Ornate Saronite Battlegear

Ornate Saronite Battlegear is a rare quality plate armor set based around resilience and intellect. It is wholly crafted through the Blacksmithing tradeskill, requiring a minimum of 425 blacksmithing skill to create the entire set.

The items of the set require a minimum level of 78 to equip, but have no other requirements (outside of being able to equip plate armor). The resilience afforded by this armor makes it of most interest to plate wearing casters in Player vs Player (PvP) scenarios.

The relative availability of the materials required to craft the pieces make it good for fleshing out stats and gear pieces as well.

Set summary[]

Ornate Saronite Stats
Item Armor Intellect Stamina Resilience Critical Strike Rating Spirit
[Ornate Saronite Bracers] 973 38 59 26 25 0
[Ornate Saronite Gauntlets] 1390 51 77 34 0 36
[Ornate Saronite Hauberk] 2224 69 104 46 46 0
[Ornate Saronite Legplates] 1946 69 104 46 0 46
[Ornate Saronite Pauldrons] 1668 51 77 34 34 0
[Ornate Saronite Skullshield] 1807 69 104 46 46 0
[Ornate Saronite Walkers] 1529 51 77 34 0 36
[Ornate Saronite Waistguard] 1251 51 77 34 0 36
Total 12788 449 679 300 151 154

total does not include set bonus.


Crafting information[]

Ornate Saronite Crafting Table
Item [Saronite Bar] [Eternal Water] [Eternal Earth] [Eternal Shadow] [Eternal Air] [Eternal Fire]
[Ornate Saronite Bracers] x12 x1
[Ornate Saronite Gauntlets] x12 x1
[Ornate Saronite Hauberk] x14 x1
[Ornate Saronite Legplates] x14 x1
[Ornate Saronite Pauldrons] x12 x1
[Ornate Saronite Skullshield] x14 x1
[Ornate Saronite Waistguard] x12 x1
[Ornate Saronite Walkers] x12 x1
Total x102 x2 x1 x2 x2 x1

See also[]

External links[]