Patch 10.2.0

  • ️Wed Sep 06 2023
Icon-patch-22x22 Patch 10.2.0
“Guardians of the Dream”
Guardians of the Dream logo
Release date November 7, 2023
Interface .toc 100200 (changes)
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Patch 10.2.0: Guardians of the Dream is the second content patch of Dragonflight. It was released on November 7, 2023. It's the last major patch of Dragonflight.

New zones: The Emerald Dream[]

New world boss: Aurostor the Hibernating[]

Aurostor follows a strict regiment of sleep. Fyrakk's assault on the Emerald Dream has disturbed this cycle, rousing the Furbolg Wild God from his slumber too soon. In a sleep deprived state, this raging Wild God attacks any passersby in an attempt to wear himself out.

New raid: Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope[]

Having been carefully nurtured within the Emerald Dream, Amirdrassil is preparing to bloom and cross into Azeroth. But the fate of the new world tree cannot be secured until Azeroth's champions come together to face Fyrakk and his molten allies, before he devours the heart of Amirdrassil and bathes the world in flame.

  • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope features nine boss encounters: Gnarlroot, Igira the Cruel, Volcoross, Council of Dreams, Larodar, Keeper of the Flame, Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle, Smolderon, Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame, and Fyrakk the Blazing.
  • Raid testing begins this Thursday, September 14. View the PTR raid testing schedule for more details.

New Public Events: Superbloom and Emerald Bounty[]


  • Follow the ancient, Sprucecrown, as he blooms life around Amirdrassil. Assist Sprucecrown with tasks and defeat any enemies that try to get in their way.
  • Boost your strength with power ups from the magical Dreamfruit that appear during the event.

Emerald Bounty[]

  • Gain Dreamseeds and Emerald Dewdrops from activities in the zone.
  • Plant Dreamseeds in various dirt patches around the Dream at any time.
  • Dreamseeds will grow over a period of time.
  • Players can contribute Emerald Dewdrops towards the seed that is growing
  • Once the seed blooms, players can loot rewards for their efforts.
  • Every time the Superbloom ends, an Emerald Frenzy will begin which grants large quantities of Emerald Dewdrops, increasing with how much bloom the Superbloom ended with!

Dream's Hope class armor sets[]

  • Class armor sets are available for testing, please visit Setzertauren in Orgrimmar and Stormwind. Details can be found in the feedback thread. Please share bugs you find via the in-game bug reporting tool and your feedback about the bonuses in the feedback thread.

Season 3[]


  • The following dungeons are available for testing on Mythic+ difficulty. Please see the Mythic+ testing schedule for more details:
    • Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall
    • Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond's Rise
    • Waycrest Manor (Battle for Azeroth)
    • Atal'Dazar (Battle for Azeroth)
    • Darkheart Thicket (Legion)
    • Black Rook Hold (Legion)
  • The Everbloom will be available for this week's Mythic+ test.
  • Throne of the Tides now has updated encounters and enemies throughout the dungeon, and the jellyfish elevator has been replaced with a portal. Available for testing in this week’s Mythic+ test.
  • Adjustments to the duration of several story scenes in Dawn of the Infinite on Mythic+ difficulty.
  • The Yalnu encounter in The Everbloom has been updated.

Battleground Blitz Brawl[]

  • The Battleground Blitz brawl is a new Brawl coming in Guardians of the Dream that is a 8v8 solo queue Battleground experience. It's our first foray into what could potentially become solo queue Rated battlegrounds in the future. For more information and specifics about this feature, please check out our forum post.
  • Temple of Kotmogu resource acquisition rate increased in the middle areas of the map.
  • Shadow Sight's duration increased to 12 seconds (was 8 seconds).
  • Eye of the Storm
    • Slightly increased resource rate from bases.
    • Added a timer widget that will display during the 15 second period when bases are inactive until the next set are active.
  • All rune buff respawn rates (including Shadow sight) decreased to 60 seconds (was 90 seconds). This includes already existing power runes in addition to the new ones introduced in the brawl.
  • Various Power Runes have been added to Eye of the Storm, Battle for Gilneas, Arathi Basin, and Deepwind Gorge.



  • New customization options for Druid Moonkin Form. Available for testing in a later PTR build.
  • 4 new hair colors for Blood Elf.


Death Knight[]

  • Blood
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus – Now triggers from consuming Runic Power (was previously triggering on consuming Bone Shield charges).
  • Frost
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus – Chance to trigger reduced to 30% (was 40%) and reduces the cooldown of Empower Rune Weapon by 6 seconds (was 10 seconds).
    • Fixed an issue with Spell frost piercing chill [Chill Streak] not decrementing a bounce when it bounced off of the Death Knight.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus: Set bonus buff duration increased to 12 seconds (was 10 seconds) and self bounces now also grant the damage increase.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus: Fixed an issue with Chill Streak not bouncing to the Death Knight when used against enemies with a large hit box.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Fixed an issue with self bounces not granting the bonus Rune or cooldown reduction.
  • Unholy

Demon hunter[]

  • Developers' note: Demon Hunter talent updates will be starting to roll in as they become ready, starting with Havoc tree changes in this week's PTR build. In some cases, talents may be missing or marked as a work in progress [WIP], but there are enough changes to the Havoc tree and individual talents that we'd like to get it in players' hands to begin gathering feedback. Vengeance and Class tree changes are coming soon.
  • Ability demonhunter spectralsight [Spectral Sight] cooldown reduced to 30 seconds (was 1 minute/30 seconds), and Haste now affects its global cooldown.
  • Ability maldraxxus demonhunter [Fodder to the Flame] demon now revealed by Spectral Sight.
  • Fodder to the Flame demon now takes fatal damage from Ability demonhunter eyebeam [Eye Beam]/Ability demonhunter feldevastation [Fel Devastation] in addition to Ability demonhunter throwglaive [Throw Glaive].
  • Fodder to the Flame buff is now granted immediately upon killing demon (was upon collecting soul).
  • Metamorphosis cooldown reduced to 3 minutes (was 4 minutes).
  • Ability demonhunter darkness [Darkness] now has a 15% chance to avoid all damage from an attack. Chance to avoid damage increased by 100% when not in a raid.
  • Artifactability havocdemonhunter anguishofthedeceiver [First of the Illidari] has been removed.
  • Spell shadow demonform [Demonic]'s duration for Demon form reduced to 5 seconds (was 6 seconds).
  • Ability bastion demonhunter [Elysian Decree] has been moved to the Demon Hunter class tree.
  • Ability maldraxxus demonhunter [Fodder to the Flame] has been moved to the Demon Hunter class tree.
  • Fodder to the Flame now increases Spectral Sight cooldown by 30 seconds in addition to previous effect.
  • Ability ardenweald demonhunter [The Hunt] initial damage increased by 22% and damage over time damage increased by 30%.
  • Ability demonhunter sigilofinquisition [Sigil of Flame] now moved to Demon Hunter baseline.
  • Sigil of Flame initial damage increased by 200%.
  • New Talent: Inv sword 108 [Live by the Glaive] – When you parry an attack or have one of your attacks parried, restore 2% of max health and 10 Fury. This effect may occur once every 5 seconds.
  • Spell animaardenweald missile [Unnatural Malice], Ability demonhunter demonictrample [Relentless Pursuit], Ability demonhunter sigilofinquisition [Extended Sigils], and Ability demonhunter sigilofmisery [Misery in Defeat] have been removed.
  • Ability warrior improveddisciplines [Unrestrained Fury] is now a 1-rank talent (was 2) and increases max Fury by 20 (was 10/20).
  • Ability warlock soulsiphon [Shattered Restoration] is now a 1-rank talent (was 2) and increases Shattered Soul healing by 10% (was 5/10%).
  • Spell mage overpowered [Illidari Knowledge] is now a 1-rank talent (was 2) and reduces magic damage taken by 5% (was 3/6%).
  • Ability demonhunter spectank [Will of the Illidari] is now a 1-rank talent (was 2) and increases max health by 5% (was 3/6%).
  • Ability demonhunter metamorphasisdps [Rush of Chaos] is now a 2-rank talent (was 1) and reduces Metamorphosis cooldown by 30/60 seconds (was 60 seconds).
  • Ability demonhunter concentratedsigils [Quickened Sigils] no longer reduces cooldowns of Sigil skills.
  • Inv archaeology 70 crystallineeyeofundravius [Erratic Felheart] now reduces cooldown of Fel Rush/Infernal Strike by 8/15% (was 10/20%)
  • Ability demonhunter sigilofinquisition [Flames of Fury] has been adjusted – Now a 2-rank talent (was 1). Sigil of Flame deals 35/70% increased damage and generates 1/2 Fury per target (was 2).
  • Many talents have changed locations and/or available connections.
  • New Talent: Inv glaive 1h battledungeon c 01 [Champion of the Glaive] – Throw Glaive has 2 charges and 10 yard increased range.
  • Ability maldraxxus demonhunter [Fodder to the Flame] and Ability demonhunter chaosnova [Unleashed Power] have been removed.
  • Spell fire felfirenova [Chaos Nova] cooldown reduced to 45 seconds (was 1 minute) and Fury cost reduced to 25 (was 30).
  • Ability bossfelorcs necromancer red [Concentrated Sigils] no longer increases Sigil durations by 2 seconds.
  • Ability bossfelorcs necromancer orange [Precise Sigils] no longer increases Sigil durations by 2 seconds.
  • Inv sword 108 [Live by the Glaive] heal value increased to 4% of max health (was 2%).
  • Ability bossfelorcs necromancer red [Concentrated Sigils] has been removed.
  • Havoc
    • Ability demonhunter metamorphasisdps [Metamorphosis] duration reduced to 20 seconds (was 24 seconds).
    • Ability creature poison 01 purple [Demonic Appetite] is now baseline for Havoc and causes souls to generate 20 Fury (was 30).
    • Ability bossfellord felspike [Fel Eruption] is now baseline for Havoc.
    • Inv glaive 1h artifactazgalor d 06dual [Glaive Tempest] cooldown increased to 25 seconds (was 20 seconds), damage increased by 15%, and damage reduced beyond 8 targets (was 5).
    • Inv felbarrage [Fel Barrage] has been redesigned – No longer channeled, drains 15 Fury per tick, lasts until Fury is depleted. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets (was 8).
    • Ability rogue surpriseattack [Initiative]'s effect is no longer triggered or denied by damage over time effects.
    • Ability foundryraid demolition [Momentum] now increases damage by 6% (was 8%), lasts 6 seconds (was 5 seconds), and duration stacks to a max of 30 seconds (was 10 seconds).
    • New Talent: Inv 10 inscription3 pigments black [Inertia] – When empowered by Unbound Chaos, Fel Rush increases damage by 20% for 5 seconds.
    • Ability demonhunter felrush [Fel Rush] now enforces a global cooldown of 0.5 seconds (was 0.25 seconds).
    • Ability demonhunter felblade [Felblade] now enforces a global cooldown of 0.5 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).
    • [WIP] New Talent: Ability ironmaidens bladerush [Deflecting Dance] – Blade Dance deflects incoming attacks, absorbing damage up to 15% of your maximum health.
    • [WIP] New Talent: Ability demonhunter chaoticimprint fire [A Fire Inside] – Immolation Aura has 1 additional charge and 30% chance to refund a charge when activated. You can have multiple Immolation Auras active at a time
    • Ability demonhunter immolation [Felfire Heart] talent has been removed.
    • Fel Rush damage increased by 60%.
    • Artifactability vengeancedemonhunter painbringer [Unbound Chaos] is now a 1-point talent (was 2) and increases next Fel Rush damage by 250% (was 200/400%).
    • Ability demonhunter chaosstrike [Critical Chaos] is now a 1-point talent (was 2), and has refund chance 30% of your Critical Strike chance (was 20/40%).
    • Ability bosskilrogg deadeye [Blind Fury] now increases Ability demonhunter bladedance [Blade Dance]'s final slash damage bonus by 25/50% (was 20/40%).
    • Inv glaive 1h artifactaldrochi d 03dual [Serrated Glaive] is now a 1-point talent (was 2), and has been adjusted – Enemies hit by Chaos Strike or Throw Glaive (was only Throw Glaive) take 15% (was 10/20%) increased damage from Chaos Strike and Throw Glaive (was Chaos Strike and Eye Beam).
    • Spell fel incinerate [Growing Inferno] is now a 1-point talent (was 2), and increases damage by 10% per tick (was 5/10%).
    • Spell shadow shadesofdarkness [Isolated Prey] has been adjusted – No longer causes Fel Rush to grant Fury; now causes Immolation Aura to deal 30% increased damage.
    • New Talent: Misc legionfall demonhunter [Demon Hide] – Increases magical damage dealt by 5%, and reduces physical damage taken by 5%.
    • New Talent: Inv boots cloth 35v3 [Dash of Chaos] – For 2 seconds after using Fel Rush, activating it again will dash back towards your initial location.
    • New Talent: Spell fire felimmolation [Scars of Suffering]– Increases Versatility by 4% and reduces threat generated by 8%.
    • New Talent: Inv inscription tarotchaos [Chaotic Disposition] – Each time you deal Chaos damage, there is a 7.77% chance to duplicate 33% of the damage, up to 3/7 total times. 2-rank talent.
    • Ability demonhunter eyebeam [Eye Beam] damage increased by 15%.
    • Inv felbarrage [Fel Barrage] damage increased by 100%.
    • Spell shadow shadesofdarkness [Isolated Prey] now causes Immolation Aura to always critically strike (was 30% increased damage).
    • Ability demonhunter throwglaive [Throw Glaive] now triggers Cycle of Hatred's effect when Furious Throws is selected.
    • Ability demonhunter bloodlet [Soulrend] is now a 1-rank talent (was 2) and causes 100% of damage to be dealt over time as Chaos (was 60/120%).
    • Achievement boss triumvirate darknaaru [Shattered Destiny] now increases Demon form duration per 10 Fury spend (was 8).
    • Many talents have changed locations or been combined into choice nodes, primarily among those in the bottom half of the tree.
    • Ability demonhunter bloodlet [Soulrend] has been renamed to Soulscar.
    • Ability rogue surpriseattack [Initiative]'s critical strike chance bonus reduced to 10% (was 12%).
    • Fel Barrage now has a max duration of 8 seconds (was uncapped), Fury cost per volley has been reduced to 8 (was 15), and damage per volley has been reduced by 28.5%.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus has been redesigned: Blade Dance consumes a charge of Throw Glaive to fire at your primary target for 100% damage and each slash has a 50% chance to Throw Glaive an enemy for 35% damage.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus has been updated: Throw Glaive reduces the remaining cooldown of The Hunt by 2 seconds, and The Hunt's damage over time effect lasts 6 seconds longer.
    • Ability demonhunter vengefulretreat2 [Tactical Retreat] and Artifactability vengeancedemonhunter painbringer [Unbound Chaos] have swapped talent locations.
    • Ability demonhunter immolation [Burning Hatred] now generates an additional 40 Fury (was 50).
    • Ability demonhunter glide [Inner Demon] now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
    • Inv 10 inscription3 pigments black [Inertia] damage bonus reduced to 18% (was 20%).
    • Inv inscription tarotchaos [Chaotic Disposition] chaos damage duplicated reduced to 17% (was 21%).
  • Vengeance



