Patch 3.0.2

  • ️Sun Oct 20 2030
Patch 3.0.2
“Echoes of Doom”

Release date October 14, 2008
Initial version 9056
Interface .toc 30000 (changes)
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Patch 3.0.2: Echoes of Doom was the systems patch heralding the release of the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King expansion. It introduced the all new 51-point talent systems, the Barber Shop feature, as well as the brand new Achievement system. It also added a new primary profession called Inscription to the game.


  • All players will have their talent points reimbursed and will have access to new talents throughout their trees; this includes the 51-point talents. Several new spells and abilities have been added for all classes. Players will need to visit their class trainer to learn new spells.
  • The Kirin Tor have made their move and so has Dalaran.Please watch your step around the crater that has been left behind!
  • The Barber Shop has been implemented and you can now visit one of the Barber Shops in the major cities to change your appearance. Be sure to get your  [Shave and a Haircut]!
  • The all new Achievement System has been implemented and the Achievement panel can be accessed via the interface. While many achievements are not retroactive, we have done our best to credit as many as possible. Gamemasters will not be able to grant achievements for past accomplishements.
  • Stormwind Harbor is now open for business.
  • New towers have been added outside Of Orgrimmar and in Tirisfal Glades. Crews are currently at work to establish a new Zeppelin route to Northrend for your travel pleasure. Please no /spit off of the towers.
  • A new entrance is now viewable in the Caverns of Time.
  • Hit Rating, Critical Strike Rating, and Haste Rating now modify both melee attacks and spells.
  • Spell casting and spell channeling pushback has been changed to the following:
    • When casting a spell:
      • The first and second hit will add .5 secs each to the cast time.
      • All hits after the second will have no effect.
    • When channeling a spell:
      • The first and second hit reduces current duration by 25% of total duration each.
      • All hits after the second will have no effect.[/u][/b]
    • Spellpower:
      • All items and effects which grant bonuses to spell damage and spell healing are being consolidated into a single stat, Spellpower. This stat will appear with the same values found on items which grant "increased spell damage and healing" such as on typical Mage and Warlock itemization.
        • For classes which do not heal, they should see no change in the character sheet other than new tooltip wording.
      • Healing characters will see their bonus healing numbers on the character sheet decrease, however, all healing spells have been modified to receive more benefit from spellpower than they received from bonus healing, with a net effect of no change to the amount healed by their spells. Some talents have had to be rebalanced to accommodate this change, but the amount healed will remain roughly the same. In addition, some talents will provide only healing spell power.

Known Issues[]


