Parting Instructions

  • ️Tue Nov 15 2022
NeutralParting Instructions
Start Keeper Tyr [62.2, 59.2]
End Watcher Koranos [60.4, 58.9]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Valdrakken Accord
Experience 4,750
Rewards 14g 4s 50c
Previous N [70] Memories of the Past
Next N [70] Hard Lock Life


Place the Silver Scale at the forge in Tyrhold.


<The echo speaks with an ancient voice.>

To my dear friends, I apologize for my sudden departure.

But, I promise that you are not without my aid. I know that you have come upon the time of great need, but to ensure this gift does not get misused I must ask you to perform a series of tasks.

The first is simple: reactivate the forge within Tyrhold. The Silver Scale is the key.


You will receive:


You have a means to activate the forge?


It appears activating the forge is not so simple as you were led to believe.


On accept:

Alexstrasza the Life-Binder says: Tyr always was the most clever of all the keepers.

Head to the forge at the center of Tyrhold:

Watcher Koranos says: Ah, <name>! I was going to check if the console here could provide us any new information. Have you found anything?

Place the Silver Scale on the console, then interact with the Forge Console:

The console knocks the player away from it.
Watcher Koranos says: Hmm... the lockdown protocol here seems quite intact.


  1. N [70] Ally of Dragons
  2. N [70] The Gift of Silver
  3. N [70] The Legacy of Tyrhold
  4. N [70] The Magic Within
  5. N [70] A Spark of Discovery
  6. N [70] Memories of the Past
  7. N [70] Parting Instructions
  8. N [70] Hard Lock Life
  9. N [70D] Halls of Infusion: An Infusion of Materials
  10. N [70] The Silver Purpose

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