  • Augmentation
    • Developer note: Augmentation's contributions to the party, particularly in Mythic+, are too impactful and are making it difficult for other compositions to shine. As a result, we're doing some targeted nerfs to their group utility by reducing the value of Aspects' Favor, Molten Blood, and Ebon Might.
    • Ability evoker aspectsfavor [Aspects' Favor] increases maximum health by 2/4% (was 3/6%).
    • Spell shaman spewlava [Molten Blood] absorption reduced by 50%. This remains unchanged in PvP combat.
    • Spell sarkareth [Ebon Might] grants 8% of the Evoker's primary stat (was 10%).
    • The above changes will be applied over the course of PTR via hotfix.
    • Ability evoker prescience [Prescience] now clears on raid encounter and Mythic+ start.
    • Prescience now has 2 charges.
    • Developers' note: Our goal with these changes is to reduce the power of stacking as many Augmentation buffs as possible on the same 4 targets in raid scenarios. We want to support having multiple Augmentation Evokers in a raid, but also prevent having 4 of them feel required to do maximum damage. By forcing these buffs to spread themselves out, it should still be viable to have multiple Augmentation Evokers without being overpowered.
    • If 2 Ebon Mights are already active on an ally, Ebon Might will now seek a nearby ally with fewer than 2 Ebon Mights.
    • Ebon Might's priority to apply to other Augmentation Evokers has been reduced and will apply to other damage dealing roles first.
    • If 2 Presciences are already active on an ally, Prescience will no longer be able to be applied to that ally.
    • When casting Prescience with an enemy selected, its priority to apply to other Augmentation Evokers has been reduced and will apply to other damage dealing roles first.
    • Shifting Sands now prefers to apply to an ally who does not already have Shifting Sands.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Set Bonus (4) Set Bonus: Trembling Earth now allows buff stacks to overlap.
      • Developers' note: With Prescience having 2 charges, there is now a case where you can lose a stack of Trembling Earth since you can cast Prescience twice in a row. To alleviate that, the stacks may now overlap so you don't waste part of the bonus.
  • Devastation
  • Preservation


  • Fixed an issue where Ability ensnare [Entrapment] didn't share diminishing returns with other root abilities.
  • Ability hunter markedfordeath [Hunter's Mark] now increases all damage taken by the target by 5% while the target is above 80% maximum health.
    • Developers' note: We like the idea of Hunter's Mark highlighting specific targets on the battlefield, so we have made an adjustment to Hunter's Mark to cause it to increase all damage taken by 5% on targets above 80% health. A few quick notes about this change:
      • When applying Hunter's Mark out of combat or before a pull, it continues to have no cooldown. If you apply Hunter's Mark while in combat, Hunter's Mark receives a 20 second cooldown. We don't intend for you to move this damage bonus around frequently.
      • Hunter's Mark is still on the global cooldown with this change.
      • Multiple Hunters can not stack this damage bonus on the same target.
  • Fixed an issue where several talents or set bonus effects that modified damage dealt or critical damage dealt did not properly affect the damage of the Poison Injection talent.
  • Beast Mastery
    • Developers' note: Aspect of the Wild and Call of the Wild have struggled to be compelling choices during Dragonflight. Both of these cooldowns were competing for similar design space to make you and your pets feel stronger in a way that feels different than Bestial Wrath. After evaluating these abilities, we have decided to replace Aspect of the Wild entirely and convert it into passive options on the talent tree. The removal of Aspect of the Wild allows us to double down on Call of the Wild being a strong pet summoning cooldown for the Beast Mastery spec. We're also lowering the number of talent points in the Thrill of the Hunt and Dire Command talent nodes from 3 to 2, which should give you some extra flexibility in your talent choices.
    • Spell nature protectionformnature [Aspect of the Wild] has been removed.
    • New Talent: Spell nature protectionformnature [Savagery] (Passive) – Kill Command damage is increased by 10%. Barbed Shot lasts 2 seconds longer. Replaces Aspect of the Wild.
    • Ability hunter beastwithin [Master Handler] has been redesigned – Each time Barbed Shot deals damage, the cooldown of Kill Command is reduced by 0.5 seconds.
    • Ability hunter callofthewild [Call of the Wild] has been slightly redesigned – Cooldown reduced to 2 minutes (was 3 minutes) and the base ability now also has the added functionality: Whenever Call of the Wild summons a pet, the cooldown of Kill Command and Barbed Shot are reduced by 50%.
    • Choice nodes for Call of the Wild updated:
      • While Call of the Wild is active, all of your pets are affected by Beast Cleave. Each time Call of the Wild summons a pet, all of your pets Stomp.
      • While Call of the Wild is active, each time you Kill Command, your Kill Command target takes 3% more damage from all of your summons. This effect stacks.
    • Ability hunter thrillofthehunt [Thrill of the Hunt] is now a 2-rank talent (was 3). Each point grants 2% critical strike chance, stacking up to 2/4 times (was 3%, stacking 1/2/3 times).
    • Ability hunter ferociousinspiration [Dire Command] is now a 2-rank talent (was 3). Each point grants 15/30% chance to trigger (was 10/20/30%).
    • Inv waepon bow zulgrub d 01 [Snake Bite] has been removed.
    • Bonus pets from Call of the Wild now spawn on top of your target rather than by your side.
  • Marksmanship
    • Developers' note: Windrunner's Guidance being unreliable has added too much variance to a hunter's performance on each dungeon or raid attempt. This should keep the Wind Arrow theme strong and useful, while being predictable and reliable for how it interacts with your other abilities and the Trueshot cooldown.
    • Ability hunter laceration [Windrunner's Guidance] has been redesigned – Each Wind Arrow fired reduces the cooldown of Rapid Fire by 0.5 seconds, and every 8 wind arrows increases the duration of your next Trueshot by 1 second, up to a maximum of 10 seconds.
  • Survival
    • Wildfire Bombs now correctly states that damage is reduced when damaging more than 8 targets.
      • Developers' note: This is not a functionality change for Wildfire Bomb, but rather a tooltip clarity update. This has been in effect since Shadowlands.
    • Wildfire Bombs now deal 40% increased damage to your primary target.
      • Developers' note: The Aberrus Survival set bonus increases the value of Wildfire Bomb while in single target encounters in a way that has worked out well. We want to keep this interaction going forward for Survival, so we are removing it from the set bonus and just making all variants of Wildfire Bomb, including any periodic damage effects, deal 40% increased damage to your primary target when using Wildfire Bomb.
    • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible (4) Set Bonus – No longer causes Kill Command to increase damage taken from Wildfire Bombs.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus: Fixed an issue that prevented the set bonus from affecting your pet's critical strike chance and critical strike damage.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus: Fixed an issue that prevented the set bonus from affecting the first periodic event of Fury of the Eagle.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Now causes your next Wildfire Bomb to not consume a charge (previously generated 1 charge).
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: The set bonus Contained Explosion buff now refreshes per tick of Fury of the Eagle.
    • The empowerment buff from Inv coordinatedassault [Coordinated Assault] now lasts for 5 seconds (was 3 seconds).
    • Fixed an issue where the Coordinated Assault empowerment buff had the wrong spell description.


