Player vs. Player achievements

  • ️Tue Jul 17 2018

Player vs. Player achievements are achievements that are obtained when doing Player vs. Player content. These achievements include arena, battleground, and world player vs. player objectives.


General achievements


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Title Description Rewards
 [An Honorable Kill] Achieve an honorable kill. 10 Achievement points
 [100 Honorable Kills] Get 100 honorable kills. 10 Achievement points
 [500 Honorable Kills] Get 500 honorable kills. 10 Achievement points
 [1000 Honorable Kills] Get 1000 honorable kills. 10 Achievement points
 [5000 Honorable Kills] Get 5000 honorable kills. 10 Achievement points
 [10000 Honorable Kills] Get 10000 honorable kills. 10 Achievement points
 [25000 Honorable Kills] Get 25000 honorable kills. 10 Achievement points
 [50000 Honorable Kills] Get 50000 honorable kills. 10 Achievement points
 [100000 Honorable Kills] Get 100000 honorable kills. 10 Achievement points
Title: Of the Alliance/Horde
 [250000 Honorable Kills] Get 250000 honorable kills. 10 Achievement points
Title: The Bloodthirsty
 [Duel-icious] Win a duel against another player. 10 Achievement points
 [That Takes Class] Get an honorable, killing blow on one of each class.
  • Death Knight
  • Paladin
  • Warlock
  • Druid
  • Priest
  • Warrior
  • Hunter
  • Rogue
  • Mage
  • Shaman
10 Achievement points
B  [Know Thy Enemy] Alliance: Get an honorable, killing blow against all Horde races. Horde: Get an honorable, killing blow against all Alliance races. 10 Achievement points
 [Make Love, Not Warcraft] Emote /hug on a dead enemy before they release corpse.
  • Hug a dead enemy
10 Achievement points
 [Gurubashi Arena Master] Loot the Arena Master trinket from the Gurubashi Arena. 10 Achievement points
 [Gurubashi Arena Grand Master] Loot the Arena Grand Master trinket from the Gurubashi Arena. 10 Achievement points
B  [City Defender] Kill 50 enemy players in any of your home cities. 10 Achievement points
Horde  [Wrath of the Horde] Kill 5 Alliance players in each of the cities listed below. 10 Achievement points
Alliance  [Wrath of the Alliance] Kill 5 Horde players in each of the cities listed below. 10 Achievement points
Alliance  [Opposing Orgrimmar] Kill Rokhan. 10 Achievement points
Alliance  [Killed in Quel'Thalas] Kill Lor'themar Theron. 10 Achievement points
Alliance  [For the Alliance!] Slay the leaders of the Horde. 20 Achievement points
Reins of the Black War Bear
Horde  [Overthrow the Council] Kill Representatives Moira Thaurissan, Muradin Bronzebeard and Falstad Wildhammer. 10 Achievement points
Horde  [Putting Out the Light] Kill Prophet Velen. 10 Achievement points
Horde  [Executing the Exarch] Kill High Exarch Turalyon. 10 Achievement points
Horde  [For the Horde!] Slay the leaders of the Alliance. 20 Achievement points
Reins of the Black War Bear
 [Call in the Cavalry] Obtain one of the mounts through the honor system. 10 Achievement points
 [The Grim Reaper] Get 30 Honorable Kills in a single battle in any battleground. 10 Achievement points
Horde  [The Conqueror] Raise your reputation values in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley to Exalted. 20 Achievement points
Title: Conqueror
Alliance  [The Justicar] Raise your reputation values in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley to Exalted. 20 Achievement points
Title: Justicar
B  [Call to Arms!] Complete 100 battlegrounds at max level. 10 Achievement points
 [Damage Control] Do 300,000 damage or healing in a single battle in any battleground. The damage or healing must be done to a player. 10 Achievement points
 [Wrecking Ball] Get 20 killing blows without dying in a single battle in any battleground. 10 Achievement points
B  [Grizzled Veteran] Complete the Grizzly Hills PvP daily quests listed below.



10 Achievement points
B  [Battlemaster] Complete the battleground achievements listed below. 50 Achievement points
Title: Battlemaster
 [Khan] Complete the battleground achievements listed below. 50 Achievement points
Title: Khan