  • [Brambles] (Balance): Now increases the damage done by your Treants, and also damage caused from your Treants and Barkskin has a 5/10/15% chance to Daze the target for 3 sec.
  • [Celestial Focus] (Balance): The stun proc now works with Starfall. This talent no longer has Wrath pushback protection, but instead increases your total spell haste by 1/2/3%.
  • [Challenging Roar] now has a 3 minute cooldown, reduced from 10 minutes.
  • [Control of Nature] (Balance) has been removed.
  • [Entangling Roots]: Can now be used indoors.
  • [Faerie Fire (Feral)]: Now an 11-point talent, down from being a 21-point talent.
  • [Feral Charge] (Feral) is now a 21-point talent, up from being a 11-point talent.
  • Feral Charge (Feral): Can now be used in Cat form.
  • [Feral Instinct] (Feral) no longer increases threat generated in Bear form, but now increases damage done by your Swipe ability by 5/10/15%.
  • [Feral Swiftness]: The movement speed buff can now be used indoors.
  • [Focused Starlight] (Balance)is now [Nature's Majesty] (Balance): Increases the critical strike chance of your Wrath, Starfire, Starfall, Nourish, and Healing Touch spells by 2/4/6%.
  • [Force of Nature] (Balance): Cooldown reduced to 2 minutes, down from 3.
  • [Furor] (Restoration): Now increases your total Intellect while in Moonkin form by 2/4/6/8/10%.
  • [Hurricane]: No longer has a cooldown (was 1 minute).
  • [Improved Faerie Fire] (Feral): Now also works with spell hit, in addition to ranged and melee hit %.
  • [Improved Mark of the Wild] (Restoration): Now a 2-point talent, down from a 5-point talent.
  • [Improved Tranquility] (Restoration): Now also reduces the cooldown of your Tranquility spell by 25/50%.
  • [Mangle] (Feral): Now increases the damage done by Maul in addition to Shred.
  • [Moonglow] (Balance): Now also works with [Starfall]. Moved to tier 2, up from tier 5.
  • [Moonkin Form] (Balance) no longer increases your attack power or causes you to regenerate mana off melee attacks, but now has a chance to cause you to instantly regenerate 2% of your total mana every time you critically hit with a spell.
  • [Nature's Focus] (Restoration): Now a 3 point talent, down from a 5-point talent. Also moved to Tier 1, up from Tier 2. Now also includes Nourish, Entangling Roots, Wrath, and Cyclone.
  • [Nature's Grace] (Balance): Now also reduces the global cooldown of your Wrath spell by 50% while in effect.
  • [Nature's Grasp] (Balance): Can now be used and can proc indoors. This is now a base ability at level 11 and has a 100% chance to proc.
  • New Talent- [Protector of the Pack] (Feral): Increases the bonus attack power for Bear Form and Dire Bear Form by an additional 20/40/60% for each friendly player in your party, damage taken is reduced while in Bear Form and Dire Bear Form by 1/2/3%.
  • [Nature's Reach] (Balance): Now also reduces threat generated by Balance spells by 15/30%.
  • [Nature's Splendor] now increases the duration of Lifebloow by 2 secs, (down from 3.)
  • New Spell: [Revive] - Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with health and mana. Cannot be cast when in combat. (Ranks 1-7 added)
  • New Talent - [Genesis] (Balance): Increases the damage and healing done by your periodic spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.
  • New Talent - [Improved Insect Swarm] (Balance): Increases your damage done by your Wrath spell to targets afflicted by your Insect Swarm by 1/2/3%, and increases the critical strike chance of your Starfire spell by 1/2/3% on targets afflicted by your Moonfire spell.
  • New Talent - Mother Bear (Feral): Increases the bonus attack power for Bear Form and Dire Bear Form by an additional 20/40/60%, and for each friendly player in your party, damage you take is reduced while in Bear Form and Dire Bear Form by 1/2/3%.
  • New Talent - [Natural Reaction] (Feral): Increases your dodge chance while in Bear Form or Dire Bear Form by 2/4/6%, and you regenerate 1/2/3 rage everytime you dodge while in Bear Form or Dire Bear Form.
  • New Talent - [Nature's Splendor] (Balance): Increases the duration of your Moonfire, Insect Swarm, Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Lifebloom and Flourish spells by 10/20/30%.
  • [Omen of Clarity] (Restoration): Now a passive spell. Now also works for spells (healing and damage). Proc rate is roughly 6% with a 10 second internal cooldown.
  • [Predatory Instincts] no longer works on Bear Form or Dire Bear form and now reduced damage by 10/20/30%.
  • [Primal Tenacity] (Feral) now reduces damage while stunned by 5/10/15%, and reduces the duration of fear effects by 5/10/15%.
  • [Rake]: The damage for this ability has been increased.
  • [Remove Curse] can now be used in Tree of Life form.
  • [Soothe Animal] can now be used on Dragonkin as well as Beasts.
  • Soothe Animal is now instant cast.
  • [Subtlety] (Restoration): Now a 3-point talent, down from a 5-point talent. Also moved to Tier 2, up from Tier 3. Also now only reduced threat for Restoration spells, and reduces the chance that your healing over time spells (Lifebloom, Regrowth and Rejuvenation) will be dispelled, rather than all Druid spells. Threat management for Balance can now be found in the Balance tree, within Nature's Reach.
  • [Survival of the Fittest] (Feral): Increased to 2/4/6%, up from 1/2/3%.
  • Swipe now affects targets within a range.
  • The mana regeneration penalty when in [Bear Form], [Dire Bear Form] and [Cat Form] has been removed.
  • [Tranquil Spirit] (Restoration) now also includes Nourish.
  • Tree of Life (Restoration): 30% snare penalty has been removed.
  • Tree of Life (Restoration): Can now cast Dispel Curse.
  • Tree of Life (Restoration): You can now cast all Restoration spells ( [Healing Touch]) in the form, but Tree of Life now only reduces the mana cost of your healing over time spells ( [Rejuvenation], [Lifebloom], [Regrowth] and Flourish) by 20%.
  • [Vengeance] (Balance): Now also works with Starfall.
  • [Wild Growth]: The Coefficient and healing amount has been increased and the mana cost decreased.