  • Arcane
  • Fire
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus – Fixed an issue that caused Time Anomaly to incorrectly trigger.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus – Now increases Critical Strike damage by 4% per stack (was 3%).
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus – Now increases the Critical Strike damage bonus of Searing Rage by 150% (was 100%).
    • Developer's note: We're aware of an issue with the following Crit Damage bonuses not attributing the correct amount of damage to Ignite when an ability critically strikes: Overflowing Energy, Wildfire, and Searing Rage (10.2 Class Set Bonus). This issue will be resolved in next week's PTR build.
    • Fixed an issue with the following critical damage bonuses not attributing the correct amount of damage to Ignite when an ability crit: Overflowing Energy, Wildfire, and Searing Rage (Amirdrassil, the Dreams Hope set bonus effect).


  • Jade Serpent Statue's Soothing Mist healing increased by 40%.
  • Brewmaster
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Stagger absorb value capped at 100% of maximum health.
  • Mistweaver
    • Ability monk chicocoon [Life Cocoon] healing increased by 33%.
    • Ability monk soothingmists [Soothing Mist] healing increased by 40%.
    • Spell monk envelopingmist [Enveloping Mist] healing increased by 25%.
    • Achievement zone stormpeaks 10 [Misty Peaks] chance to trigger reduced to 2.5/5% (was 5/10%).
    • Enveloping Breath now heals up to 5 nearby targets (was 6).
    • Ability monk vivify [Invigorating Mists]'s healing is increased by 25%.
    • Invigorating Mist's healing is now reduced beyond 5 targets.
    • Ability monk counteractmagic [Burst of Life] healing increased by 100%.
    • Ability monk vivify [Vivify] direct healing is increased by 30%.
    • Ability monk soothingmists [Clouded Focus] now increases the healing and decreases the mana cost of Vivify and Enveloping Mist by 15% per stack (was 20%).
    • Inv misc book 07 [Ancient Teachings]' range increased to 40 yards (was 30 yards).
    • Spell animaardenweald beam [Ancient Concordance] now costs 1 point.
    • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible (2) Set Bonus has been redesigned – Now increases the healing of Renewing Mist, Soothing Mist, and Enveloping Mist by 12%.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus – No longer applies Chi Harmony on Renewing Mist's jumps.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus – Chi Harmony now stores 20% of all healing (was 15%).
    • Ability monk jasmineforcetea [Healing Elixir] has been redesigned as a passive effect – You consume a healing elixir when you drop below 35% health and are not in a loss of control effect, instantly healing you for 15% of your maximum health. You generate 1 healing elixir every 30 seconds, stacking up to 2 times.
    • Ability creature cursed 04 [Unison]'s range increased to 40 yards (was 15 yards).
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Fixed an issue that caused some healing spells to not properly contribute to Chi Harmony.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Fixed an issue that caused some healing spells to double dip contribution to Chi Harmony.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Now accumulates up to 15% of healing done (was 20%).
    • Ability monk jasmineforcetea [Healing Elixir] now additionally heals if excess healing elixirs are generated.
    • Healing Elixir now restores 20% of maximum health (was 15%).
    • Healing Elixir now automatically triggers at 40% health (was 35%).
    • Ability monk expelharm [Expel Harm] now costs 1.4% base mana (was 3%).
    • Expel Harm healing increased by 550%.
    • Expel Harm now deals damage equal to 25% of the amount healed (was 10%).
    • Expel Harm's damage range increased to 20 yards (was 8 yards).
    • Ability monk healthsphere [Strength of Spirit] now increases the healing of Expel Harm by up to 30% (was 100%).
    • Ability monk expelharm [Profound Rebuttal] now increases the critical healing of Expel Harm by 15% (was 50%).
    • Expel Harm can no longer be cast on allies during Soothing Mist.
    • Ability creature cursed 04 [Unison] now duplicates 75% of Soothing Mist healing done (was 100%).
    • Enveloping Breath healing decreased by 20%.
    • Ability monk vivify [Invigorating Mists]' healing visual is now only visible to the caster.
    • Ability monk risingsunkick [Rising Sun Kick] damage increased by 20%. Does not apply in PvP combat.
    • Inv misc orb 01 [Calming Presence] now reduces damage taken by 6% (was 3%). Does not apply in PvP combat.
    • Ability monk risingsunkick [Rising Sun Kick] is now granted by default.
    • The location of Healing Elixir and Ability monk forcesphere [Zen Pulse] has swapped.
    • Starter Build has been updated.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Ability monk uplift [Tear of Morning] and Ability monk thunderfocustea [Thunder Focus Tea]'s Enveloping Mist effects to not be properly increased by 25%.
    • Ability butcher heavyhanded [Bounce Back] now reduces damage by 20/40% (was 10/20%) and triggers when you receive 15% of your maximum health in damage (was 20%). Does not apply in PvP combat.
    • Ability monk soothingmists [Clouded Focus] now stacks up to 2 times (was 3) and no longer increases the healing of Vivify before its first application.
    • Ability monk vivify [Vivify] and Invigorating Mist healing increased by 12%.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Chi Harmony now stores 20% of all healing done (was 15%).
  • Windwalker
    • Developers' note: We are continuing to monitor the set bonus and the feedback around it. As the auto-attack trigger was not accomplishing the intended goal of providing Windfoot only during lulls and quiet points in the rotation, we've updated the bonus to trigger off all melee ability damage and normalized trigger frequency.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus – Blackout Kick damage increase is now 150% (was 100%).
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus – Cooldown reduction increased to 2 seconds (was 1 second).
    • Fixed an issue that prevented Windfoot from being correctly consumed when Ability monk cranekick new [Spinning Crane Kick] was used.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Windfoot to be consumed when Dance of Chi-Ji empowers a Spinning Crane Kick.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented Ability monk cranekick new [Dance of Chi-Ji] from granting Blackout Reinforcement.
      • Developers' note: The Windwalker changes above were applied to the PTR environment late last week.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus – Windfoot now triggers off melee abilities in addition to auto-attacks and has been shifted to a normalized proc model.
    • Blackout Reinforcement's tooltip updated to reflect the updated cooldown reduction value.
    • Developers' note: We heard community feedback that the additional Spinning Crane Kicks granted by Windfoot were difficult to fit into the rotation and Blackout Reinforcement alone was not an impactful enough payoff. Windfoot has been removed and the set will now directly grant Blackout Reinforcement. Additionally, free Spinning Crane Kicks should now more reliably and consistently grant Blackout Reinforcement. As always, we will continue to monitor feedback around this bonus and appreciate the testing the community has put forth.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus has been redesigned: Free Spinning Crane Kicks grant Blackout Reinforcement, increasing the damage of your next Blackout Kick by 150%. Melee abilities have a chance to grant Blackout Reinforcement.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus has been redesigned: Blackout Reinforcement empowered Blackout Kicks reduce the cooldown of Fists of Fury, Rising Sun Kick, Strike of the Windlord, and Whirling Dragon Punch by 3 seconds.
    • Spinning Crane Kicks cast during Serenity now correctly grant Blackout Reinforcement.
    • Blackout Reinforcement is correctly removed at the start of Mythic+ dungeons and raid encounters.
    • Blackout Reinforcement can no longer be canceled. Usage of Cancelaura macros on Dance of Chi-Ji without casting a Spinning Crane Kick will no longer grant Blackout Reinforcement.
    • Developers' note: We liked the positive effect that Fangs of the Vermillion Forge had on Windwalker single target damage, and are transferring some of that power from the class set into the base specialization as players adventure into Amirdrassil and replace their existing gear. The net effect of these changes is an overall increase in character power.Additionally, we heard player concerns that the effort required to play Whirling Dragon Punch wasn't worth the resulting increase in power. We agree, and have increased the damage it deals as a result.We have also added additional damage to the Amirdrassil (4) set as the cooldown reduction, while fun, was not entirely meeting our goals for additional power granted by the bonus.
    • Ability monk risingsunkick [Rising Sun Kick] damage increased by 10%.
    • Monk ability fistoffury [Fists of Fury] damage increased by 5% and additional damage to primary target increased by 10%.
    • Ability monk hurricanestrike [Whirling Dragon Punch] damage increased by 10%.
    • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible (2) Set Bonus: Rising Sun Kick bonus damage reduced to 5% (was 10%).
    • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible (4) Set Bonus: Fists of Fury primary target damage reduced to 20% (was 30%).
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Now increases the damage of Fists of Fury, Rising Sun Kick, Strike of the Windlord, and Whirling Dragon Punch by 4%.


  • Holy
  • Protection
  • Retribution
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Set Bonus – Divine Toll is now guaranteed to target at least one valid enemy with Expurgation.
    • Fixed a few targeting issues that caused Wrathful Sanction to trigger multiple times on one Judgment cast.
    • Fixed an issue causing unintentional Divine Purpose and Empyrean Power proc consumption.
    • Developers' note: Due to previous bugs with targeting issues on Wrathful Sanction, the ability was a bit undertuned. Following these bug fixes, we're retuning the set bonus to better hit our tuning targets for the set bonus. Additionally, with the amount of uptime that the 4-set bonus provides, it was overperfoming in tandem with a few of the Retribution talents located deeper in the tree. We appreciate everyone's feedback and playtesting and we'll keep making adjustments to this sets power as necessary over the course of PTR.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus – Expurgation now deals 30% increased damage (was 50%). Wrathful Sanction now deals 50% of the main Holy damage to up to 4 nearby enemies (was 20%).
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus – Echoes of Wrath now causes your next Templar's Verdict and Divine Storm to deal damage a second time for 25% effectiveness (was 50%).
    • Ability paladin bladeofjustice [Blade of Vengeance] now functions as an addition to your single target Blade of Justice rather than replacing it.


