Phantom Mage

  • ️Tue Dec 08 2009
For the mobs that appear during N Death knight [10-45] The Call of Icecrown, see Phantom Mage (Icecrown Citadel).
MobPhantom Mage
Image of Phantom Mage
Gender Female
Race Human (Undead)
Level 80 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scourge
Former affiliation(s) 1st Legion, Kingdom of Lordaeron, Alliance of Lordaeron
Location Sword's Rest, Halls of Reflection
Status Killable

Phantom Mages are human ghosts found in Sword's Rest of the Halls of Reflection in Icecrown Citadel. They were members of the 1st Legion who accompanied Arthas Menethil in his campaign to Northrend.


  • Spell fire flamebolt Fireball (Heroic mode) 40 yd range — Hurls a fiery ball that causes 5225 to 5775 Fire damage. 3 sec cast on Normal. 6175-6825, 2.5 sec cast on Heroic
  • Spell fire selfdestruct Flamestrike (Heroic mode) 40 yd range — Calls down a pillar of fire, burning all enemies within the area for 3700 to 4300 Fire damage and an additional 6000 Fire damage over 8 sec. 1.5 sec cast. 4625-5375, 8000/8 on Heroic (2 sec cooldown)
  • Spell frost frostbolt02 Frostbolt (Heroic mode) 40 yd range — aunches a bolt of frost at the enemy, causing 4750 to 5250 Frost damage and slowing movement speed by 50% for 4 sec. 2.5 sec cast on Normal. 5225-5775, 2 sec cast on Heroic
  • Spell frost chainsofice Chains of Ice 40 yd range — Forms icy chains around the enemy, locking the target in place for 6 sec. 1 sec cast
  • Spell magic managain Hallucination 100 yd range — Creates a copy of the caster nearby, which cast spells and attack the mage's enemies. Lasts 30 sec. Will explode upon death, dealing 6000 Arcane damage to nearby enemies when killed. Instant. Not actually doing the damage. See the Phantom Hallucination's version for that.
    • Ability mage invisibility Hallucination — Turns the caster invisible and stuns him for 6 sec. Instant. Cast at the same time as the above. Also teleports the mage 13 yards away.


  • All serve the master in death.
  • Our souls will never be freed.
  • Our torment is eternal.
  • This is but a brief repose...
  • This is not our final rest.


May be based on the Sorceress unit from Warcraft III, but human instead of elven.

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