Honor achievements


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Title Description Rewards
 [Honor Level 5] Reach Honor Level 5. 10 Achievement points
Alliance Dutiful Squire / Horde Dutiful Gruntling
 [Honor Level 10] Reach Honor Level 10. 10 Achievement points
Honorable Pennant
 [Honor Level 15] Reach Honor Level 15. 10 Achievement points
Prestigious Bronze Courser
 [Honor Level 20] Reach Honor Level 20. 10 Achievement points
Alliance Alliance Enthusiast / Horde Horde Fanatic
 [Honor Level 25] Reach Honor Level 25. 10 Achievement points
Title: The Honorable
 [Honor Level 30] Reach Honor Level 30. 10 Achievement points
Prestigious Pennant
 [Honor Level 40] Reach Honor Level 40. 10 Achievement points
Prestigious Ivory Courser
 [Honor Level 50] Reach Honor Level 50. 10 Achievement points
Title: The Prestigious
 [Honor Level 60] Reach Honor Level 60. 10 Achievement points
Elite Pennant
 [Honor Level 70] Reach Honor Level 70. 10 Achievement points
Prestigious Azure Courser
 [Honor Level 80] Reach Honor Level 80. 10 Achievement points
Title: The Unrelenting
 [Honor Level 90] Reach Honor Level 90. 10 Achievement points
Esteemed Pennant
 [Honor Level 100] Reach Honor Level 100. 10 Achievement points
Title: The Unstoppable Force
 [Honor Level 125] Reach Honor Level 125. 10 Achievement points
Prestigious Forest Courser
 [Honor Level 150] Reach Honor Level 150. 10 Achievement points
Prestigious Royal Courser
 [Honor Level 175] Reach Honor Level 175. 10 Achievement points
Glorious Pennant
 [Honor Level 200] Reach Honor Level 200. 10 Achievement points
Title: Bound by Honor
 [Honor Level 250] Reach Honor Level 250. 10 Achievement points
Prestigious Midnight Courser
 [Honor Level 300] Reach Honor Level 300. 10 Achievement points
Title: The Tactician
 [Honor Level 400] Reach Honor Level 400. 10 Achievement points
Alliance Sir Snips / Horde Bucketshell
 [Honor Level 500] Reach Honor Level 500. 10 Achievement points
Prestigious Bloodforged Courser
 [Battlefield Brawler] Gather 10,000 Honor from PVP Island Expeditions, Brawls, Battlegrounds and Epic Battlegrounds.
 [Battlefield Tactician] Gather 30,000 Honor from PVP Island Expeditions, Brawls, Battlegrounds and Epic Battlegrounds.
 [Battlefield Master] Gather 100,000 Honor from PVP Island Expeditions, Brawls, Battlegrounds and Epic Battlegrounds.

Warsong Gulch[]

Warsong Gulch achievements


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Title Description Rewards
 [Warsong Gulch Victory] Win Warsong Gulch. 10 Achievement points
 [Warsong Gulch Veteran] Complete 100 victories in Warsong Gulch. 10 Achievement points
 [Capture the Flag] Personally carry and capture the flag in Warsong Gulch. 10 Achievement points
 [Persistent Defender] Return 50 flags as a defender in Warsong Gulch. 10 Achievement points
 [Frenzied Defender] Return 5 flags in a single Warsong Gulch battle. 10 Achievement points
 [Supreme Defender] Kill 100 flag carriers in Warsong Gulch. 10 Achievement points
 [Warsong Gulch Perfection] Win Warsong Gulch with a score of 3 to 0. 10 Achievement points
 [Warsong Expedience] Win Warsong Gulch in under 7 minutes. 10 Achievement points
 [Ironman] In a single Warsong Gulch battle, carry and capture the flag 3 times without dying. 10 Achievement points
Horde  [Warsong Outrider] Gain exalted reputation with the Warsong Outriders.
  • Exalted with the Warsong Outriders
10 Achievement points
Alliance  [Silverwing Sentinel] Gain exalted reputation with the Silverwing Sentinels. 10 Achievement points
 [Not So Fast] In Warsong Gulch, kill a player who is under the effects of the speed power-up. 10 Achievement points
 [Not In My House] In a single Warsong Gulch battle, kill 2 flag carriers before they leave the AllianceSilverwing / HordeWarsong Flag Room. 10 Achievement points
 [Quick Cap] Grab the flag and capture it in under 75 seconds. 10 Achievement points
 [Save The Day] Kill the enemy who is carrying your flag in the opposing team's flag room while the opposing team's flag is at their base, within their control. 10 Achievement points
 [Master of Warsong Gulch] Complete the Warsong Gulch achievements listed below. 25 Achievement points

Arathi Basin[]

Arathi Basin achievements


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Title Description Rewards
 [Arathi Basin Victory] Win Arathi Basin.
  • Win Arathi Basin.
10 Achievement points
 [Arathi Basin Veteran] Complete 100 victories in Arathi Basin.
  • Complete 100 victories in Arathi Basin
10 Achievement points
 [Arathi Basin Perfection] Win Arathi Basin with a score of 1600 to 0.
  • Arathi Basin Shutout
20 Achievement points
 [Me and the Cappin' Makin' it Happen] Take 50 flags in Arathi Basin 10 Achievement points
 [Disgracin' The Basin] Assault 3 bases in a single Arathi Basin battle.
  • Assault 3 bases in a single Arathi Basin battle.
10 Achievement points
 [Overly Defensive] Defend 3 bases in a single Arathi Basin battle.
  • Defend 3 Bases
10 Achievement points
 [To The Rescue!] Come to the defense of a base in Arathi Basin 50 times by recapping the flag.
  • Defend 50 bases.
10 Achievement points
 [Resilient Victory] Overcome a 500 resource disadvantage in a match of Arathi Basin and claim victory.
  • Overcome a 500 resource disadvantage
10 Achievement points
 [Territorial Dominance] Win 10 Arathi Basin matches while controlling all 5 flags.
  • Win 10 Arathi Basin matches while controlling all 5 flags.
10 Achievement points
 [Let's Get This Done] Win Arathi Basin in 6 minutes.
  • Win in 6 minutes
10 Achievement points
 [We Had It All Along *cough*] Win Arathi Basin by 50 points or less.
10 Achievement points
Horde  [The Defiler] Gain exalted reputation with The Forsaken Defilers.
  • Exalted with The Defilers
10 Achievement points
Alliance  [Knight of Arathor] Gain exalted reputation with The League of Arathor.
 [Arathi Basin All-Star] Assault and Defend 2 bases in a single Arathi Basin match.
  • Assault 2 Bases
  • Defend 2 Bases
20 Achievement points
 [Arathi Basin Assassin] Get five honorable kills at each of the bases in a single Arathi Basin battle.
  • Kill 5 people at the blacksmith
  • Kill 5 people at the gold mine
  • Kill 5 people at the stables
  • Kill 5 people at the farm
  • Kill 5 people at the lumber mill
20 Achievement points
 [Master of Arathi Basin] Complete the Arathi Basin achievements listed below. 25 Achievement points