  • All aspects now have a 1 second global cooldown, down from a 1.5 global cooldown.
  • All pet families now have one unique ability. New abilities have been added for families such as bears and sporebats.
  • Stablemasters can now accommodate two additional pets.
  • Pets now have their own trees. These can be accessed via the talent panel.
  • Aimed shot mana cost has been reduced from 11% of base mana to 8%, casting time reduced from 2.5 sec to instant. Cooldown increased from 6 seconds to 10 seconds and damage reduced.
  • [Animal Handler] (Beast Mastery): No longer increases speed while mounted, but now reduces the cooldown of your Master's Call ability by 5/10 sec.
  • [Arcane Shot]: No longer dispels magic effects.
  • Aspects now no longer cost mana.
  • [Aspect of the Beast]: Now increases melee attack power by 10% for the hunter and the hunter's pet.The hunter can't be tracked while using this Aspect. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.
  • [Aspect of the Viper] - The hunter takes on the aspect of the viper, causing ranged attacks to regenerate mana but reducing total damage done by 50%. Mana is gained based on ranged weapons speed. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.
  • [Aspect of the Wild] (Rank 4) now increases Nature resistance by 130, (up from 70.)
  • [Avoidance], [Dash] / [Dive] and [Cobra Reflexes] are now pet talents instead of pet skills.
  • [Bestial Swiftness] is now a pet talent tree talent, and has been removed from the Beast Mastery Hunter tree.
  • [Bite] now has no cooldown, does the same damage and costs the same Focus as [Claw], so works as a Focus dump.
  • [Clever Traps] (Survival) has been renamed " [Trap Mastery]."
  • [Combat Experience] (Marksmanship): Now grants 3/6% Agility, up from 1/2%.
  • [Concussive Barrage] (Marksmanship): Can now proc from Volley and Multi-shot attacks.
  • [Counterattack]: Damage increased by 20%, and now also scales with your Ranged Attack Power.
  • [Deterrence] (Survival): Cooldown reduced to 3 minutes, and now also increases your chance to resist spells by 60%. Now has a new spell effect.
  • [Disengage]: This ability has been re-designed. Now leaps the Hunter backwards up to 13 yards. 30 second cooldown. Disengage now also only has one rank (rank 1).
  • [Distracting Shot]: This shot now "taunts" the target onto the Hunter. The taunt effect will last 6 seconds. Distracting Shot now only has one rank (rank 1).
  • Every hunter pet can learn [Growl], [Cower] and either [Bite] or [Claw] (never both).
  • [Focused Aim] no longer affects [Aimed Shot] and now increases chance to hit by 1/2/3 %.
  • [Focused Fire] (Beast Mastery): Now increases the critical strike chance of your Kill Command by 10/20/30% while Kill Command is active. This effect can stack up to 3 times, but diminishes for each charge of Kill Command.
  • [Freezing Arrow] now breaks on damage.
  • [Freezing Trap] now breaks on damage.
  • Hunter pets can now learn talents in one of three trees depending on family. Pets gain talent points starting at level 20 and earn an extra talent point every 4 levels.
  • If a hunter tames a pet that is more than five levels beneath their own level, the pet will then have their level increased to five levels beneath the hunter's own level.
  • [Improved Arcane Shot] (Marksmanship): Now increases the damage done by your Arcane Shot by 5/10/15%.
  • [Improved Feign Death] (Survival): This talent has been replaced with [Survival Tactics].
  • [Improved Hunter's Mark] (Marksmanship): Now a 3-point talent, and now increases the amount of attack power granted by your Hunter's Mark ability by 10/20/30% and reduces the mana cost of your Hunter's Mark ability by 33/66/100%.
  • [Improved Stings] (Marksmanship): Now a 3-point talent, down from 5-points.
  • [Kill Command]: This ability now increases the damage done by your pet's special abilities by 60%. Each attack will reduce the damage bonus by 20%. 1 minute cooldown.
  • [Kill Shot] damage slightly reduced.
  • [Kindred Spirits] will no longer stack with other movement enhancing buffs.
  • [Lock and Load] now has a chance to proc periodic damage by 2/4/6% (down from 5/10/15%.)
  • Loyalty, Training Points and the hunter [Beast Training] button no longer exist. Hunter pets can now learn all skills at their level. They will get new ranks automatically as they gain levels.
  • [Marked for Death] now increases damage done by ranged and by pets special abilities by 4% on marked targets (down from 8%.)
  • [Master Tactician] (Survival): Chance to proc increased to 10%, up from 6%.
  • [Mongoose Bite]: No longer requires you to dodge in order to use this ability.
  • [Monster Slaying] (Survival) and Humanoid Slaying (Survival) has been combined into "Improved Tracking".
  • Multi-shot mana cost has been increased slightly to 9% base mana (up from 8%.)
  • New Talent - [Aspect Mastery] (Beast Mastery)
  • New Talent - [Hunter vs. Wild] (Survival): Increases you and your pet's attack power and ranged attack power equal to 10/20/30% of your total Stamina.
  • New Talent - [Improved Tracking] (Survival): Increases all damage done to targets that are being tracked 1/2/3/4/5%.
  • New Talent - [Lock and Load] (Survival): You have a 33/66/100% chance when you trap a target and a 10/20/30% chance when you sting a target to cause your next 3 Arcane Shot or Explosive Shot spells to trigger no cooldown, cost no mana and consume no ammo.
  • New Talent - [Survival Tactics] (Survival): Reduces the chance your Feign Death ability and all trap spells will be resisted by 2/4%, and reduces the cooldown of your Disengage ability by 2/4 sec.
  • New Talent - [T.N.T.] (Survival): Your Immolation Trap, Explosive Trap and Explosive Shot have a 5/10/15% to stun targets for 2 sec when they deal damage, and increases the critical strike chance of your Explosive Shot and Explosive Trap by 5/10/15%.
  • [Pathfinding] (Beast Mastery): Now also increases the movement speed while mounted by 5/10%.
  • [Point of No Escape] reduced to a 2 point talent and now affects Freezing Arrow. The critical strike chance has increased to 3/6% (up from 2/4/6%.)
  • [Rapid Killing] (Marksmanship): This will now proc off Chimera Shot, but no longer works with auto-shot.
  • [Readiness] (Marksmanship): Cooldown reduced to 3 minutes, down from 5 minutes, and has been moved to Tier 5 of the Marksmanship Tree from the Survival Tree.
  • [Savage Strikes] (Survival): Now includes Counterattack.
  • Scattershot has been moved from the Marksmanship Tree to Tier 3 of the Survival Tree.
  • [Silencing Shot] (Marksmanship): This spell will now interrupt the current spell being cast on the target and lock out that school for 3 sec if the target is immune to silence effects.
  • [Spirit Bond] (Beast Mastery): Also increases healing done to you and your pet by 5/10%.
  • [Steady Shot] now uses ammo. In result, its bonus damage has been slightly reduced. Players can notice a damage increase based upon what ammo they use.
  • Steady Shot: Now has a 2.0 cast time, up from 1.5.
  • [Surefooted] (Survival) now reduces the duration of movement impairing effects by 16/25/50% (instead of resist % chance). Moved from tier 4 to tier 2 and no longer increases hit chance.
  • [Survival Instincts] (Survival): This has been moved to tier-2, up from tier 6.
  • [Survivalist] (Survival): Now increases your total Stamina, instead of your total Health.
  • The arming time has been reduced to 1 second, from 2 seconds for all traps.
  • [T.N.T.] has been moved from Tier 2 to Tier 4.
  • [Tranquilizing Shot]: Cooldown reduced to 15 seconds (down from 20), and now dispels Enrage and Magic effects.
  • [Trap Mastery] (Survival) is now an 11-point talenttalent and has been moved from tier 3 to tier 9 and increases the duration by 30% fo both Freezing Trap and Frost Trap.
  • [Trueshot Aura] - This aura is now raid-wide and now increases all ranged and melee attack power by 10%. In addition, this spell now only has one rank. All other ranks have been removed.
  • Wingclip: No longer does damage.




