Plaguewood Tower

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
Plaguewood Tower (Cataclysm)

The rebuilt Plaguewood Tower.

Plaguewood Tower

Plaguewood Tower, pre-Cataclysm.

Plaguewood Tower[18, 27] is a scout tower located in the Plaguewood of the Eastern Plaguelands, very close to the nearby Terrordale. During the Scourge invasion of Lordaeron, the tower was probably destroyed and left in ruins. It later became a battleground as it was one of the fallen towers that the Alliance and Horde fought over in order to fortify themselves in the region.[1][2]

After the Cataclysm, Plaguewood Tower, along with all the other towers of the Eastern Plaguelands, have since been rebuilt by the Argent Crusade and is being used as an outpost in the region. Like Light's Hope Chapel, there are signs of life around the tower, and there is also a neutral flight master.[3]


Patch changes[]

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Tower rebuilt and slightly moved to the southwest, now occupying a newly added hill.


External links[]

Map of the Eastern Plaguelands - Wrath of the Lich King

Map of the Eastern Plaguelands - Cataclysm
Map of the Eastern Plaguelands - Classic