Eye of the Storm[]

Eye of the Storm achievements


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Title Description Rewards
 [Eye of the Storm Victory] Win Eye of the Storm.
  • Win Eye of the Storm.
10 Achievement points
 [Eye of the Storm Veteran] Complete 100 victories in Eye of the Storm.
  • Complete 100 victories in Eye of the Storm.
10 Achievement points
 [The Perfect Storm] Win Eye of the Storm with a score of 1500 to 0.
  • Win 1500 to 0
10 Achievement points
 [Eye of the Storm Domination] Win Eye of the Storm 10 times while holding 4 bases.
  • Win Eye of the Storm 10 times while holding 4 bases.
10 Achievement points
 [Flurry] Win Eye of the Storm in under 6 minutes.
  • Win in 6 minutes
10 Achievement points
 [Stormtrooper] Kill 5 flag carriers in a single Eye of the Storm battle.
  • 5 flag carriers
10 Achievement points
 [Storm Capper] Personally carry and capture the flag in Eye of the Storm.
  • Capture the flag
10 Achievement points
 [Bound for Glory] In a single Eye of the Storm match, capture the flag 3 times without dying.
  • 3 caps and no death
10 Achievement points
 [Stormy Assassin] In a single Eye of the Storm battle, get 5 honorable kills at each of the bases.
  • Kill 5 people at the Blood Elf Tower
  • Kill 5 people at the Fel Reaver ruins
  • Kill 5 people at the Draenei Ruins
  • Kill 5 people at the Mage Tower
10 Achievement points
 [Take a Chill Pill] In Eye of the Storm, kill a player who is under the effects of the Berserker power-up.
  • Killed a Berserking Player
10 Achievement points
 [Bloodthirsty Berserker] Get a killing blow while under the effects of the berserker buff in Eye of the Storm.
  • Berserking killing blow
10 Achievement points
 [Storm Glory] While your team holds 4 of the bases in Eye of the Storm, personally grab the flag and capture it.
  • Capture a flag with 4 bases held
10 Achievement points
 [Master of Eye of the Storm] Complete the Eye of the Storm achievements listed below. 25 Achievement points

Alterac Valley[]

Alterac Valley achievements


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Title Description Rewards
 [Alterac Valley Victory] Win Alterac Valley.
  • Win Alterac Valley
10 Achievement points
 [Alterac Valley of Olde] Earn 200 Timewarped Badges from doing quests and participating in Alterac Valley Classic. 10 Achievement points
 [Alterac Valley Veteran] Complete 100 victories in Alterac Valley.
  • Complete 100 victories in Alterac Valley
10 Achievement points
 [Alterac Grave Robber] Take 50 graveyards in Alterac Valley.
  • Take 50 graveyards
10 Achievement points
 [Tower Defense] Defend 50 towers in Alterac Valley.
  • 50 towers defended
10 Achievement points
 [Loyal Defender] Alliance: In Alterac Valley, kill 50 enemy players in the Hall of the Stormpike.
Horde: In Alterac Valley, kill 50 enemy players in the Hall of the Frostwolf.
10 Achievement points
 [Everything Counts] Win Alterac Valley while your team controls both mines.

