Potion of Nightmares

  • ️Tue Nov 15 2022

Inv alchemy elixir 03200

  • Potion of Nightmares
  • Use: Puts the imbiber in a slumber where they face and defeat their darkest fears. During that time the imbiber restores 5400 health and mana, but they are defenseless.
  • Requires Level 27
  • Sell Price: 50s

Potion of Nightmares restores 5400 health and mana during 6 seconds, but makes the player defenseless for the duration.


This item is created with Alchemy (380); taught by trainers.

Materials required:
Inv misc herb goldclover 1x [Goldclover] Inv misc herb talandrasrose 2x [Talandra's Rose]
Inv alchemy leadedvial 1x [Crystal Vial]

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