  • [Absolution]: This talent has swapped positions in the talent tree with Improved Inner Fire.
  • [Circle of Healing] (Holy): Now works on any targets in the caster's raid, and is now a "smart" heal and chooses the lowest health targets to heal first within its range. Also now has a 6 second cooldown. Also no longer will heal summoned Snakes from Hunter's Snake Trap.
  • [Enlightenment]: Increases your total Stamina, Spirit and Spell haste by 1/2/3/4/5%.
  • [Focused Will] (Discipline): Now increases healing effects on you by 3/4/5%, down from 4/7/10%.
  • [Focused Power]: Increases your total spell damage and healing done by 2/4%, but no longer increases your chance to hit with Mind Blast, and Mass Dispel.
  • [Guardian Spirit] will now heal the target 50% of their maximum health.
  • [Holy Fire]: Cast time reduced to to 2 seconds, down from 3.5. Damage increased roughly 60%. Duration for the damage over time effect reduced to 7 seconds, down from 10. Holy Fire now has a 10 second cooldown.
  • [Holy Nova] mana cost reduced.
  • [Improved Inner Fire] (Discipline) - Now also increases the effect of Inner Fire spell by 15/30/45% (Includes the +spell power on higher ranks, as well as total number of charges).Moved from tier 3 to tier 2.
  • [Improved Power Word: Fortitude] moved from tier-3 to tier-2.
  • [Improved Power Word: Shield] moved from tier-2 to tier-3 and has switched places with Improved Power Word:Fortitude.
  • [Improved Shadow Word: Pain] (Shadow) - Now increases damage done by your Shadow Word: Pain by 3/6%, but no longer increases the duration of your Shadow Word: Pain.
  • [Levitate] now costs 3% of base mana.
  • [Lightwell] (Holy): Cast time reduced to .5 sec, down from 1.5 sec. Charges increased to 10, up from 5. Now breaks from any attack that hits you for 30% or more of your total health. Cooldown reduced to 3 minutes, down from 5.
  • [Mind Control] now has only one rank and costs 12% of base mana.
  • [Mind Flay] can now periodically critcally hit. The spell coefficient has been increased approximately 30%.
  • [Mind Soothe] now has only one rank, costs 6% of base mana and has no max target level.
  • [Mind Vision] now costs 3% of base mana.
  • New Talent: [Improved Spirit Tap] (Shadow) - Gives you a 50/100% chance to gain a 50% bonus to your Spirit after gaining a critical effect chance from your Mind Blast or Shadow Word: Death spells. For the duration, your mana will regenerate at a 25% rate while casting. Lasts 8 sec.
  • New Talent: [Twin Disciplines] (Discipline) - Increases your damage and healing by 1/2/3/4/5%.
  • [Pain Suppression] (Discipline): Cooldown increased to 3 minutes, up from 2.
  • [Power Infusion] (Discipline): Cooldown reduced to 2 minutes, down from 3.
  • [Prayer of Mending] - This spell can now critically hit.
  • [Psychic Scream] now costs 15% of base mana.
  • [Searing Light] (Holy): Now also increases the damage of your [Holy Nova] and [Penance] spells.
  • [Shackle Undead] now costs 9% of base mana.
  • [Shadow Focus] (Shadow): Now a 3 point talent, down from 5. Now also reduces the mana cost of your Shadow spells by 2/4/6%.
  • [Shadow Resilience] (Shadow): Now reduces physical damage taken by 2/4%, but no longer reduces the chance to be critically hit by spells.
  • [Shadowform] (Shadow): Now has an innate 30% threat reduction. Now has a shapeshift UI.
  • [Silence] (Shadow) global cooldown removed.
  • [Silent Resolve] (Discipline): Now a 3 point talent, down from 5 points.
  • [Spirit Tap] (Shadow) - Talent reduced to 3 points, down from 5. Now also leads into " [Improved Spirit Tap]"
  • [Twisted Faith] will now work when the target is afflicted by Shadow Word: Pain (instead of Mind Flay.)
  • [Wand Specialization] (Discipline) has been removed.