Kobold Cave OwnedTrogg Cave Owned

25 Achievement points
 [The Alterac Blitz] Win Alterac Valley in under 6 minutes. 20 Achievement points
 [The Sickly Gazelle] In Alterac Valley, kill an enemy in the Field of Strife before they dismount.
  • Kill someone in the Field of Strife before they dismount
10 Achievement points
Alliance  [Stormpike Perfection] Win Alterac Valley without losing a tower or captain. You must also control all of the Horde's towers.
  • Alliance Balinda and Alliance Vanndar survive
  • Tower A1 owned by Alliance
  • Tower A3 owned by Alliance
  • Tower H1 owned by Alliance
  • Tower H3 owned by Alliance
  • Win Alterac Valley
  • Tower A2 owned by Alliance
  • Tower H2 owned by Alliance
  • Tower H4 owned by Alliance
20 Achievement points
Horde  [Frostwolf Perfection] Win Alterac Valley without losing a tower or captain. You must also control all of the Alliance's towers.
  • Horde Galvangar and Horde Drek'Thar survive
  • Tower A1 owned by Horde
  • Tower A3 owned by Horde
  • Tower H1 owned by Horde
  • Tower H3 owned by Horde
  • Win Alterac Valley
  • Tower A2 owned by Horde
  • Tower H2 owned by Horde
  • Tower H4 owned by Horde
20 Achievement points
 [Alterac Valley All-Star] In a single Alterac Valley battle, assault a graveyard, defend a graveyard, assault a
tower, defend a tower and slay someone in the Field of Strife.
  • Assault a graveyard
  • Assault a tower
  • Kill someone in the Field of Strife
  • Defend a graveyard
  • Defend a tower
20 Achievement points
Horde  [Frostwolf Howler] Obtain a Frostwolf Howler. 10 Achievement points
Alliance  [Stormpike Battle Charger] Obtain a Stormpike Battle Charger. 10 Achievement points
Horde  [Hero of the Frostwolf Clan] Gain exalted reputation with the Frostwolf Clan.
  • Exalted with the Frostwolf Clan
10 Achievement points
Alliance  [Hero of the Stormpike Guard] Gain exalted reputation with the Stormpike Guard. 10 Achievement points
 [To the Looter Go the Spoils] Loot the Autographed Picture of Tigule in Alterac Valley. 10 Achievement points
 [Master of Alterac Valley] Complete the Alterac Valley achievements listed below. 25 Achievement points

Isle of Conquest[]

Isle of Conquest achievements


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Title Description Rewards
 [Isle of Conquest Victory] Win Isle of Conquest. 10 Achievement points
 [Isle of Conquest Veteran] Complete 100 victories in Isle of Conquest. 10 Achievement points
 [Isle of Conquest All-Star] In a single Isle of Conquest battle, assault a base, defend a base, destroy a vehicle and kill a player.
  • Destroy a vehicle
  • Assault a base
  • Defend a base
  • Kill a player
20 Achievement points
 [Resource Glut] Win Isle of Conquest while your team controls the Quarry and Oil Refinery. 10 Achievement points
 [Mine] Win Isle of Conquest while controlling the Quarry, Oil Refinery, Shipyard, Siege Workshop and Hangar. 10 Achievement points
 [Four Car Garage] In Isle of Conquest, control the following vehicles: 10 Achievement points
 [A-bomb-inable] In a single Isle of Conquest battle, use 5  [Seaforium Bombs] on the enemy gates. 10 Achievement points
 [A-bomb-ination] In a single Isle of Conquest battle, use 5 Huge Seaforium Bombs on the enemy gates 10 Achievement points
 [Mowed Down] In Isle of Conquest, destroy 10 vehicles and 100 players with turrets. 10 Achievement points
 [Cut the Blue Wire... No the Red Wire!] In Isle of Conquest, disarm 25 bombs. 10 Achievement points
 [All Over the Isle] In a single Isle of Conquest battle, kill a player at each of the following locations: 10 Achievement points
 [Back Door Job] In Isle of Conquest, enter the enemy courtyard while their gates still stand. 10 Achievement points
 [Demolition Derby] Destroy the following vehicles in Isle of Conquest 10 Achievement points
 [Glaive Grave] In Isle of Conquest, kill 10 players with a Glaive Thrower without dying. 10 Achievement points
 [Master of Isle of Conquest] Complete the Isle of Conquest achievements listed below. 25 Achievement points
Tabard of Conquest

Battle for Gilneas[]

Battle for Gilneas achievements


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Title Description Rewards
 [Battle for Gilneas Victory] Win the Battle for Gilneas 10 Achievement points
 [Battle for Gilneas Veteran] Complete 100 victories in the Battle for Gilneas. 10 Achievement points
 [Battle for Gilneas Perfection] Win the Battle for Gilneas with a score of 2000 to 0. 20 Achievement points
 [Bustin' Caps to Make It Haps] Take 50 flags in the Battle for Gilneas.
10 Achievement points
 [One Two Three You Don't Know About Me] Assault 3 bases in a single Battle for Gilneas. 10 Achievement points
 [Out of the Fog] Defend 2 bases in a single Battle for Gilneas. 10 Achievement points
 [Not Your Average PUG'er] Come to the defense of a base in the Battle for Gilneas 10 times by recapping the flag.
  • Defend 10 bases
10 Achievement points
 [Don't Get Cocky Kid] Overcome a 500 resource disadvantage in a match of the Battle for Gilneas and claim victory. 10 Achievement points
 [Full Coverage] Win 10 Battles for Gilneas while controlling all 3 flags.
  • The Battle for Gilneas
10 Achievement points
 [Newbs to Plowshares] Win the Battle for Gilneas in 6 minutes.
  • Win the Battle for Gilneas in 6 minutes.
10 Achievement points
 [Jugger Not] Win the Battle for Gilneas by 100 points or less. 10 Achievement points
 [Double Rainbow] Perform a /gasp emote under the double rainbow in the Battle for Gilneas.
 [Battle for Gilneas All-Star] Assault and Defend a base in a single Battle for Gilneas.
  • Assault a base.
  • Defend a base.
20 Achievement points
 [Battle for Gilneas Assassin] Get 10 honorable kills at each of the bases in a single Battle for Gilneas.
  • Get 10 honorable kills in each the Mine, Lighthouse, and Waterworks
10 Achievement points
 [Master of the Battle for Gilneas] Complete the Battle for Gilneas achievements listed below. 25 Achievement points