  • Spell holy powerinfusion [Power Infusion] Haste reduced to 20% (was 25%) and duration reduced to 15 seconds (was 20 seconds).
    • Developers' note: Power Infusion has proved to be too impactful due to how it stacks with cooldowns on specializations that excel at dealing damage in a short window. We're reducing it's duration and amplitude to balance our burst classes and keep them more in line with steady-state damage dealers.
  • Spell shadow demonicfortitude [Shadow Word: Death] now deals 8% of the Priest's maximum health in damage when it fails to kill a target instead of the backlash damage being based on damage dealt.
  • Spell nzinsanity bloodthirst [Tithe Evasion] now reduces Shadow Word: Death damage dealt to the Priest by 50% (was 75%).
  • Shadow Word: Death backlash damage is now reduced by damage reduction effects.
  • Spell arcane massdispel [Mass Dispel] cooldown is now 2 minutes (was 45 seconds).
    • Developers' note: We're reducing the frequency that Priests have access to Mass Dispel as the value of the spell is exceeding the value of other utility at its current power level and cooldown. We're looking to allow for more situations where magic debuffs are applied to multiple players without having a Priest trivializing the intended difficulty of the mechanics.
  • Spell arcane massdispel [Improved Mass Dispel] is now a PvP Talent and reduces the cooldown of Mass Dispel by 60 seconds (was 20 seconds).
  • Improved Mass Dispel no longer reduces the cast time of Mass Dispel.
  • Improved Mass Dispel has been replaced with Mental Agility in the Priest talent tree.
  • New Talent: Spell holy dispelmagic [Mental Agility] – Reduces the mana cost of Purify, Purify Disease, and Mass Dispel by 50% and Dispel Magic by 10%.
  • Spell holy holynova [Rhapsody] now only highlights Holy Nova at max stacks while in combat.
  • Ability priest holywordlife [Power Word: Life] now costs 2.5% mana (was 0.5%).
  • Power Word: Life cooldown decreased to 15 seconds (was 30 seconds), but its cooldown is no longer decreased when cast on targets below 35% health.
  • Power Word: Life is now only usable on targets below 35% health.
  • Power Word: Life's healing increased by 500% and no longer increases its healing on targets below 35% health.
  • Discipline
    • Developers' note: The goal of these changes is to simplify Discipline's damage rotation as well as the number of stacking modifiers used when ramping up for burst healing. This should make it smoother to play by reducing the number of abilities pressed in sequence, allowing players to focus on managing Atonement and triaging their allies instead.
    • Spell warlock focusshadow [Schism] has been redesigned to be a passive talent – Now causes Mind Blast to fracture the enemy's mind, increasing your spell damage to the target by 10% for 9 seconds.
    • Spell shadow summonvoidwalker [Shadow Covenant] has been redesigned to be a passive talent – Shadowfiend or Mindbender enters you into a shadowy pact, transforming Halo, Divine Star, and Penance into Shadow spells and increasing the damage and healing of your Shadow spells by 25% for 15 seconds (7 seconds with Mindbender).
      • Developers' note: Shadow Covenant is another ability that must be sequenced correctly and is usually stacked with other damage modifiers. By merging this effect with Shadowfiend, we can streamline the damage rotation and make Shadowfiend a more exciting cooldown at the same time.
    • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy [Mind Blast] now has a 24 second cooldown (was 9 seconds).
    • Mind Blast damage has been increased by 30%.
    • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy [Dark Indulgence] no longer grants an additional charge of Mind Blast. Instead, Mind Blast has a 100% chance to grant Power of the Dark Side.
    • Spell shadow chilltouch [Inescapable Torment] damage increased by 60%.
    • Inescapable Torment now triggers from Penance in addition to Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Death.
    • Inescapable Torment is now a 1-point talent (was 2).
    • Ability priest flashoflight [Power Word: Solace] has been removed.
      • Developers' note: Power Word: Solace has a long history, but it was another example of a short cooldown damage button that cramped the rotation, so we're removing it.
    • Ability paladin handoflight [Harsh Discipline] no longer triggers after 4 spell casts of Smite, Mind Blast, or Power Word: Solace. Instead, Power Word: Radiance has a 30/60% chance to cause your next Penance to be free and fire 3 extra bolts.
      • Developers' note: While Harsh Discipline was fun to play with, it added another thing you had to do before paying off on your Atonements. By triggering from Power Word: Radiance, this will now automatically happen after applying your Atonements. This will also reduce the frequency of Harsh Discipline procs, and allow regular Penance to deal more damage and healing.
    • New Talent: Spell holy holysmite [Sanctuary] – Smite prevents the next 80% damage dealt by the enemy.
    • New Talent: Ability priest ascendance [Ultimate Penitence] – Ascend into the air and unleash a massive barrage of Penance bolts, causing Holy damage to enemies or healing to allies over 6 seconds. While ascended, gain a shield for 50% of your health. In addition, you are unaffected by knockbacks or crowd control effects.
    • New Talent: Spell holy penance [Heaven's Wrath] – Each Penance bolt you fire reduces the cooldown of Ultimate Penitence by 2 seconds.
    • New Talent: Ability crown of the heavens icon [Overloaded with Light] – Ultimate Penitence emits an explosion of light, healing up to 10 allies around you and applying Atonement at 50% of normal duration.
    • Spell holy penance [Penance] damage increased by 15%.
    • Penance healing increased by 30%.
    • Spell holy powerwordbarrier [Power Word: Barrier] now reduces 20% of all damage taken (was 25%).
    • Ability priest atonement [Atonement] now heals for 32% of damage done (was 40%).
    • Atonement healing is now increased by 50% when not in a raid.
    • Spell holy flashheal [Flash Heal] healing increased by 40%.
    • Spell holy powerwordshield [Power Word: Shield] absorption increased by 10%.
    • Spell holy devineaegis [Divine Aegis] is now a 1-point talent (was 2).
    • Inv staff 2h artifacttome d 01 [Light's Wrath], Inv staff 2h artifacttome d 01 [Resplendent Light], Spell priest divinestar holy [Wrath Unleashed], and Spell holy penance [Make Amends] have been removed.
    • Developers' note: We heard feedback that Shadow Covenant and the talent tree in general would be more flexible and interesting if Shadowfiend were a more viable option, so Shadow Covenant now grants a higher damage increase with Shadowfiend. We've also tied in the duration with the duration of Shadowfiend or Mindbender to make using Inescapable Torment more enjoyable. Finally, we've reduced the overall value of Shadow Covenant (particularly with Mindbender) and distributed some of the power into Penance, to nudge Discipline a bit closer towards consistent damage instead of heavy burst windows.
    • Ability priest ascendance [Ultimate Penitence] now takes into account your primary target and will prioritize healing bolts if an ally is selected, or damaging bolts if an enemy is selected. Damage and healing increased by 25%, and an initial tick has been added to the start of the channel.
    • Spell warlock demonsoul [Embrace Shadow] has been removed. Twilight Corruption remains in its location, and continues to increase Shadow Covenant's effectiveness by an additional 10%.
    • Spell shadow summonvoidwalker [Shadow Covenant] duration now matches the duration of Mindbender at 12 seconds (was 7 seconds with Mindbender).
    • Shadow Covenant now grants 10% Shadow damage and healing increase with Mindbender, or 25% with Shadowfiend (was 25% with either one).
    • Shadow Covenant's visuals have been improved.
    • Spell holy penance [Penance] damage and healing increased by 15%.
    • Spell shadow soulleech 3 [Mindbender] and Void Summoner have swapped locations in the talent tree.
    • Spell shadow shadowfiend [Void Summoner] reduces the cooldown of Shadowfiend by 4 seconds or Mindbender by 2 seconds (was 2 seconds for both).
    • Fixed an issue causing Mindbender to sometimes return to your side immediately upon being summoned.
    • Spell shadow shadowpower [Expiation] increases Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Death damage by 15/30% (was 10/20%).
    • Spell priest burningwill [Weal and Woe] increases Smite's damage by 20% per stack (was 12%) and Power Word: Shield by 10% per stack (was 5%).
    • Spell holy holynova [Rhapsody] now increases the damage of Holy Nova by 10% per stack (was 20%).
    • Ability paladin handoflight [Harsh Discipline] has been redesigned – Power Word: Radiance causes your next Penance to fire 1 (or 2) additional bolts, stacking up to 2 times.
    • Ability priest ascendance [Ultimate Penitence]'s damaging bolts deal 80% spell power (was 57.5%) and healing bolts heal for 330% spell power (was 206%).
  • Holy
  • Shadow
    • Spell shadow shadowfury [Shadow Crash] damage is now reduced beyond 5 targets.
    • Spell fire twilightflamebreath [Surge of Insanity] now triggers from every 3 casts of Devouring Plague instead of every cast of Devouring Plague.
      • Developers' note: The rotation has a lot going on and much of that is due to the frequency that Mind Flay: Insanity and Mind Spike: Insanity are available, so we're adjusting the frequency of the effect.
    • Spell shadow siphonmana [Mind Flay] damage increased by 10%.
    • Spell fire twilightflamebreath [Mind Flay: Insanity] damage increased by 30%.
    • Ability socererking arcanereplication nightborne [Mind Spike: Insanity] damage increased by 20%.
    • Fixed an issue causing Deathspeaker to reset the cooldown of Shadow Word: Death to 10 seconds.
    • Fixed an issue causing Deathspeaker to trigger the cooldown lockout for Death and Madness.
    • Fixed an issue causing additional Shadow Word: Deaths from the Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Set Bonus to not trigger Psychic Link.
    • Spell shadow chilltouch [Inescapable Torment] now triggers at 35% reduced effectiveness from additional Shadow Word: Deaths caused by the Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Set Bonus.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus: Now triggers additional Shadow Word: Deaths at 35% effectiveness (was 50%).
    • Spell fire twilightflamebreath [Surge of Insanity] now triggers from every 2 casts of Devouring Plague (was 3).
      • Developers' note: The Shadow rotation slowed down more than we were intending for from our changes earlier this patch and we've seen similar feedback from the community. We maintain our goal to reduce how busy the Shadow rotation is, so we're not reverting Surge of Isanity to its Fury Incarnate state, and instead reducing the casts required. We're also increasing the Insanity generated from the associated spells to further distinguish their power from the base versions of the spells.
    • Ability socererking arcanereplication nightborne [Mind Spike: Insanity] now generates 8 Insanity (was 6).
    • Spell fire twilightflamebreath [Mind Flay: Insanity] now generates 16 Insanity over its duration (was 12).
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus: Additional Shadow Word: Deaths from the set bonus are now triggered at 20% effectiveness (was 35%).
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus: Additional Shadow Word: Deaths from the set bonus now deal reduced Inescapable Torment damage.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Now increases the initial damage of Shadow Word: Pain by 200% per stack (was 250%).
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Now increases the initial damage of Shadow Crash by 100% per stack (was 50%).
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus: Now triggers additional Shadow Word: Deaths at 15% effectiveness (was 20%).
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Now increases the damage of Shadow Crash by 50% per stack (was 100%).
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Now highlights Shadow Word: Pain and Shadow Crash at 12 stacks (was 10).


