Plague Beast

  • ️Tue Oct 13 2020
MobPlague Beast
Image of Plague Beast
Race(s) Wrath-Logo-Small Plague eruptor, WoW Icon update Bog Beast (Undead)
Level    Retail: 31 Elite
Classic: 61 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scourge
Location Naxxramas
Status Killable
Bogbeast red

In Classic

Plague Beasts are plague eruptors found in Naxxramas. In the Classic version, they're bog beasts instead.


  • Spell nature abolishmagic Mutated Spores — Inflicts Nature damage to nearby enemy targets every 3 sec.
  • Ability creature disease 02 Plague Splash — Throws a plague bomb at a nearby target, dealing X Nature damage and Y Nature damage every 3 sec to the target and nearby enemy targets for 15 sec.

WoW Icon update The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 3.0.2 but is present in Classic Era.

  • Spell nature abolishmagic Mutated Spores — Inflicts Nature damage to nearby enemy targets every 3 sec.
  • Spell nature natureswrath Trample — Inflicts Physical damage to nearby enemies.

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