Twin Peaks[]

Twin Peaks achievements


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Title Description Rewards
 [Twin Peaking] Win 2 Twin Peaks battles. 10 Achievement points
 [Twin Peaks Veteran] Complete 100 victories in Twin Peaks. 10 Achievement points
 [Two-Timer] Personally carry and capture the flag 2 times in Twin Peaks. 10 Achievement points
 [Top Defender] Return 50 flags as a defender in Twin Peaks. 10 Achievement points
 [Soaring Spirits] Kill 100 flag carriers in Twin Peaks. 10 Achievement points
 [Twin Peaks Perfection] Win Twin Peaks with a score of 3 to 0 while also getting at least 1 killing blow. 10 Achievement points
 [Peak Speed] Win Twin Peaks in under 7 minutes 10 Achievement points
 [Cloud Nine] In a single Twin Peaks battle, capture and return a total of 9 flags. 10 Achievement points
Alliance  [Drag a Maw] Kill 5 Orcs in a single Twin Peaks battle. 10 Achievement points
Horde  [Wild Hammering] Kill 5 Dwarves in a single Twin Peaks battle. 10 Achievement points
Alliance  [I'm in the White Lodge] In a single Twin Peaks battle, kill 2 flag carriers before they leave the Wildhammer Stronghold. 10 Achievement points
Horde  [I'm in the Black Lodge] In a single Twin Peaks battle, kill 2 flag carriers before they leave the Dragonmaw Flag Room. 10 Achievement points
 [Fire, Walk With Me] Grab the flag and capture it in under 75 seconds. 10 Achievement points
 [Twin Peaks Mountaineer] Perform a roar emote with the flag while under the effect of both a speed power up and the berserking power up. 10 Achievement points
 [Double Jeopardy] Win a Twin Peaks battle after being behind by a score of 0 to 2. 10 Achievement points
 [Master of Twin Peaks] Complete the Twin Peaks achievements listed below. 25 Achievement points

Silvershard Mines[]

Silvershard Mines achievements


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Title Description Rewards
 [Silvershard Mines Victory] Win Silvershard Mines. 10 Achievement points
 [Silvershard Mines Veteran] Complete 100 victories in Silvershard Mines. 10 Achievement points
 [The Long Riders] Escort a mine cart from its spawn to a depot and capture it without losing control. 10 Achievement points
 [Mine Cart Courier] Capture a mine cart using each of the 5 sets of tracks in a single Silvershard Mines match. 10 Achievement points
 [End of the Line] Seize control of a mine cart that is controlled by the opposing team within 20 yards of the depot, and then capture it. 10 Achievement points
 [Mine Mine Mine!] Kill 250 enemies while you are defending a mine cart. 10 Achievement points
 [Five for Five] Capture five mine carts in a single Silvershard Mines battle without dying. 10 Achievement points
 [My Diamonds and Your Rust] Win a Silvershard Mines battle without letting the enemy team capture a mine cart. 10 Achievement points
 [Escort Service] Capture 100 mine carts in Silvershard Mines. 10 Achievement points
 [Greed is Good] Gain both the Berserking and Restoration buffs at the same time in Silvershard Mines. 10 Achievement points
 [Master of Silvershard Mines] Complete the Silvershard Mines achievements listed below. 10 Achievement points

Temple of Kotmogu[]

Temple of Kotmogu achievements


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Title Description Rewards
 [Temple of Kotmogu Victory] Win Temple of Kotmogu. 10 Achievement points
 [Temple of Kotmogu Veteran] Complete 100 victories in Temple of Kotmogu. 10 Achievement points
 [Four Square] Hold all four Orbs of Power at least once in a single Temple of Kotmogu battle. 10 Achievement points
 [Powerball] Hold an Orb of Power in the center of the Temple of Kotmogu for 90 seconds. 10 Achievement points
 [Blackout] Kill 100 enemies that are holding an Orb of Power. 10 Achievement points
 [Can't Stop Won't Stop] Kill 100 enemies while holding an Orb of Power. 10 Achievement points
 [I've Got the Power] Win Temple of Kotmogu while controlling all 4 Orbs of Power. 10 Achievement points
 [What is Best in Life?] Earn 8,000 Victory Points for your team in Temple of Kotmogu. 10 Achievement points
 [Temple of Kotmogu All-Star] Hold four Orbs of Power and kill four enemies who are holding an Orb of Power in a single Temple of Kotmogu match. 10 Achievement points
 [Master of Temple of Kotmogu] Complete the Temple of Kotmogu achievements listed below. 10 Achievement points

Deepwind Gorge[]