  • Developer's note: In Guardians of the Dream we are updating all 4 Rogue talent trees to bring them up to current standards. A sweeping pass was needed to make significant adjustments to address notable concerns, like: moving the first gate from row 3 to row 4 to match all other classes; improving pathing and increasing interconnectedness on every tree; removing 3-point nodes; and reducing the percentage of minor DPS talents taken in the Class tree to make room for more flavorful and robust utility options. We also wanted to use the opportunity where so many things are changing to rework or redesign some talents that needed the update, and also just to make some new talents to experience and (hopefully) enjoy. Let us know what you think!
  • Many changes have been made to Class talent positions and connections.
  • Ability sap [Sap] is now a baseline ability.
  • Inv throwingknife 04 [Shiv] damage increased by 20%.
  • Shiv now costs 30 Energy (was 20) and has a 30 second cooldown (was 25 seconds).
  • New Talent: Spell magic featherfall [Featherfoot] (Passive) – Sprint increases movement speed by an additional 30%, and duration increased by 4 seconds.
  • New Talent: Inv misc potionsete [Superior Mixture] (Passive) – Crippling Poison reduced movement speed by an additional 10%.
  • New Talent: Ability rogue ghostpirate [Graceful Guile] (Passive) – Feint has 1 additional charge.
  • New Talent: Ability rogue shroudofconcealment [Stillshroud] (Passive) – Shroud of Concealment has 50% reduced cooldown.
  • Ability rogue vigor [Vigor]'s location has changed and is now a 2-point talent, increasing max Energy by 50/100 and increasing Energy regeneration by 8/15%.
  • Ability rogue deadenednerves [Deadly Precision] is now a 1-point talent. Per point value has not changed.
  • Ability stealth [Nightstalker]'s location has changed and now increases damage while Stealth is active by 8/15% (was 4/8%).
  • Spell animabastion buff [Reverberation] now increases Echoing Reprimand damage by 100% (was 75%).
  • Ability rogue nervesofsteel [Deadened Nerves] now reduces physical damage taken by 5% (was 3%).
  • Ability bastion rogue [Echoing Reprimand] now charges a combo point from 3/4/5 (was 2/3/4).
  • Achievement bg killingblow berserker [Marked for Death] has been adjusted:
    • Cooldown adjusted to 40 seconds for all specializations (was 30 seconds for Assassination and Subtlety, 60 seconds for Outlaw).
    • Grants full combo points (was 5).
    • Now increases the damage your finishing moves deal to the target by 15%.
    • Lasts 15 seconds (was 60 seconds) and resets cooldown if the target dies during the effect.
  • Ability stealth [Nightstalker] damage bonus reduced to 5/10% (was 8/15%).
  • Ability racial ultravision [Elusiveness] now causes Evasion to reduce damage taken by 20% (was 10%).
    • Developers' note: This change will be deployed to PTR over the course of this week.
  • Ability rogue bloodyeye [Airborne Irritant] has been moved to the class tree (was in Outlaw) and has been adjusted – Blind has 50% reduced cooldown, 40% reduced duration, and applies to all enemies near the target.
  • Achievement bg killingblow berserker [Marked for Death] has been removed.
  • Inv misc herb 16 [Improved Wound Poison], Inv misc potionsete [Superior Mixture], and Atrophic/Numbing Poisons have shuffled talent locations.
  • Assassination
    • Developers' note: Assassination is known for having strong single target damage, but has two areas of concern we hope to address in Guardians of the Dream. First and foremost, their AoE has been notably weak and left them far behind the pack for M+ and certain raid encounter types. Secondly, Assassination's damage performance does not improve at a similar rate compared to most specs when players improve their play and coordination to take on bigger challenges, like when moving from Heroic to Mythic level raiding. We hope the changes here will raise the floor of Assassination's AoE, especially before reaching and needing capstone talents to do so, and that it will feel like a distinct Assassination-like way to deliver AoE damage and not just copy/paste of another spec's gameplay. As for the second concern, it's very important to us that we not completely rewrite the book and threaten to undermine what makes Assassination appealing for so many players from both fantasy and gameplay perspectives. That said, the changes aimed at addressing this issue are more subtle. We intend to create more room for players tackling high-end content to use their resources and encounter knowledge to get improved performance outcomes, while not increasing the number of hoops players at all levels need to jump through to get results similar to the past.
    • Many changes have been made to Assassination talent positions and connections.
    • Ability rogue shadowstep [Shadowstep] is now a baseline ability.
    • New Talent: Ability deathknight hemorrhagicfever [Sudden Demise] (Passive) – Your Bleed damage increased by 10%. Targets below 35% health instantly bleed out and take fatal damage when the remaining Bleed damage you would deal to them exceeds 200% of their remaining health.
    • New Talent: Ability creature poison 02 [Caustic Spatter] (Passive) – Using Mutilate on a target afflicted by your Rupture and Lethal Poison applies Caustic Spatter for 10 seconds. Caustic Spatter causes 30% of Poison damage dealt to splash onto other nearby enemies, reduced beyond 5 targets. Limit 1.
    • New Talent: Inv artifact bloodoftheassassinated [Path of Blood] (Passive) – Increases max Energy by 100.
    • Ability rogue disembowel [Envenom] duration reduced by 1 second.
    • Inv throwingknife 04 [Improved Shiv] now increases Nature damage by 30% (was 20%).
    • Ability rogue venomouswounds [Venomous Wounds]' effect now restores 8 Energy (was 7).
    • Inv misc map08 [Elaborate Planning] is now a 1-point talent, and its effect now increases damage by 5% (was 4/8%).
    • Ability poisons [Improved Poisons] is now a 1-point talent. Per point value has not changed.
    • Ability rogue rupture [Bloody Mess] is now a 1-point talent. Per point value has not changed.
    • Ability hunter cobrashot [Thrown Precision] has been adjusted:
      • No longer increases Fan of Knives damage by 15%.
      • Now increases Fan of Knives critical strike chance by 10% (was 5%).
      • Now causes Fan of Knives critical strikes to always apply your weapon poisons.
    • Ability rogue stayofexecution [Seal Fate] has changed:
      • Moved from Class talent tree to Assassination.
      • Now a 1-point talent.
      • Effect now always triggers from critical strikes (was 50/100% chance).
    • Ability rogue bloodsplatter [Internal Bleeding]'s effect is now also applied by Rupture.
    • Inv knife 1h cataclysm c 05 [Crimson Tempest] has been adjusted:
      • No longer has an instant damage component.
      • Now has an initial damage over time tick on application.
      • Damage per tick reduced by 25%.
      • Duration increased by 2 seconds.
      • Now deals bonus damage when multiple enemies are afflicted, increased by 20% per target, up to 100%.
      • Now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets (was 8).
    • Inv throwingknife 04 [Lightweight Shiv] now increases Shiv damage by 100% in addition to its previous effect.
    • Ability deathwing bloodcorruption earth [Exsanguinate] has been redesigned:
      • Active version: 1 minute cooldown. Garrote, Rupture, and Crimson Tempest consume 10 Energy to duplicate 100% of any damage dealt. Lasts 10 seconds.
      • Passive version: While above 100 Energy your Garrote, Rupture, and Crimson Tempest consume 8 Energy to duplicate 40% of any damage dealt.
        • Developers' note: There are two updated versions of Exsanguinate available to test on PTR, located on the talent tree as a choice node with one being active and one being passive. Based on testing, feedback, and possible iteration, we will likely keep one to continue on for patch release and discard the other.
    • Ability rogue fanofknives [Flying Daggers] now increases Fan of Knives damage by 15%, in addition to its previous effects.
    • Rogue venomzest [Venom Rush]'s effect now refunds 6 Energy (was 7).
    • Ability rogue deadlybrew [Vicious Venoms] has been adjusted:
      • Bonus damage effect increased to 35/70% (was 10/20%).
      • Now increases Ambush and Mutilate energy costs by 5/10.
    • Rogue paralytic poison [Poison Bomb] now affects an area within 8 yards (was 6 yards).
    • Archaeology 5 0 thunderkinginsignia [Zoldyck Recipe] is now a 2-point talent. Per point values have not changed.
    • Ability rogue venomouswounds [Dashing Scoundrel] effect now generates 1/2 Energy (was 1 Energy at both ranks).
    • Ability rogue rupture [Scent of Blood] is now a 2-point talent, and its effect now increases Agility by 1.5/3% (was 1/2/3%).
    • Ability rogue surpriseattack [Arterial Precision]'s effect now increases Bleed damage by 30% (was 20%).
    • Spell fire flameblades [Dragon-Tempered Blades] now causes your weapon poisons to apply 30% less frequently, in addition to its previous effect.
    • Ability rogue indiscriminatecarnage [Indiscriminate Carnage] has been redesigned – Garrote and Rupture apply to 2 additional nearby enemies when used from Stealth and for 3 seconds after breaking Stealth. Passive Talent.
    • Rogue venomzest [Venom Rush]'s Energy return reduced to 5 (was 6).
    • Inv knife 1h artifactgarona d 01 [Kingsbane] damage reduced by 10%.
    • Ability rogue bloodsplatter [Internal Bleeding] damage reduced by 20%
      • Developers' note: This change will be deployed to PTR over the course of this week.
    • Ability deathwing bloodcorruption earth [Exsanguinate] (Passive) now has an Energy threshold of 150 (was 100) and consumes 4 Energy (was 8) to duplicate 25% damage (was 40%).
      • Developers' note: This change will be deployed to PTR over the course of this week.
    • Exsanguinate (Active) now consumed 8 Energy (was 10) to duplicate 75% of damage (was 100%) during effect.
      • Developers' note: This change will be deployed to PTR over the course of this week.
    • Inv misc map08 [Elaborate Planning] has been removed.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus – Envenomous Explosion damage has been increased by 230%.
    • Ability creature poison 02 [Caustic Spatter] damage increased to 35% (was 30%).
    • Ability rogue venomouswounds [Dashing Scoundrel] is now a 1-point talent (was 2).
    • Ability rogue indiscriminatecarnage [Indiscriminate Carnage] duration is now 10 seconds (was 3 seconds).
    • Ability rogue rupture [Scent of Blood] now increases Agility by 2/4% per target Ruptured (was 1.5/3%), to a max of 20% (was 24%).
    • Exsanguinate (Active) has been removed.
    • Ability deathwing bloodcorruption earth [Exsanguinate] (Passive) – Energy threshold changed to 50% of max Energy (was flat 150), Energy consumed reduced to 3 (was 4) and damage duplicated reduced to 20% (was 25%)
    • Ability deathknight hemorrhagicfever [Sudden Demise]'s Bleed damage trigger value reduced to 150% of remaining health (was 200%) and now benefits correctly from Zoldyck Recipe bonus.
    • Ability rogue indiscriminatecarnage [Indiscriminate Carnage] now prioritizes targets without Rupture and Garrote.
    • Exsanguinate renamed to Sanguine Blades.
    • Ability rogue disembowel [Envenom] damage increased by 8%.
    • Inv knife 1h artifactgarona d 01 [Kingsbane] damage reduced by 5%.
    • Ability rogue indiscriminatecarnage [Indiscriminate Carnage] secondary targets now prioritize enemies that are not afflicted by Garrote and Rupture.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Set Bonus now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Set Bonus: Now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets (was 8 targets).
    • Rogue leeching poison [Leeching Poison] now grants 10% Leech (was 5%). Does not apply in PvP combat.
    • Inv knife 1h cataclysm c 05 [Crimson Tempest] damage reduced by 5%.
    • Ability rogue focusedattacks [Blindside] now causes Ambush to replace Mutilate when the effect is triggered.
    • Ability deathwing bloodcorruption earth [Sanguine Blades] energy consumed per tick reduced to 2 (was 3) and damage duplicated increased to 25% (was 20%).
    • Ability deathknight hemorrhagicfever [Sudden Demise] now has a 10 second delay after triggering before being able to trigger again on the same target.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Envenomous Explosion's damage is increased by 150% if it deals damage to a single target.
  • Outlaw
    • Developers' note: Outlaw's talent tree has produced some fun gameplay so far in Dragonflight, but it has significant issues with rigidity, lack of pathing options, high tension between early tree DPS and utility nodes, and far above average number of unskippable core skills. Some of those skills have returned to Outlaw baseline, creating room for improved pathing and interconnectedness. We have also reworked or redesigned some existing talents and introduced some new options, with the hope that it will expand the gameplay space and options available to popular Outlaw builds.
    • Many changes have been made to Outlaw talent positions and connections.
    • Ability rogue grapplinghook [Grappling Hook], Ability warrior punishingblow [Blade Flurry], Ability rogue rollthebones [Roll the Bones], and Ability rogue restlessblades [Restless Blades] are now baseline abilities.
    • Ability rogue preyontheweak [Prey on the Weak] has moved from the Class talent tree to Outlaw, and has been renamed Sting Like a Bee.
    • New Talent: Ability rogue bloodyeye [Airborne Irritant] (Passive) – Blind applies to 4 additional nearby enemies while Blade Flurry is active, but has 20% reduced duration.
    • New Talent: Ability hisek aim [Crackshot] (Passive) – Between the Eyes has no cooldown and also Dispatches the target for 100% of normal damage when used from Stealth.
    • New Talent: Ability butcher heavyhanded [Underhanded Upper Hand] (Passive) – Slice and Dice does not lose duration during Blade Flurry. Blade Flurry does not lose duration during Adrenaline Rush. Adrenaline Rush does not lose duration during Stealth. Stealth abilities can be used for an additional 3 seconds after Stealth breaks.
    • Inv weapon rifle 01 [Between the Eyes]' critical bonus effect is now a buff on the Rogue (was a debuff on the target).
    • Ability rogue versatility [Thief's Versatility] has been adjusted:
      • Moved from Class talent tree to Outlaw.
      • Now a 1-point talent.
      • Now increases Versatility by 4% (was 2/4%).
    • Ability rogue unfairadvantage [Fatal Flourish] effect now has a 50% chance to trigger (was 60%).
    • Spell warrior wildstrike [Deft Maneuvers] has been redesigned – Blade Flurry's initial damage is increased by 100% and generates 1 combo point per target struck.
    • Ability rogue slicedice [Swift Slasher] has been adjusted – Now causes Slice and Dice to grant additional attack speed equal to 100% of your Haste (was based on combo points spent).
    • Inv weapon rifle 01 [Ace Up Your Sleeve] now grants 5 combo points (was 4) and has 5% chance per combo point to trigger (was 4%).
    • Ability dualwield [Triple Threat] is now a 1-point talent, granting 10% chance to trigger its effect (was 5/10%).
    • Inv weapon shortblade 15 [Improved Main Gauche] is now a 1-point talent. Per point value has not changed.
    • Ability ironmaidens bladerush [Weaponmaster] has been removed.
    • Spell shadow shadowworddominate [Improved Adrenaline Rush] has been adjusted:
      • No longer grants full combo points when Adrenaline Rush ends.
      • Now grants full Energy when Adrenaline Rush ends.
    • Ability creature cursed 02 [Ghostly Strike] has been adjusted:
      • No longer affected by global cooldown.
      • Cooldown increased to 1.5 minutes (was 35 seconds).
      • Energy cost increased to 35 (was 30).
      • Damage increased by 33%.
      • Now increases damage to the target by 15% (was 10%).
      • Duration increased to 12 seconds (was 10 seconds).
    • Inv sword 1h artifactskywall d 01dual [Dreadblades] has been adjusted:
      • Effect now grants full combo points (was 5).
      • Energy cost reduced to 30 (was 40).
      • Backlash damage increased to 8% of current health (was 5%).
    • Ability rogue murderspree [Killing Spree] has been adjusted:
      • Moved to capstone location.
      • Now a finishing move, increasing number of total strikes per combo point (1 strike + 1 per combo point spent).
      • Damage per strike increased by 33%.
      • No longer reduces damage taken during effect.
      • Now causes 100% of damage taken during effect to be delayed, instead taken over 8 seconds.
      • Haste now affects duration, reducing the time between strikes.
    • Achievement bg killingblow berserker [Marked for Death] no longer benefits from the cooldown reduction effect of Restless Blades. The tooltip will be updated to match in a future PTR build.
    • Grand Melee (Roll the Bones buff) has been adjusted – Now increases damage by 5%, and Blade Flurry deals 10% additional to nearby targets.
    • Ability hisek aim [Crackshot] damage with Dispatch reduced to 75% of normal damage (was 100%).
    • Inv sword 1h artifactskywall d 01dual [Dreadblades] has been removed.
    • New Talent: Inv legendary gun [Precision Shot] – Increases the range of Between the Eyes and Pistol Shot by 10 yards, and Pistol Shot reduces damage you take from the target by 5%.
    • Ability rogue murderspree [Killing Spree] base delay (before Haste) between strikes reduced to 0.3 seconds per combo point (was 0.4 seconds).
    • Ability dualwield [Triple Threat] chance to trigger increased to 15% (was 10%).
    • Inv misc dice 01 [Count the Odds] chance to trigger reduced to 8% (was 10%) and can now also be triggered by Sinister Strike.
    • Ability rogue ambush [Hidden Opportunity] effectiveness of chance to strike twice reduced to 80% (was 100%).
    • Fixed several issues that caused the Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus to be lost.
    • Refreshed duration of Ability rogue rollthebones [Roll the Bones] combat enhancements now matches other enhancements.
    • Fixed some edge-cases that caused the Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus to grant a combat enhancements without a buff.
    • Spell shadow ritualofsacrifice [Sinister Strike] damage increased by 10%.
    • Ability rogue ambush [Audacity] now causes Ambush to replace Sinister Strike when the effect is triggered.
    • Ability rogue murderspree [Killing Spree] damage increased by 25%.
  • Subtlety
    • Developers' note: Subtlety and its talent tree have been in a similar position as Outlaw. The gameplay outcome has been mostly good during Dragonflight so far, but many talents are underused, and rigid pathing with insufficient connections have restricted talent options. We have changed, redesigned, and added new talents alongside improvements to pathing and interconnectedness that will hopefully add up to feeling like there is more gameplay diversity and flexibility in the tree. And while we noted that gameplay outcomes thus far in Dragonflight have been ‘good', there have been some negative trends we hope to address. To start, Subtlety's Energy and combo point resource economies have been overflowing, which creates a cascade of issues. Uptime for key cooldowns (predominantly Shadow Dance) has also been higher than expected, forcing overall damage tuning to result in a relatively flat damage profile, especially for a spec that is often known for having moments of increased intensity and burst within those frequent cooldown windows. So, in addition to the more general improvements and additions for talents, there are some changes that affect Subtlety's Energy and combo point flow that will reduce the floor of their steady downtime rate, and increase the relative value of effects that temporarily offer more resources. It will require tuning and iteration to get to the amounts of total resource generation and damage output in a good state, so any gameplay feedback you would like to share on these topics is welcome. Let us know!
    • Many changes have been made to Subtlety talent positions and connections.
    • Ability rogue shadowstep [Shadowstep] and Spell priest divinestar shadow [Black Powder] are now baseline abilities.
    • Ability backstab [Backstab] Energy cost increased to 40 (was 35).
    • Ability rogue shadowstrike [Shadowstrike] Energy cost increased to 45 (was 40) and damage increased by 16%.
    • Ability rogue masterofsubtlety [Shadow Techniques] has been adjusted:
      • No longer grants a combo point immediately when its effect is triggered.
      • Now stores combo points with a stacking buff, up to double your max combo points.
      • Abilities that generate combo points can expend any stored combo points to generate extra, up to your max combo points.
      • Energy generation reduced to 3 (was 4).
    • Ability rogue findweakness [Find Weakness] has been adjusted:
      • Moved from Class talent tree to Subtlety.
      • Now a 1-point talent.
      • Now causes attacks to bypass 30% of armor (was 15/30%).
    • Inv knife 1h grimbatolraid d 03 [Shadow Blades] has been adjusted:
      • Now causes all attacks (was combo point generating abilities) to deal 20% additional damage as Shadow (was 50%).
      • Now causes abilities that generate combo points to generate full combo points (was 1 additional).
    • New Talent: Ability warlock soullink [Ephemeral Bond] (Passive) – Increases healing received by 12%.
    • New Talent: Spell shadow sealofkings [Shadowcraft] (Passive) – While Symbols of Death is active, your Shadow Techniques triggers after 1 fewer attack, stores 1 additional combo point, and finishing moves can also expend stored combo points.
    • New Talent: Inv knife 1h artifactfangs d 01 [Goremaw's Bite] – Lashes out at the target, inflicting Shadow damage and causing your next 3 finishing moves to cost no Energy. Awards 3 combo points. Costs 25 Energy. 1 minute cooldown.
    • New Talent: Spell rogue shadow reflection [Stunning Secret] (Passive) – Kidney Shot has 100% increased cooldown and Energy cost, and now creates shadow clones to stun all other nearby enemies.
    • New Talent: Achievement bg kill flag carrier [Warning Signs] (Passive) – Symbols of Death increases your Haste by 6%.
    • Ability rogue envelopingshadows [Shrouded in Darkness] now causes Shroud of Concealment to persist after leaving its area, in addition to its previous effect.
    • Ability rogue eviscerate [Eviscerate] damage increased by 10%.
    • Ability ironmaidens convulsiveshadows [Gloomblade] Energy cost increased to 40 (was 35).
    • Ability creature cursed 02 [Planned Execution] is now a 1-point talent and increases critical strike chance by 6% (was 5/10%).
    • Ability rogue shadowdance [Improved Shadow Dance] is now a 1-point talent and increases Shadow Dance duration by 2 seconds (was 1/2 seconds).
    • Ability rogue eviscerate [Shadowed Finishers] is now a 1-point talent and its effect causes 25% additional damage as Shadow (was 20/40%).
    • Rogue shadowfocus [Shadow Focus] now reduces Energy costs by 10% (was 15%).
    • Spell shadow twilight [Deepening Shadows] now reduces Shadow Dance cooldown by 0.5 seconds per combo point spent (was 0.7).
    • Ability warrior bloodfrenzy [Perforated Veins] has been redesigned as a 1-point talent – After striking 5 times with Gloomblade, your next attack that generates combo points deals 50% increased damage.
    • Spell fire twilightnova [Lingering Shadow] is now a 1-point talent. Per point value has not changed.
    • Inv weapon shortblade 15 [Deeper Daggers] is now a 1-point talent. Per point value has not changed.
    • Ability rogue eviscerate [Finality] buffs no longer have a duration.
    • Spell shadow nightofthedead [The Rotten] has been adjusted:
      • Bonus to damage and critical strike now applies to any attack that generates combo points (was Backstab, Gloomblade, and Shadowstrike).
      • Effect no longer generates combo points.
    • Ability rogue shadowyduel [Stiletto Staccato] and Spell rogue shadow reflection [Stunning Secret] have been removed.
    • Inv knife 1h artifactfangs d 01 [Goremaw's Bite] cooldown reduced to 45 seconds (was 1 minute).
    • Ability rogue sinistercalling [Secret Technique] damage increased by 12%.
    • Secret Technique shadow clone attacks no longer double-dip from the bonuses of Deeper Daggers, Veiltouched, and Dark Brew.
    • Goremaw's Bite damage increased by 20%.
    • Ability rogue shurikenstorm [Shuriken Storm]'s Energy cost increased to 45 (was 40).
    • Goremaw's Bite now correctly consumes the Cold Blood buff.
      • Developers' note: This change will be deployed to PTR over the course of this week.
    • New Talent: Ability druid typhoon [Terrifying Pace] – Gain 30% increased movement speed for 3 seconds when Shuriken Storm strikes 3 or more targets.
    • New Talent: Inv weapon hand 04 [Exhilarating Execution] – Finishing moves heal you for 3% of damage done. Overhealing is converted to shielding, absorbing up to 10% of your maximum health.
    • Ability rogue masterofsubtlety [Shadow Techniques]' Energy generated increased to 4 (was 3)
    • Shadow Techniques tooltip has been updated, no functional changes.
    • Spell shadow sealofkings [Shadowcraft] now allows finishing moves to use Shadow Technique stacks only when it will refresh combo points to full.
    • Shadowcraft's tooltip has been updated, no functional changes.
    • Ability warlock soullink [Ephemeral Bond]'s bonus for healing received reduced to 8% (was 12%).
    • Ability rogue shadowstrike [Shadowstrike] damage increased by 7%.
    • Ability warrior bloodfrenzy [Perforated Veins] effect now applied after striking with Backstab 4 times (was 5 times).
    • Spell shadow nightofthedead [The Rotten] now causes your next 2 attacks that generate combo points (was 1 attack) after activating Symbols of Death to deal 35% increased damage (was 50%).
    • Spell deathknight strangulate [Replicating Shadows] secondary targets now prioritize enemies that are not afflicted by Rupture.
    • Ability rogue eviscerate [Eviscerate] damage increased by 8%.
    • Inv weapon hand 04 [Exhilarating Execution] now causes finishing moves to heal for 5% of damage done (was 3%).
    • Ability rogue eviscerate [Shadowed Finishers] finisher shadow damage value increased to 30% (was 25%).
    • Ability rogue throwingspecialization [Shuriken Tornado] Shuriken Storms triggered by Shuriken Tornado no longer generate bonus combo points from Shadow Blades.