  • All totems are now considered on the "Physical" school, and no longer magical spells.
  • [Anticipation] (Enhancement): Now is a 3-point talent, down from a 5-point talent and now reduces the duration of disarm effects on you by 16/25/50%.
  • [Ancestral Awakening] and [Improved Water Shield] will now affect [Riptide].
  • [Ancestral Knowledge] (Enhancement): Now increases your Intellect by 2/4/6/8/10%, instead of increasing your total Mana by 2/4/6/8/10%.
  • [Call of Flame] (Elemental): Now also increases the damage of your Lava Burst spell by 2/4/6%.
  • [Call of Thunder] (Elemental) now also increases the critical strike chance of your Thunder spell.
  • [Concussion] (Elemental) now increases the damage of your Thunder and Lava Burst spells.
  • [Convection] (Elemental) is now a 3-point talent, down from a 5-point talent. Now lowers the mana cost of Thunder and Lava Burst.
  • [Dual Wield Specialization] will now increase the chance to hit while dual wielding by an additional 2/4/6%.
  • [Earth's Grasp] (Elemental) is now a tier-1 talent, up from tier-2.
  • [Elemental Devastation] (Elemental) is now a tier-2 talent, up from tier-4.
  • [Elemental Focus] (Elemental): Now also can proc off Lesser Healing Wave and Healing Wave, and can be used on all healing spells.
  • [Elemental Fury] (Elemental) now requires Elemental Focus as a pre-requisite
  • [Elemental Precision] (Elemental): Chance to hit reduced to 1/2/3% from 2/4/6%, but threat reduction increased to 10/20/30% up from 4/7/10%.
  • Enhancing (Enhancement) Totems is now a Tier 1 talent, up from Tier-2.
  • [Fire Resistance Totem] will now increase fire resistance by 130 and lasts for 5 minutes.
  • [Flametongue Totem] is now a flat spell damage totem. All ranks have been modified.
  • [Flametongue Weapon]: Now has a passive spell damage.
  • [Flurry] now increases attack speed by 15/20/25/30/35% for your next 3 swings after dealing a critical strike.
  • Frostbrand's snare effect has been increased to 50%, up from 25%.
  • [Ghost Wolf]'s mana cost is now 13% base.
  • [Grace of Air Totem] has been removed. (Agility has been rolled over into [Strength of Earth Totem])
  • [Healing Grace] (Restoration): [Healing Way] and Ancestral Fortitude are now affected by the dispel resistance portion of this talent.
  • [Maelstrom Weapon] proc chance reduced to 2/4/6/8/10% on critical hit when you deal damage with a melee weapon. Now affects chain heal and no longer affects Lavaburst.
  • [Improved Fire Totems] (Elemental) is now (again) Improved Fire Nova Totem. It now has a 50/100% chance to stun all targets for 2 sec.
    • Note: This is from the Blizzard Updater version of the patch notes. On the official website, this line erroneously said, "It now has a 50/100% chance to reduce the movement speed on all targets for 2 sec."
  • [Improved Lightning Shield] (Enhancement) is now [Improved Shields], and is in Tier-2.
  • [Nature's Blessing] no longer increases spell damage from Intellect, and the effect has been reduced to 5/10/15% from 10/20/30%. This is in result of the new spell power system. Players should notice little to no change in the power of the spell relevant to healing spells.
  • New ranks have been added of [Water Shield], starting at level 20. (Level 20, 27, 34, 41, 48, 55, 62, 69)
  • New Spell: [Earthliving Weapon] - Imbue the Shaman's weapon with earthen life. Increases healing done by x and each heal has a 20% chance to proc Earthliving on the target, healing an additionaly over 12 sec. Lasts 30 minutes.
  • New Talent: [Cleanse Spirit] (Restoration) - Cleanse the spirit of a friendly target, removing 1 poison effect, 1 disease effect, and 1 curse effect.
  • New Talent: Elemental Shields (Enhancement): Increases the damage done by your [Lightning Shield] orbs by 5/10/15%, increases the amount of mana gained from your Mana Shield orbs by 5/10/15% and increases the amount of healing done by your Earth Shield orbs by 5/10/15%.
  • New Talent: [Mental Dexterity] (Enhancement) - Increases your Attack Power by 33/66/100% of your Intellect.
  • New Talent: [Tidal Force](Restoration): Increases the critical effect chance of your Healing Wave, Lesser Healing Wave and Chain Heal by 60%. Each critical heal reduces the chance by 20% and lasts 20 seconds.
  • Nurture: The mana cost has been reduced by 18%.
  • Rockbiter ranks 5 through 9 have been removed. Windfury Weapon is intended to replace Rockbiter at level 30.
  • Shapeshifting will no longer cancel [Water Walking].
  • [Stoneclaw Totem]: Health of the Stoneclaw totem is increased by 5% of the Shaman's total health.
  • [Stoneskin Totem] now increases armor instead of reducing physical damage.
  • [Storm Reach] (Elemental): Now also increases the radius of your Thunder spell by 10/20%.
  • [Strength of Earth Totem] now also increases agility.
  • The range of all "friendly totems" has been increased to 30 yards, up from 20.
  • [Tidal Focus] (Restoration): Now works with Earth Shield.
  • [Totemic Mastery] talent removed and replaced with " [Tidal Force]".
  • [Totem of Wrath] will now last 5 minutes.
  • [Tranquil Air Totem] has been removed. (Threat is being addressed by modifications to the base threat of players and/or "baked" into tanking abilities.)
  • [Unleashed Rage] is now raid wide and increases melee and ranged attack power within 45 yards.
  • [Windfury Totem] is now a flat 20% melee haste totem. All ranks have been modified.
  • [Windwall Totem] has been removed.
  • Wrath of Air is now a flat 10% spell haste totem.