Deepwind Gorge achievements


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Title Description Rewards
 [Deepwind Gorge Victory] Win Deepwind Gorge. 10 Achievement points
 [Deepwind Gorge Veteran] Complete 100 victories in Deepwind Gorge. 10 Achievement points
 [Deepwind Gorge Perfection] Win Deepwind Gorge with a score of 1600 to 0. 20 Achievement points
 [Market Dominance] Complete 100 victories in Deepwind Gorge while controlling the Market base.
  • Complete 100 victories in Deepwind Gorge while controlling the Market base.
20 Achievement points
 [Well Gorged] Eat cooked food or feasts to become Well Fed before the Deepwind Gorge battle begins in 50 matches. 20 Achievement points
 [Cruisin' for a Brewsin'] Drink the Stormstout Brew found in Deepwind Gorge and get 150 honorable kills while under its affects. 20 Achievement points
 [Master of Deepwind Gorge] Complete the Deepwind Gorge achievements listed below. 10 Achievement points
Title: Gorgeous


Wintergrasp achievements


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Title Description Rewards
 [Wintergrasp Victory] Win the battle for Wintergrasp.
  • Win Wintergrasp
10 Achievement points
 [Wintergrasp Veteran] Win 100 battles for Wintergrasp. 10 Achievement points
 [Within Our Grasp] Attack Wintergrasp and succeed in 10 minutes or less.
10 Achievement points
 [Wintergrasp Ranger] Kill 10 players in each of the Wintergrasp areas listed below.
  • Wintergrasp Fortress
  • Glacial Falls
  • The Broken Temple
  • The Cauldron of Flames
  • Winter's Edge Tower
  • The Chilled Quagmire
  • Eastspark Workshop
  • Flamewatch Tower
  • Shadowsight Tower
  • The Sunken Ring
  • Westspark Workshop
10 Achievement points
 [Destruction Derby] Destroy each of the vehicles listed below. 10 Achievement points
 [Vehicular Gnomeslaughter] Kill 100 players in Wintergrasp using a vehicle or a cannon.
  • Vehicle
  • Shredder
  • Bomber
  • Cannon
  • Fighter
10 Achievement points
 [Leaning Tower] Destroy a tower in Wintergrasp.
  • Destroy a tower
10 Achievement points
 [Didn't Stand a Chance] Kill 20 mounted players using a tower cannon.
  • Kill 20 mounted players using a tower cannon.
10 Achievement points
 [Black War Mammoth] Obtain a Black War Mammoth. 10 Achievement points
 [Archavon the Stone Watcher (10 player)] Defeat Archavon the Stone Watcher in 10 player mode. 10 Achievement points
 [Archavon the Stone Watcher (25 player)] Defeat Archavon the Stone Watcher in 25 player mode. 10 Achievement points
 [Emalon the Storm Watcher (10 player)] Defeat Emalon the Storm Watcher in 10 player mode. 10 Achievement points
 [Emalon the Storm Watcher (25 player)] Defeat Emalon the Storm Watcher in 25 player mode. 10 Achievement points
 [Koralon the Flame Watcher (10 player)] Defeat Koralon the Flame Watcher in 10 player mode. 10 Achievement points
 [Koralon the Flame Watcher (25 player)] Defeat Koralon the Flame Watcher in 25 player mode. 10 Achievement points
 [Toravon the Ice Watcher (10 player)] Defeat Toravon the Ice Watcher in 10 player mode. 10 Achievement points
 [Toravon the Ice Watcher (25 player)] Defeat Toravon the Ice Watcher in 25 player mode. 10 Achievement points
 [Master of Wintergrasp] Complete the Wintergrasp achievements listed below. 10 Achievement points


Ashran achievements


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Title Description Rewards
 [Rescue Operation] Alliance: Release the following captured prisoners from the Horde Prison: Horde: Release the following captured prisoners from the Alliance Prison:
 [Ashran Victory] Kill the opposing faction Commander while controlling all points on the Road of Glory. 10 Achievement points
 [Grand Theft, 1st Degree] Loot 100 Artifact Fragments from enemy players. 10 Achievement points
 [Just for Me] Activate a Class Specific Book Epic Item found within Ashran. 10 Achievement points
 [High-value Targets] Defeat all of the creatures within Ashran listed below. 10 Achievement points
B  [Bounty Hunter] Alliance: Loot all the following off Horde player corpses: Horde: Loot all the following off Alliance player corpses: 10 Achievement points
 [Divide and Conquer] Kill 5000 enemy players anywhere outside the Road of Glory within Ashran.
  • 5000 Honorable Kills In 'Ashran' Not In' Road of Glory' (5000)
10 Achievement points
Alliance  [Down Goes Van Rook] Kill Elliott Van Rook before he remembers how to use Ice Block. 10 Achievement points
Alliance  [Take Them Out] Alliance: Defeat all of the Horde Captains listed below within The Road of Glory.
Horde: Defeat all of the Alliance Captains listed below within The Road of Glory.
10 Achievement points
 [Grand Theft, 2nd Degree] Loot 500 Artifact Fragments from enemy players. 10 Achievement points
B  [Operation Counterattack] Alliance: Defeat Kronus within 8 minutes of it being summoned by the Horde.