  • Spell nature manaregentotem [Mana Spring] now restores 150 mana for Enhancement Shamans (was 250), 150 mana for Restoration Shamans (was 350), and 100 mana for Elemental Shamans (was 150) at level 70.
  • Elemental
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus has been redesigned – When consuming Primordial Wave and for 10 seconds afterwards, Lava Burst burns your target for 25% additional damage over 4 seconds, and for 10 seconds each cast of Chain Lightning causes your next Lava Burst to hit up to 3 additional targets affected by your Flame Shock for 100% of normal damage.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope (4) Set Bonus: Fixed an issue where Chain Lightning and Lightning Bolt were incorrectly highlighted after casting Primordial Wave.
    • Spell nature elementalprecision 1 [Splintered Elements] now grants you 20% Haste plus an additional 4% Haste per extra target hit by Primordial Wave, rather than 10% Haste per target hit.
    • Spell holy spiritualguidence [Further Beyond] can now only increase the duration of Further Beyond by up to 150% of the original duration of Ascendance.
    • Ability maldraxxus shaman [Primordial Wave] can no longer be used to heal a friendly ally, it is now only an offensive spell for Elemental Shaman.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope (4) Set Bonus has been redesigned – Lava Burst burns your target for 15% additional damage over 4 seconds, and after consuming Primordial Wave, your next 3 casts of Lava Burst also hit up to 3 additional targets affected by your Flame Shock for 100% of normal damage.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Primordial Wave now causes your next 2 Lava Burst casts to strike extra targets (was 3).
    • Fixed an issue where Spell nature elementalprecision 1 [Splintered Elements] was incorrectly granting you 4% extra Haste than intended when activating against a single target.
    • Shaman talent elementalblast [Elemental Blast] can now refresh and extend the duration of the Haste, Critical Strike, and Mastery effects to up to 130% of the base 10 second duration, but will still prefer to apply a buff that you don't already have.
    • Fixed an issue where Spell holy spiritualguidence [Further Beyond] would not properly extend Ascendance to the maximum duration if the extension amount would have put it beyond the maximum extension amount.
    • Fixed an issue where Further Beyond didn't properly extend extra Ascendance activations from Deeply Rooted Elements if you were already under the effects of Ascendance from Deeply Rooted Elements.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Fixed an issue where the 4-set bonus was being activated without having the 4-set equipped.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Fixed an issue where subsequent Lava Bursts after Primordial Wave from the 4-set bonus were causing Splintered Elements talent to active.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus: Fixed an issue where Lava Bursts benefitting from Molten Charge from the 4-set bonus were dealing 80% of expected damage rather than 100% of expected damage.
  • Enhancement
  • Restoration