  • [Aftermath] (Destruction) - Now a 2-point talent, down from 5.
  • All demon abilities and spells will automatically be learned as pets gain levels. Demon Master trainers will be removed.
  • [Avoidance] (Felguard): Now reduces damage taken from area of effect attacks by an additional 80% and is automatically learned for the Succubus, Imp, Voidwalker, and Felhunter at level 10.
  • [Bane] now reduces the cast time of your Haunt spell.
  • [Blood Pact] now works raid-wide (not just in party).
  • [Cataclysm] (Destruction) - Now also increases your chance to hit with Destruction spells by 1% per point.
  • [Chaos Bolt] now does Fire damage instead of Chaos damage.
  • [Conflagrate] can now only be cast on targets afflicted by Shadowflame.
  • [Consume Shadows] (Voidwalker): Duration reduced to 6 seconds, and effect increased 66%. Now also greatly increases all nearby allies' stealth detection while channeled.
  • [Curse of Doom] will now only summon a Doomguard if the target yields experience or honor.
  • [Curse of Recklessness] will no longer prevent Fear effects, only prevent NPCs from fleeing (e.g. at low health).
  • [Dark Pact]: Tooltip updated to be more consistent with other similar effects and now restores 200% mana leeched from your summoned Demon, up from 100%.
  • [Demon Armor] - Now increases healing done by spells and effects by 20%, but no longer has in-combat health regeneration.
  • [Demonic Circle] now lasts for 6 mins.
  • [Demonic Pact] will no longer work on enslaved demons.
  • [Demon Skin], [Demon Armor] and [Fel Armor] are no longer Magic effects and cannot be dispelled.
  • [Demonic Sacrifice]: Succubus effect reduced to 10% increased shadow damage, down from 15%. Imp effect reduced to 10% increased fire damage, down from 15%. Felguard effect now increases Fire and Shadow damage, instead of just Shadow.
  • Doomguard: Health increased 20%, mana increased 24%.
  • [Drain Soul] will now cause four times the damage if the target is at or below 25% health.
  • [Everlasting Affliction] will no longer affect Shadow Bolt and affects Haunt instead.
  • [Emberstorm] now reduces the cast time of your incinerate by 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 seconds.
  • [Fel Armor] - Now increases your spell damage equal to 30% of your total Spirit, but no longer increases healing done by spells and effects by 20%.
  • Felguard: Health increased by 10%.
  • Felhunter: [Paranoia] and [Tainted Blood] have been replaced with [Fel Intelligence] and [Shadow Bite].
  • [Fel Intelligence] (Felhunter): Increases total Intellect and Spirit of party and raid members by 3%. Lasts until cancelled.
  • [Fel Stamina] (Demonology) has been merged with [Fel Intellect] into [Fel Vitality].
  • [Haunt] will now heal for 100%.
  • [Howl of Terror] now costs 15% of base mana.
  • Infernal: Cooldown reduced to 15 minutes, down from 1 hour. Duration reduced to 1 minute, down from 5 minutes+. Health increased by 30%, damage increased by 60%, and armor increased by 30%.
  • [Inferno] now summons an Infernal which lasts for 1 minute.
  • Imp: Health increased by 20% , Armor increased 16%, mana regeneration increased 200%.
  • [Improved Curse of Weakness] (Affliction) is now "Frailty" - Increases the amount of attack power reduced by your Curse of Weakness spell by 10/20%, and increases the amount of armor reduced by your Curse of Recklessness by 10/20%.
  • [Improved Enslave Demon] (Demonology) is now a Tier 5 talent, up from Tier 4.
  • [Improved Lash of Pain] (Destruction) and [Improved Firebolt] (Destruction) have been merged into one talent, [Demonic Power].
  • [Improved Shadow Bolt] (Destruction) - Now increases damage by your next Shadow damage spells by 3/6/9/12/15%, down from 4/8/12/16/20%.
  • [Mana Feed]: Tooltip updated to be more consistent with other similar effects.
  • [Master Demonologist] (Demonology) - Most effects have been altered.
    • Master Demonologist – Felguard (Demonology) - Now increases all damage by 1/2/3/4/5%, and reduces all damage done to you by 1/2/3/4/5%.
    • Master Demonologist – Imp (Demonology) - Now increases Fire damage by 1/2/3/4/5%, and critical hit chance with Fire spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.
    • Master Demonologist – Succubus (Demonology) - Now increases Shadow damage by 1/2/3/4/5%, and critical hit chance with Shadow spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.
  • [Nether Protection] has been reworked. It now has a 10/20/30% chance when you're hit with a spell to reduce all damage by that spell school by 60% for 10 seconds.
  • New Talent: [Demonic Empowerment] (Demonology) - Grants your Summoned Demon power for a short time.
  • New Talent: [Eradication] (Affliction) - Your Corruption, Siphon Life and Curse of Agony ticks have a 5/10/15% chance to increase your spell haste by 20% for 8 sec. This effect has a 10 second cooldown.
  • New Talent: [Improved Felhunter] (Affliction): Your Felhunter gains mana equal to 50/100% of the damage done by its Shadow Bite ability, and increases the effect of your Felhunter's Fel Intelligence by 1/2%.
  • New Talent: [Molten Core] (Destruction) - Your Shadow spells and damage over time effects have a 5/10/15% chance to increase the damage of your Fire spells by 10% for 6 sec.
  • [Pyroclasm] (Destruction) - Now also includes Conflagrate.
  • [Rain of Fire] (Doomguard): A bug has been fixed which caused each tick of Rain of Fire to consume its mana cost.
  • Ritual of Souls: Charges increased to 25, up from 10.
  • [Shadow Bite] (Felhunter): Deals Shadow damage plus an additional 5% Shadow damage over time effect on the target. 6 second cooldown.
  • [Shadowfury] (Destruction) - Can now be cast while moving. Stun duration increased to 3 seconds, up from 2.
  • [Soul Link] (Demonology) is now an 11-point talent (used to be a 31-point talent), but the 5% bonus damage from this talent has been removed. In addition, the damage absorbed by Soul Link is now 15%, down from 20%.
  • [Soul Siphon] (Affliction): Now also increases the damage of your Drain Soul.
  • [Soulstone] now generates a log entry indicating who casted and received a soulstone.
  • [Spell Lock] (Felhunter) global cooldown removed.
  • Succubus: Health increased by 20%, armor increased 22%.
  • [Summon Dreadsteed]/Felsteed: Mana cost removed, global cooldown removed.
  • [Suppression] (Affliction) is now a 3-point talent, down from 5. Now increases your chance to hit with Affliction spells by 1/2/3%, down from 1/2/3/4/5%.
  • [Unstable Affliction] (Affliction): Silence effect reduced to 3 seconds, down from 5.
  • Voidwalker: Health increased by 20%, Damage increased by 16%. The amount of attack power the Voidwalker gains from its master's spell damage has been increased by 45%.