Horde: Defeat Fangraal within 8 minutes of it being summoned by the Alliance.

10 Achievement points
 [Tour of Duty] Complete each PvP Event at the following areas listed below. 10 Achievement points
Alliance  [Wrynn's Vanguard] Earn Exalted status with Wrynn's Vanguard. 10 Achievement points
Title: Sword of Wrynn
B  [Thy Kingdom Come] Alliance: Win Kor'lok's favor for your faction by defeating his bodyguard, Muk'Mar Raz.

Horde: Win Kor'lok's favor for your faction by defeating his bodyguard, Gaul Dun Firok.

10 Achievement points
 [Grand Theft, 3rd Degree] Loot 1000 Artifact Fragments from enemy players. 10 Achievement points
Horde  [Vol'jin's Spear] Earn Exalted status with Vol'jin's Spear. 10 Achievement points
Title: Spear of Vol'jin

Rated Battleground[]

Rated Battleground achievements


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Title Description Rewards
Alliance  [In Service of the Alliance] Win a rated battleground. 10 Achievement points
Alliance  [Veteran of the Alliance] Win 75 rated battlegrounds 10 Achievement points
Title: Veteran of the Alliance
Vicious War Steed
Alliance  [Veteran of the Alliance II] Win 150 rated battlegrounds. 10 Achievement points
Vicious War Steed
Alliance  [Warbound Veteran of the Alliance] Win 300 rated battlegrounds 10 Achievement points
Title: Warbound
Vicious War Steed
Horde  [In Service of the Horde] Win a rated battleground. 10 Achievement points
Horde  [Veteran of the Horde] Win 75 rated battlegrounds 10 Achievement points
Title: Veteran of the Horde
Vicious War Wolf
Horde  [Veteran of the Horde II] Win 150 rated battlegrounds 10 Achievement points
Vicious War Wolf
Horde  [Warbringer of the Horde] Win 300 rated battlegrounds 10 Achievement points
Title: Warbringer
Vicious War Wolf
Alliance  [Private] Earn a battleground rating of 1100. 10 Achievement points
Title: Private
Horde  [Scout] Earn a battleground rating of 1100. 10 Achievement points
Title: Scout
Alliance  [Corporal] Earn a battleground rating of 1200. 10 Achievement points
Title: Corporal
Horde  [Grunt] Earn a battleground rating of 1200. 10 Achievement points
Title: Grunt
Alliance  [Sergeant] Alliance: Earned the title, "Sergeant" at level 60.

Horde: Earn a rated battleground rating of 1300.

10 Achievement points
Alliance  [Master Sergeant] Earn a battleground rating of 1400. 10 Achievement points
Title: Master Sergeant
Horde  [Senior Sergeant] Earn a battleground rating of 1400. 10 Achievement points
Title: Senior Sergeant
Alliance  [Sergeant Major] Earn a battleground rating of 1500. 10 Achievement points
Title: Sergeant Major
Horde  [First Sergeant] Earn a battleground rating of 1500. 10 Achievement points
Title: First Sergeant
Alliance  [Knight] Earn a battleground rating of 1600. 10 Achievement points
Title: Knight
Horde  [Stone Guard] Earn a battleground rating of 1600. 10 Achievement points
Title: Stone Guard
Alliance  [Knight-Lieutenant] Earn a battleground rating of 1700. 10 Achievement points
Title: Knight-Lieutenant
Horde  [Blood Guard] Earn a battleground rating of 1700. 10 Achievement points
Title: Blood Guard
Alliance  [Knight-Captain] Earn a battleground rating of 1800. 10 Achievement points
Title: Knight-Captain
Horde  [Legionnaire] Earn a battleground rating of 1800. 10 Achievement points
Title: Legionnaire
Alliance  [Knight-Champion] Earn a battleground rating of 1900. 10 Achievement points
Title: Knight-Champion
Horde  [Centurion] Earn a battleground rating of 1900. 10 Achievement points
Title: Centurion
Alliance  [Lieutenant Commander] Earn a battleground rating of 2000. 10 Achievement points
Title: Lieutenant Commander
Horde  [Champion] Earn a battleground rating of 2000. 10 Achievement points
Title: Champion
Alliance  [Commander] Earn a battleground rating of 2100. 10 Achievement points
Title: Commander
Horde  [Lieutenant General] Earn a battleground rating of 2100. 10 Achievement points
Title: Lieutenant General
Alliance  [Marshal] Earn a battleground rating of 2200. 10 Achievement points
Title: Marshal
Horde  [General] Earn a battleground rating of 2200. 10 Achievement points
Title: General
Alliance  [Field Marshal] Earn a battleground rating of 2300. 10 Achievement points
Title: Field Marshal
Horde  [Warlord] Earn a battleground rating of 2300. 10 Achievement points
Title: Warlord
Alliance  [Grand Marshal] Earn a battleground rating of 2400. 10 Achievement points
Title: Grand Marshal
Horde  [High Warlord] Earn a battleground rating of 2400. 10 Achievement points
Title: High Warlord
Horde  [Hero of the Horde] End a PvP season int he top 0.5 of the rated battleground ladder. 10 Achievement points
Title: Hero of the Horde
Alliance  [Hero of the Alliance] End a PvP season int he top 0.5 of the rated battleground ladder. 10 Achievement points
Title: Hero of the Alliance