  • Affliction
  • Demonology
    • Developers' note: Demonology's damage profile is currently too reliant on Nether Portal and Tyrant windows. In Guardians of the Dream, we're redistributing this power to other parts of Demonology's rotation and decoupling the synergy between these two cooldowns so that they can stand on their own rather than being dependent on one another. We still want Nether Portal and Demonic Tyrant to be impactful, powerful cooldowns – just not the only source of meaningful output for a Demonology Warlock.
    • Achievement dungeon outland dungeonmaster [Gul'dan's Ambition] has been redesigned – When Nether Portal ends, you summon a Pit Lord that serves you for 10 seconds.
    • Spell warlock demonicportal purple [Grand Warlock's Design] has been redesigned – Summon Demonic Tyrant cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds.
    • Achievement dungeon shadowmoonhideout [Ner'zhul's Volition] has been redesigned – Demons summoned from your Nether Portal deal 15/30% increased damage.
    • Ability warlock improveddemonictactics [Demonic Knowledge] now has a 10% chance of causing Hand of Gul'dan to generate a Demonic Core (was 15%).
    • New Talent: Spell warlock demonicempowerment [Volatile Fiends] – Implosion deals 10% increased damage. Bilescourge Bombers deal 20% increased damage and your spells now have a chance to summon a Bilescourge Bomber.
    • Inv summondemonictyrant [Summon Demonic Tyrant] has been redesigned – Summon a Demonic Tyrant to increase the duration of your Dreadstalkers, Vilefiend, Felguard, and up to 10 of your Wild Imps for 15 seconds. Your Demonic Tyrant increases the damage of affected demons by 15% while damaging your target.
    • Ability bossdarkvindicator auraofoppression [Reign of Tyranny] has been redesigned – Active Wild Imps grant 1 stack of Demonic Servitude and active greater demons grant 3 stacks of Demonic Servitude, up to 15 stacks. Demonic Tyrant deals 10% additional damage for each stack of Demonic Servitude active at the time of his summon.
    • Ability warlock eradication [Inner Demons] no longer has a chance to summon an additional demon during combat.
    • Warlock spelldrain [Demonic Core] is no longer baseline.
    • Inv demonbolt [Demonbolt] now grants the passive Demonic Core when learned.
    • Spell shadow shadowbolt [Shadow Bolt] damage increased by 30%.
    • Demonbolt damage increased by 15%.
    • Vilefiend damage increased by 15%.
    • Inv misc skullfel 06 [Bloodbound Imps] has been removed.
    • Ability warlock empoweredimp [Imp Gang Boss] has been redesigned – Summoning a Wild Imp has a 15/30% chance to summon a Imp Gang Boss instead. An Imp Gang Boss deals 50% additional damage and Implosions from Imp Gang Boss deal 50% increased damage.
    • All Inv netherportal [Nether Portal] demons' damage increased 30%.
    • Achievement dungeon outland dungeonmaster [Gul'dan's Ambition] has been redesigned – When Nether Portal ends, you summon a Pit Lord that blasts your target for Fire damage every 1 second for 10 seconds.
    • Demonic Tyrant's Ability vehicle demolisherflamecatapult [Demonfire] damage increased 30%.
    • Ability bossdarkvindicator auraofoppression [Reign of Tyranny] has been redesigned – Summon Demonic Tyrant empowers 5 additional Wild Imps and deals 10% additional damage for each demon he empowers.
    • Fixed an issue where your permanently summoned Felguard would not benefit from Inv summondemonictyrant [Summon Demonic Tyrant].
    • Inv demonbolt [Demonbolt] damage increased 30%.
    • Ability warlock handofguldan [Hand of Gul'dan] damage increased 25%.
    • Wild Imp damage increased 25%.
    • Inv implosion [Implosion] damage increased 25%.
    • Spell shadow shadowbolt [Shadow Bolt] damage increased 30%.
    • Spell warlock calldreadstalkers [Call Dreadstalkers] damage increased 25%.
    • Spell shadow summonfelguard [Grimoire: Felguard] damage increased 30%.
    • Ability creature felfrenzy [Immutable Hatred] has been redesigned – Your primary Felguard's Legion Strike deals 100% increased damage to its primary target. Your primary Felguard deals Physical damage after auto-attacking the same enemy 3 consecutive times.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus has been redesigned – Demonbolt now applies a Doom Brand that explodes after 20 seconds, dealing Shadow damage to nearby enemies. Hand of Gul'dan reduces the duration of your active Doom Brands by 1 second per Soul Shard spent.
    • Doom Brand damage increased 35%.
    • The chance for Doom Brand to summon a Doomfiend has been increased.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus has been redesigned – When Doom Brand explodes, you have a chance to summon a Doomfiend that casts 5 Doombolt Volleys before departing. Each Doombolt Volley deals Shadow damage to up to 4 nearby enemies.
    • Inv polearm 2h fellord 04 [Soul Strike] has been redesigned – Your primary Felguard learns Soul Strike: Strikes the soul of the target, dealing Shadow damage.
    • New Talent: Ability bossfelorcs necromancer purple [Shadow Invocation] – Bilescourge Bombers deal 20% increased damage, and your spells now have a chance to summon a Bilescourge Bomber.
    • New Talent: Ability bossfelorcs necromancer orange [Fel Invocation] – Soul Strike deals 20% increased damage and generates 1 Soul Shard. The cast time of Summon Vilefiend is reduced by 0.5 seconds and your Vilefiend now deals Fire damage to nearby enemies every 1 second while active.
    • New Talent: Spell shadow impphaseshift [Spiteful Reconstitution] – Implosion deals 10% increased damage. Consuming a Demonic Core has a chance to summon a Wild Imp.
    • Spell warlock summonimpoutland [Imp-erator] is now a 1-rank talent (was 2).
    • Ability warlock handofguldan [Malefic Impact] is now a 1-rank talent (was 2).
    • Pit Lord's Felseeker damage increased 40%.
    • Spell warlock demonicempowerment [Volatile Fiends] has been removed.
    • Ability warlock backdraft [Power Siphon] now prioritizes Wild Imps that are not Imp Gang Bosses or empowered by Summon Demonic Tyrant.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (2) Set Bonus has been redesigned – Demonbolt applies a Doom Brand that explodes after 20 seconds, dealing Shadow damage to nearby enemies or Shadow damage to a single enemy. Hand of Gul'dan reduces the duration of your Doom Brands by 1 second per Soul Shard spent.
    • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (4) Set Bonus has been redesigned – When Doom Brand explodes, you have a chance to summon a Doomfiend that casts Doom Bolt Volleys before departing. Each Doom Bolt Volley deals Shadow damage to up to 4 enemies or Shadow damage to a single enemy.
    • Developers' note: Caustic Presence is doing exceedingly well in single-target situations and even more so when paired with Summon Demonic Tyrant. This reduction in damage is heavy, but Caustic Presence should retain its identity as a useful AoE-centric talent while not becoming the correct answer in all situations. Additionally, we want to keep the synergistic benefit of extending Vilefiend's duration via Summon Demonic Tyrant to capitalize on a stronger Caustic Presence. Lastly, we are increasing the throughput of Demonology's tier set to align with the throughput of other tier sets.
    • Vilefiend's Caustic Presence damage reduced by 50%.
    • Eye of Gul'dan now benefits from Haste and Critical Strike Chance.
    • Pit Lord now benefits from Haste and Critical Strike Chance.
    • Pit Lord's Felseeker damage increased by 30%.
    • Doom Brand now deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
    • Doom Brand no longer deals damage when dispelled.
    • Doom Brand damage increased by 150%.
    • Doomfiend's [[Doom Bolt Volley] damage increased by 150%.
    • Ability creature felfrenzy [Immutable Hatred] has been redesigned – When you consume a Demonic Core, your primary Felguard carves your target, dealing Physical damage.
    • Doom Brand is now more consistent with summoning a Doomfiend.
    • Doom Brand now has a chance to summon a Doomfiend when dispelled, rather than only when detonated.
    • Doom Brand is now only applied when consuming a Demonic Core.
    • Ability creature felfrenzy [Immutable Hatred] should no longer be lost if your Felguard is out of range. Instead, he will use it as soon as he is within range.
    • Fixed an issue where Immutable Hatred was still functioning as its previous iteration.
  • Destruction