  • [Armored to the Teeth] now increases attack power by 3 for every 180 Armor value.
  • [Anticipation] (Protection) now increases chance to dodge by 1/2/3/4/5%, moved to tier 2.
  • [Battle Shout] attack power has been slightly decreased.
  • [Berserker Rage] is now usable in all stances.
  • [Blood Craze] (Fury) now regenerates 2/4/6% of total health over 6 seconds.
  • [Blood Frenzy] (Arms) moved to Tier 9, now increases physical damage caused by 1/2%.
  • [Bloodthirst] (Fury) now restores health based on a % of total health.
  • [Challenging Shout] cooldown reduced to 3 minutes.
  • [Concussion Blow] (Protection) now causes damage based on attack power.
  • [Death Wish] (Fury) no longer makes you immune to Fear effects.
  • Death Wish and [Sweeping Strikes] have swapped locations in their respective talent trees.
  • [Deep Wounds] (Arms) now requires Impale, causes 16/32/48% of weapon damage over 6 seconds.
  • [Defensive Stance] now increases threat by 45%.
  • [Defiance] (Protection) removed, replaced by [Incite] and moved to a new location on tier 2.
  • [Disarm] rage cost reduced to 15.
  • [Enrage] (Fury) now increases damage done by 3/6/9/12/15%, limitation on number of attacks removed.
  • [Hamstring] now only has one rank and no longer causes damage.
  • [Impale] (Arms) moved to Tier 3, no longer requires Deep Wounds.
  • [Improved Berserker Rage] (Fury) now generates 10/20 rage.
  • [Improved Bloodrage] (Protection) now increases rage generation of both the instant and over-time effects by 25/50%.
  • [Improved Charge] (Arms) now generates 5/10 rage.
  • [Improved Defensive Stance] (Protection) reduced to 2 ranks, now reduces spell damage taken by 3/6% and any block/parry/dodge has a 50/100% chance to enrage the warrior causing 5/10% more damage for 12 sec.
  • [Improved Disarm] (Protection) reduced to 2 ranks, now reduces the cooldown of Disarm by 10/20 sec and increases damage taken by disarmed targets by 5/10%.
  • [Improved Disciplines] (Arms) removed.
  • [Improved Mortal Strike] (Arms) now increases damage by 2/4/6/8/10%, no longer reduces cooldown.
  • [Improved Rend] (Arms) reduced to 2 ranks for 25/50%.
  • [Improved Revenge] (Protection) now increases damage Revenge causes by 10/20% and gives a 25/50% chance to stun.
  • [Improved Shield Bash] (Protection) now also increases the damage of your Shield Slam ability by 5/10%.
  • [Improved Shield Block] (Protection) now has 2 ranks and reduces cooldown of Shield Block by 5/10 secs. It no longer increases the number of blocks.
  • [Improved Shield Wall] will now increases the damage reduction by an additional 5/10% and reduces cooldown by 30/60 seconds.
  • [Improved Slam] (Fury) moved to Arms.
  • [Improved Sunder Armor] (Protection) renamed [Puncture] ,reduced to 2 ranks for 1/2 rage cost reduction.
  • [Improved Taunt] (Protection) removed, effect made baseline.
  • [Improved Whirlwind] (Fury) now increases damage of Whirlwind by 10/20%, no longer reduces cooldown.
  • [Iron Will] (Arms) now has only 3 ranks, reducing the duration of Stun and Charm effects by 10/20/30%.
  • [Last Stand] (Protection) cooldown reduced to 5 minutes.
  • [Mace Specialization] (Arms) now ignores 3/6/9/12/15% of target's armor.
  • [Mocking Blow] now only has one rank and causes weapon damage, cooldown reduced to 1 min and can now be used in Defensive Stance.
  • [Overpower] now only has one rank and no longer causes any bonus damage (i.e. weapon damage only).
  • [Poleaxe Specialization] (Arms) now also increases critical damage done by Axes and Polearms by 1/2/3/4/5%.
  • [Precision] (Fury) moved to Tier 5.
  • [Pummel] now only has one rank and no longer causes damage.
  • [Rampage] now causes all party and raid members within 20 yards of the Warrior to go on a rampage, increasing melee critical hit chance by 5% for 10 seconds when the warrior scores a melee critical.
  • [Recklessness] now increases the critical hit chance of the next 3 special ability attacks by 100%, lasts 12 seconds, cooldown reduced to 5 minutes.
  • [Retaliation] duration reduced to 12 seconds, charges reduced to 12, cooldown reduced to 5 minutes.
  • [Revenge] damage increased.
  • [Shield Bash] now only has one rank and will cause damage based on a % of AP.
  • [Shield Block] now increases chance to block and amount blocked by 100% for 10 seconds. Cooldown increased to 60 seconds, rage cost reduced.
  • [Shield Slam] is now available to all warriors, starting at level 40 and damage slightly increased.
  • Shield Specialization (Protection) moved to Tier 1, now increases rage by 2 on a successful block.
  • [Shield Wall] now reduces all damage taken by 50% for 12 seconds, cooldown reduced to 5 minutes.
  • [Slam] now suspends the weapon swing timer rather than resetting it.
  • [Sword and Board] now has a chance to proc from Revenge.
  • [Sword Specialization] (Arms) can no longer trigger more than once per 6 seconds.
  • [Taunt] cooldown reduced to 8 sec.
  • [Thunder Clap] damage increased, cooldown increased, will now affect all targets within a range..
  • [Toughness] (Protection) moved to tier 3 now also reduces the duration of movement slowing effects by 10/20/30/40/50%.
  • [Vigilance] now transfers 10% of target threat to the warrior.