Arena achievements


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Title Description Rewards
 [Step Into The Arena] Win a ranked arena match. 10 Achievement points
 [Mercilessly Dedicated] Win 100 ranked arena matches. 10 Achievement points
 [Vengefully Dedicated] Win 200 ranked arena matches. 10 Achievement points
 [Brutally Dedicated] Win 300 ranked arena matches. 10 Achievement points
 [Tabard of Brute Force]
 [World Wide Winner] Win a ranked arena match in Blade's Edge, Nagrand, the Ring of Valor, Dalaran Sewers, the Ruins of Lordaeron, and Tol'Viron Arena. 10 Achievement points
 [Just the Two of Us: 1550] Earn a 1550 personal rating in the 2v2 bracket of the arena.
  • 1550 rating
10 Achievement points
 [Just the Two of Us: 1750] Earn a 1750 personal rating in the 2v2 bracket of the arena.
  • 1750 rating
10 Achievement points
 [Just the Two of Us: 2000] Earn a 2000 personal rating in the 2v2 bracket of the arena.
  • 2000 rating
10 Achievement points
 [Just the Two of Us: 2200] Earn a 2200 personal rating in the 2v2 bracket of the arena.
  • 2200 rating
10 Achievement points
 [Three's Company: 1550] Earn a 1550 personal rating in the 3v3 bracket of the arena. 10 Achievement points
 [Three's Company: 1750] Earn a 1750 personal rating in the 3v3 bracket of the arena. 10 Achievement points
 [Three's Company: 2000] Earn a 2000 personal rating in the 3v3 bracket of the arena. 10 Achievement points
 [Three's Company: 2200] Earn a 2200 personal rating in the 3v3 bracket of the arena. 10 Achievement points
 [Three's Company: 2400] Earn a 2400 personal rating in the 3v3 bracket of the arena. 10 Achievement points
 [Three's Company: 2700] Earn a 2700 personal rating in the 3v3 bracket of the arena. 10 Achievement points
 [Hot Streak] Win ten ranked matches in a row.
  • Win 10 arenas without losing
10 Achievement points
 [Hotter Streak] Win ten ranked matches in a row with a rating above 1800.
  • Win 10 arenas without losing
10 Achievement points
 [Challenger] Earn the Challenger title in an arena season. 10 Achievement points
 [Rival] Earn the Rival title in an arena season.
10 Achievement points
 [Duelist] Earn the Duelist title in an arena season.
10 Achievement points
 [Gladiator] Earn the Gladiator title in an arena season.
10 Achievement points
 [Solo Aspirations] Complete 15 rounds of Solo Shuffle 10 Achievement points
 [Solely Motivated] Complete 50 rounds of Solo Shuffle 10 Achievement points
 [Steadfast Soloist] Complete 150 rounds of Solo Shuffle 10 Achievement points
 [Sole Survivor] Win 15 rounds of Solo Shuffle 10 Achievement points
 [Successful Solos] Win 50 rounds of Solo Shuffle 10 Achievement points
 [Supreme Soloist] Win 150 rounds of Solo Shuffle 20 Achievement points
Title: Soloist
 [Legend: Dragonflight Season 2] Win 100 Rated Solo Shuffle rounds while at Elite rank during Dragonflight Season 2. Title: Legend [Obsidian Legend's Pennant]

Seething Shore[]

Seething Shore achievements


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.7

Title Description Rewards
 [Claim Jumper] Within 30 seconds of landing on Seething Shore, collect an Azerite deposit. 10 Achievement points
 [Death from Above] Slay an enemy within 30 seconds of landing on Seething Shore. 10 Achievement points
 [A Good Start] Collect 25,000 Azerite in Seething Shore. 20 Achievement points
 [Blood and Sand] Slay 50 enemies near an Azerite deposit. 10 Achievement points
 [Seething Shore Victory] Win Seething Shore. 10 Achievement points
 [Seething Shore Veteran] Complete 100 victories in Seething Shore. 15 Achievement points
 [Seething Shore Domination] Capture Azerite in each of the following locations in Seething Shore.
  • Tar Pits
  • Tide Pools
  • Bonfire
  • Ruins
  • Overlook
  • Crash Site
  • Temple
  • Tower
  • Shipwreck
  • Plunge
  • Ridge
  • Waterfall
20 Achievement points
 [Seething Shore Perfection] Win Seething Shore with a score of 1500 to 0. 20 Achievement points
 [Master of Seething Shore] Complete the Seething Shore achievements listed below. 25 Achievement points
Title: Prospector


World achievements

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Patch changes[]

  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17):
    • The World Quests subcategory renamed to World.
    • The Strand of the Ancients, Wintergrasp, Tol Barad, and Ashran subcategories removed.
    • Moved Prestige achievements to Legacy.
    • The Timeless Isles achievements moved to Pandaria Exploration