  • New glyphs to collect to learn 3 new traits:
    • Swift Skimming (Passive): Ground Skimming can occur now while affected by Thrill of the Skies.
    • Wind's Respite (Passive): After activating Aerial Halt, experience a brief moment of weightlessness as the effects of gravity are reduced for 4 seconds.
    • Second Wind (dragonriding) (Active, 3 charges, 3 minute recharge): Instantly generate 1 vigor.
  • New dragonriding races and world quests in the Emerald Dream.
  • New dragonriding mount: Flourishing Whimsydrake
  • New Inv companiondrake netherwing teal [Grotto Netherwing Drake] appearances to collect.


  • Rashok's Molten Heart mana restore effect reduced by 70%.
  • Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Raid Rewards
    • Developers' note: Players can test several new raid trinkets, the Incandescent Essence helm enchantment, and several weapons with additional effects by acquiring them from Trinketaur in Orgrimmar and Stormwind. Class sets are available on Setzertauren. We look forward to your feedback! Additional trinkets and weapons will be added in future PTR builds.
    • Incandescent Essence
      • Players will begin a questline to acquire this reusable helm enchantment shortly after entering the raid and can expect to acquire it in their second month of raiding. This powerful item grants players a different effect based on their current role and is not consumed on use. These effects will be disabled in PvP.
      • Quest progress is capped on a weekly basis and will be accelerated five weeks after the season begins to allow players to easily catch up if they miss the start of the season.
  • Great Vault
    • The "Mythic Dungeons" row has been renamed to "Dungeons".
    • Heroic, Mythic 0, and Timewalking dungeon runs now unlock rewards in the Dungeons row. These draw from the same rewards pool as Mythic+, with lower item levels. Timewalking dungeon runs count as Heroic.
  • Professions
    • New recipes have been added.
    • The following embellishments damage and healing values have been reduced by 35%:
      • Frostfire Belt
      • Fang Adornments
      • Slimy Expulsion Boots
      • Toxic Thorn Footwraps
      • Acidic Hailstone Treads
      • Magazine of Healing Darts
      • Playful Spirit’s Fur set
      • Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch
      • Spore Colony Shoulderguards
    • Inv misc questionmark [Amice of the Blue] damage reduced by 30%.
    • Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch self-damage has been increased by 33%.
    • Dreamwalker's Healing Potion and Potion of Withering Dreams healing increased by 19%.
  • Upgrade System
    • Hero upgrade track increased to 6 (was 5).
    • Myth upgrade track increased to 4 (was 3).
    • Crests are now a currency and will no longer take up inventory space.
    • Fragments have been removed.
    • Crests can now be traded up for higher-level Crests once reaching the lower level Crest's item level or higher.
      • For example: Using Season 2 item level numbers, players would become eligible to trade their Whelpling Crests up to Drake Crests when every gear slot had reached item level 411 or higher. Trading up to Wyrm Crests would become available at 424 (again, in every gear slot, using the same rules as crest redundancy), and trading up to Aspect Crests would open at 437.
    • PvP gear can now be upgraded with Flightstones and Crests (was Honor).
      • All PvP activities will reward Flightstones, and Crests can be earned from rated activities.
    • The Crest cap is now 90 per week to purchase 6 upgrades (was 10 upgrades).
  • Equipment that drops in the following activities have had their item levels increased:
    • Dragonbane Keep
    • World Quests
    • Centaur Hunts
    • Fyrakk Assaults
    • Researchers Under Fire
    • Time Rifts
    • Dreamsurge
    • Repeatable activities will reward Season 3 Explorer Gear and weekly activities will reward Season 3 Adventurer Gear.
  • Inv belt armor waistoftime d 01 [Dilated Time Capsule] (Time Rifts weekly currency) has been discontinued and can be sold to vendors for gold. The new weekly currency is Dilated Time Pod.
  • Inv 10 specialreagentfoozles coolegg green [Dreamsurge Chrysalis] (Dreamsurge weekly currency) has been discontinued and can be sold to vendors for gold. The new weekly currency is Dreamsurge Cocoon.

Pet battles[]

  • New wild pets to collect in the Emerald Dream.

Player versus Player[]

  • The cooldown of Gladiator's Medallion is now 90 seconds for all healer specializations (was 120 seconds).
  • Fixed an issue causing Precognition to trigger if the player is immune to an interrupt while casting.
  • Developers' note: We are expanding the maximum number of Arena maps within each map pool to 10 (was 8) with the goal of increasing map diversity slightly week to week.
  • All Arena map pools now have an additional 2 maps.



  • Tainted Rageheart absorb reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
  • Nimue's Vengeful Loom on-use effect reduced by 70% in PvP combat.
  • Augury of the Primal Flame's effectiveness of Annhilating Flame proc reduced by 60% in PvP combat.
  • Belor'relos, the Sunstone on-use effect reduced by 75% in PvP combat.
  • Bandolier of Twisted Blades on-use effect damage reduced by 60% in PvP combat.
  • Flourishing Dream Helm absorption effects reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
  • Rashon, the Immortal Blaze damage reduced by 75% in PvP combat.
  • Gholak, the Final Conflagration damage reduced by 75% in PvP combat.
  • Thorncaller Claw damage over time effect reduced by 60% in PvP combat.
  • Dreambinder, Loom of the Great Cycle damage and slow amount reduced by 50% in PvP combat. Immobilization does not work against enemy players.
  • Ouroboreal Necklet absorption reduced by 70% in PvP combat.
  • Incandescent Essence enchantment effects reduced by 70% in PvP combat.

User Interface and Accessibility[]

  • Talents UI
    • We've reworked the user experience to make reallocating talent points easier. You can now remove a point and spend it elsewhere without a large part of your build disappearing. Disconnected talents are simply marked in red, and can be reconnected to make the build valid again.
    • To perform the old behavior of mass unlearning all dependent talents, press Shift + Right Click.
  • Ping System
    • Added a option to add shortcut to Chat Settings so you can more easily control which chat windows display pings.
    • You can now right click a ping chat message to report spam.
  • Trading Post
    • You can now click the frozen item slot to select and purchase it, instead of having to locate it in the list.
    • A refund icon has been added to indicate items that are refundable. Hover over the icon to view the time remaining for a refund.
  • Added a tooltip to the magnifying glass on the World Map.
  • Updated the art on Zoom In and Out buttons in various model viewer windows.
  • Edit Mode
    • The Micromenu can now be resized to be smaller than default (previously it could only be made larger).
  • Accessibility Options now has a new Mounts section, which includes settings to better control dragonriding using the keyboard.
    • Pitch Control – Players can now set their Move Forward and Move Backward keys to control pitch while dragonriding.
    • Set the sensitivity of these keybinds and their debouncing behavior when transitioning between dragonriding and grounded.
    • Existing dragonriding accessibility options have been moved to the Mounts section.
  • Added new class resource bars for several classes:
    • Demon Hunter
    • Balance Druid
    • Brewmaster Monk
    • Shadow Priest
    • Elemental Shaman
  • Action bar spell swipe animation has been updated.
  • In the Auction House, items with long names will always have their crafted quality icon shown instead of being cut off.
  • To improve readability in the Quest pane, you can now choose between different background parchment colors.
  • A new celebratory popup will appear when you unlock a Great Vault slot or upgrade the reward of a slot.
  • In the Reputation pane, Major Factions are now grouped together at the top of the list.


  • The name was revealed on 6 September 2023.[1]


  1. ^ Blizzard Entertainment 2023-09-06. Warcraft on Twitter.​ “🌳 Guardians of the Dream PTR Preview 🌳 Join us at 10am PDT for an early look at Season 3 and what's coming in 10.2.”

Table of patches

Test-inline 0.x – Pre-release
WoW Icon update 1.x – World of Warcraft
Bc icon 2.x – The Burning Crusade
Wrath-Logo-Small 3.x – Wrath of the Lich King
Cataclysm 4.x – Cataclysm
Mists of Pandaria 5.x – Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor 6.x – Warlords of Draenor
Legion 7.x – Legion
Battle for Azeroth 8.x – Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands 9.x – Shadowlands
Dragonflight 10.x – Dragonflight
Icon-stub-48x48 Removed content