  • Many new items are available for purchase from the honor vendors.
  • Arenas
    • Two new Arenas have been added; the Ogrimmar Arena and the Dalaran Arena can now be accessed.
    • Buffs that have 30 seconds or less remaining will be removed once the game starts. However, the mage spell " [Invisibility]" is not affected by this change.


  • New Profession: Inscription is available to train up to 375.
  • Enchantment
    • The  [Surefooted] enchantment now provides additional critical strike rating instead of root and snare resistance.

Dungeons and Raids[]

User Interface[]

  • New Calendar feature: Players will be able to access the new Calendar feature by clicking on the new icon located in the top right corner of their mini map. The calendar will track in game events, allow raid scheduling, and more.
  • New Vanity Pet and Mount changes: Players will now be able to access their non-combat pets and mounts by clicking on the pets tab in the Character Info panel. These pets and mounts will be now learnable much like spells or abilities. Once a vanity pet or mount is learned, the icon will disappear from within a player's inventory and reappear in the appropriate tab under the pet tab under Character Info. Say goodbye to your vanity pets and mounts taking up bag and bank slots!
    • Lost pets and mounts (one time quest rewards) can be recovered by visiting a stablemaster.
  • A new Agro Warning is now available and currently functioning in dungeons.
  • Focus Frame is now available. Players will be able to right click on any unit frame and select "Set Focus". The focus frame will only display when the focus is set. Players may also set a "Focus Cast Key" in the options/combat panel that can be bound to shift, alt, or ctrl. When holding the focus cast key and triggering an action, the action will be performed on your focus and not on your target.
  • Lost tabards (one time quest rewards) may now be restored by visiting a tabard vendor.
  • Lost keys (one time quest rewards) may now be restored by visiting a blacksmith.
  • Error messages should play less frequently.
  • Tradeskills can now be linked by shift-clicking the tradeskill icon.
  • Quests can be shared with party members at any distance.
  • Quests can be shared with party members by linking the quest into party chat.
  • Quests can be shared in raids but not battlegrounds.
  • Randomized Daily quests may now be shared, but only on the same day as the quest is given.
  • A 5 minute timer will appear over the player's unit frame showing the countdown until your PvP flag is cleared.
  • The /cower emote now has an animation.
  • Macros and key bindings are now saved server-side so there is no longer a need to reconfigure them when logging in using another computer.
  • Shift-clicking to loot mail: You can now hold Shift and click on mail in your inbox to automatically loot any items and gold without opening the mail. This default behavior can be changed via Auto Loot Mail in the Interface Options (Controls).
  • Combat Log Changes:
    • The combat log now differentiates between a spell failure due to resistance and spell failure due to missing the target. Where once both events reported as a resist; a spell missing the target is now reported as a miss.
    • Overhealing is now reported in the combat log.
    • When a source of damage is entirely prevented (by a shield block, a full resist, or a damage shield like Power Word:Shield, the prevented amount will now be displayed.
  • V-key color is now available. Classes will now be identified with the appropriate color while the V-key option is engaged.
  • For additional notes on Lua and XML changes please visit the UI & Macros Forum.


Table of patches

0.x – Pre-release
1.x – World of Warcraft
2.x – The Burning Crusade
3.x – Wrath of the Lich King
Cataclysm 4.x – Cataclysm
Mists of Pandaria 5.x – Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor 6.x – Warlords of Draenor
Legion 7.x – Legion
Battle for Azeroth 8.x – Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands 9.x – Shadowlands
Dragonflight 10.x – Dragonflight
Removed content