
  • ️Tue Jun 25 2019
Image of Pascal-K1N6
Title <Junkyard Tinkering>
Race Clockwork giant (Mechanical)
Level 50
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Rustbolt Resistance
Location Mechagon Island
Status Active
Pascal in Stormwind

Pascal-K1N6 leaving Stormwind after being denied a mount by Tawny Seabraid

Pascal-K1N6 is a clockwork giant located in Rustbolt on Mechagon Island. It was invented by Pascal and provides access to Junkyard Tinkering.[1]

After opening Trading Posts in Stormwind, Pascal can be seen attempting to buy a Mechanical Steed for himself.



  • Approach, so we may discuss your intentions.
  • My superior components render me physically incapable of aging. I will outlive you all.
  • Ratified. Hypothetically incredible blueprints now available for viewing.
  • So take your time and have fun, my fleshy friend!
  • Unpleasant. 0 out of 5 stars. Would not recommend.
  • When my mind was opened by King Mechagon's forces, they pilfered my blueprint database.
  • You there! Fleshy friend. Approach my workbench, for my creator would have words with you.

Salutations, my fleshly friend.

How may I aid you in your extremely worthwhile endeavors?

Patch changes[]

See also[]


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