Orcish Groceries

  • ️Tue Mar 21 2023
HordeOrcish Groceries
Start Cook Torka[50.74, 42.7]
End Durak
Level 50-70
Category Heritage
Race IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female Orc
Previous H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] An Important Heirloom
Next H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] A Worthy Offering


Gather cooking ingredients from traders at Razor Hill.


In here is a recipe for the traditional feast left for the ancestors at the Kosh'harg by the clans. We're going to have to substitute some ingredients that, you know, no longer exist...

But it will for the better! We'll bring some Azeroth flair to this traditional dish!

I will teach you each piece of the recipe, but it will be up to you to gather the ingredients and actually cook it. Orc traders have come from all over, so you should be able to find everything you need right here in Razor Hill.


You will receive:


Did we find everything on the list? Torka said we could probably find everything in Razor Hill!


We tracked down everything on our list!

What's next?


On accept:

Cook Torka says: Don't forget to read my cookbook. It has the recipes you will need!

Interact with Spoons and Forks to read it and automatically learn the Cooking recipes for Curried Coconut Crab, Grilled Southfury Salmon, Spicy Seared Talbuk Steak, and Inv cooking 80 minorfeast [Feast for the Ancestors].

Durak says: Wow, we need a lot. I'll start a list!

All of the ingredients are obtainable from vendors around town. Nula the Butcher sells Inv misc food 98 talbuk [Fresh Talbuk Steak]. On approach:

Durak says: That's Nula, from Garadar! She'll have talbuk meat.

Suja sells Inv misc orchardfruit01 [Isle Lemon], Un'goro Coconut, and Suja's Sweet Salt. On approach:

Suja says: I hear you're cooking a grand feast, <name>!
Suja says: I bet I have some things you can use! Take a look at my stock!

Rok'kal creates a Crate of Crabs on approach:

Rok'kal says: Hey, <name>! We brought these freshly caught crabs for your offering!

Interacting with the Crate spawns several Escaped Crabs that scuttle around the area. Loot two of them for Inv crab2 vermillian [Durotar Coast Crab].

Rok'kal says: Oh no! Grab them quick, before they escape!

Razgar sells Inv fish highmountainsalmonred [Southfury Salmon]. On approach:

Durak says: One of these fishermen should have the salmon we need!

The Keg from Ancestral Ale is available for free from Kyl'kahn, who is arguing with Cort Gorestein beside the inn. On approach:

Durak says: Are those two arguing about ale? Grown ups are strange.

Talk to Kyl'kahn:

Don't mind us. We always get to arguing about which brews are better when we get together like this.
Gossip I need a keg of ale for my offering to the ancestors.
You've come to the right orc! Here, on the house.
Warpath Ales is honored to be part of your om'gora!

Far'kul Flametongue sells Inv misc herb goldensamsamleaf [Farahlon Fenugreek], Inv misc food vendor blackpepper [Ground Gorgrond Pepper], and Zandalari Piri Piri. On approach:

Durak says: That guy over there looks a little shady... but we should see what he has for sale.

When all ingredients have been gathered:

Durak says: That's everything! Now you just need to cook it!


  1. H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] A Summon to Orgrimmar (optional)
  2. H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] A People in Need of Healing
  3. H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] The Kosh'harg
  4. Complete all of:
    • Blessing of the Land
    1. H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] The Blessing of the Land
    2. H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] The Spirit of Thunder Ridge
    • Blessing of the Clan
    1. H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] The Blessing of the Clan
    2. H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] The Long Knives
    3. H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] Tracking a Killer
    4. H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] Cornering Gor'krosh
    • Blessing of the Ancestors
    1. H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] The Blessing of the Ancestors
    2. H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] An Important Heirloom
    3. H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] Orcish Groceries
    4. H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] A Worthy Offering
  5. H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] Honor and Glory
  6. H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] Aka'magosh

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