaker Canopy, where they were well received by the Oracles, just like the Frenzyheart tribe at their village, and this because of the diplomatic relations that Brann Bronzebeard maintains with them. They were utterly fascinated by Magni Bronzebeard and called him "thraegar", a strange word of titan's origin, and nodded solemnly when he said he spoke for Azeroth, which was expected because of their obsession with protecting titan technology.[2]



While questing you can speak to High-Oracle Soo-say and obtain a Gorloc companion. There are three items available to summon companions Lafoo, Jaloot, and Moodle. Each companion has its own unique personal abilities.


Much like the Scryers and the Aldor, or the Bloodsail Buccaneers and the Steamwheedle Cartel, the Oracles and the Frenzyheart tribe are opposing factions, in which gaining reputation with one loses reputation with the other.

During the lead-in chain, your faction reputation will increase first with the Frenzyheart tribe and then with the Oracles. This has no bearing upon your ultimate choice of faction, so do not become confused. At the end of the chain, you will become honored with the faction you choose, and hated with the other. You must complete this chain to gain access to the factional daily quests.

The only way to gain further reputation is by completing the daily quests offered by High-Oracle Soo-say, Oracle Soo-dow, and Oracle Soo-nee at Rainspeaker Canopy. Three daily quests, awarding a total of 1700 reputation, are offered each day. The daily quests on offer may vary from day to day (refer to the table below).

For players who wish to earn the Spell nature mirrorimage [Mercenary of Sholazar] achievement, it is advisable to gain exalted status with the Frenzyheart Tribe first. Then, after you switch sides and become exalted with the Oracles, you can continue to purchase and open Mysterious Eggs as long as you wish. Another advantage to long-term Oracles alignment is that you may continue to use Inv misc rune 05 [Oracle Talisman of Ablution].

Hated Neutral Friendly Honored Revered Exalted Rep Notes

N [20-30 Daily] Hand of the Oracles (R)

To Honored Defeat Artruis the Heartless with killing the Zepik of the Frenzyheart Tribe

N [20-30 Daily] Mastery of the Crystals (R)

700 Frenzyheart Attackers x50

N [20-30 Daily] Will of the Titans (R)

700 Frenzyheart Attackers x50

N [20-30 Daily] Power of the Great Ones (R)

700 Inv misc gem pearl 06 [Energized Polished Crystal] and Frenzyheart Attackers x30
500 Inv misc gem variety 01 [Shiny Treasures] x6

N [20-30 Daily] A Cleansing Song (R)

500 Spirit of Atha slain, Spirit of Ha-Khalan slain, and Spirit of Koosu slain

N [20-30 Daily] Song of Fecundity (R)

500 Song of Fecundity played x8

N [20-30 Daily] Song of Reflection (R)

500 Four songs of Reflection played

N [20-30 Daily] Song of Wind and Water (R)

500 Aqueous Spirit Devoured x4 Storm Revenant Devoured x4

Starting Chain Quests

~12k ~25 Quests (Shared with Frenzyheart Tribe; will not ultimately count towards your reputation); starts with N [20-30] Playing Along

As hated[]

You will be unable to complete daily quests for the Oracles and will be attacked on sight because you are friendly or better with the Frenzyheart Tribe, who are the Oracles' sworn enemies.

From Honored to Exalted[]

Once you choose the Oracles and become friendly, the only way to raise your reputation is to complete the three daily quests offered in Rainspeaker Canopy.

The quest N [20-30 Daily] Appeasing the Great Rain Stone is the same from day to day, but only two additional dailies are offered for any given day. One of these two is random from the three quests that require you to slay Frenzyheart Attackers, and the other quest is random from the remaining four dailies that have "song" in the titles.

Honored to Revered: 8 Days

Revered to Exalted: 13 Days


The most coveted item from the Oracles is the Inv egg 02 [Mysterious Egg] which can hatch into four different non-combat pets and also a VERY rare Green Proto-Drake mount. If you're not a pet collector, this reputation is also part of two achievements: The Oracles for getting exalted with the Oracles and Spell nature mirrorimage [Mercenary of Sholazar] for getting exalted with both the Oracles and the Frenzyheart tribe.

The non-combat pets in the Mysterious Egg are Ability hunter cobrastrikes [Cobra Hatchling], Ability mount drake proto [Proto-Drake Whelp], Ability hunter pet owl [Tickbird Hatchling], or Ability hunter pet owl [White Tickbird Hatchling]. The Egg also yields Inv egg 08 [Aged Yolk].

<Oracles Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv scroll 06 [Design: Nimble Dark Jade] 2g Jewelcrafting (350)
Inv potion 106 [Oracle Secret Solution] 32s Consumable
Honored Inv misc fish 11 [Slow-Roasted Eel] 1g 60s Food & Drink
Revered Inv scroll 05 [Design: Misty Forest Emerald] 4g Jewelcrafting (390)
Inv belt 03 [Fishy Cinch] 14g 47s 77c Cloth Waist
Inv shoulder haremmatron d 01 [Glimmershell Shoulder Protectors] 35g 37s 50c Plate Shoulder
Inv belt 24 [Glitterscale Wrap] 16g 49s 60c Leather Waist
Inv shoulder 98 [Gold Star Spaulders] 35g 24s 12c Plate Shoulder
Inv helmet 138 [Sharkjaw Cap] 30g 14s 94c Mail Head
Inv wand 12 [Shinygem Rod] 49g 87s 12c Wand
Inv helmet 138 [Toothslice Helm] 30g 3s 76c Mail Head
Inv egg 02 [Mysterious Egg] 3g Various
Exalted Inv misc rune 05 [Oracle Talisman of Ablution] 42g 93s 75c Trinket

Switching Factions[]

To switch factions from the Frenzyheart tribe to the Oracles you must defeat Artruis the Heartless, a level-77 elite that is soloable by many classes. During the fight with Artruis, you are attacked by both an Oracle (Jaloot) and a Frenzyheart (Zepik). You must leave Jaloot the Oracle alive and kill Zepik the Frenzyheart, then finish defeating Artrius in order for the Oracle N [20-30 Daily] Hand of the Oracles quest giver to appear. Completing this quest automatically boosts your rep to honored, but REDUCES your Frenzyheart-tribe rep to hated, so make sure you finish up anything you wish to do with the Frenzyheart before completing this task.

Note that players outside of the party, or uncooperative party members, may kill the NPC you intend to save, so be aware of which quest you are accepting. However, there is no real danger of accidentally switching faction as the change does not occur until completing the daily quest offered by the NPC who survived. If the desired quest giver is killed, simply wait for Artruis to respawn and repeat the encounter.

Notes and trivia[]

  • Some of the Oracles refer to themselves individually as "us" or "we". This is likely a reference to Gollum from the Lord of the Rings trilogy who spoke of himself in the same manner.


External links[]