

This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

The Orgath'ar was an orcish trading ship build by the goblin Leyds and named for the orc Orgath who died fighting the Burning Legion.[1] As a result of its goblin craftsmanship, the ship felt quite cramped to its orcish crew. Captain Bolik felt that it was important to look as little like the orcish slaves of old as possible, and groomed himself in a way very unusual for his people. He also instructed his crew to do the same, but only seaman Rabin had really taken to it.[2]

During a supply run to Razor Hill, the Orgath'ar was attacked by pirates under cover of fog. While the attack was repelled by the crew, the failure of a Theramore Guard ship to lend aid sets off diplomatic incident between Theramore and the Horde.[3]



  1. ^ Cycle of Hatred, pg. 18
  2. ^ Cycle of Hatred, chapter 2
  3. ^ Cycle of Hatred, pg. 25