

A natural pyrite deposit.

Pyrite is a mineral found on Azeroth. Its bright golden color[1] sometimes leads it to be known as fool's gold.[2]


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Deep inside the Tirisfal Glades, at Venomweb Vale, a rock of fool's gold marks the exact location where Aegwynn used to meet with the members of the Council of Tirisfal, accidentally transformed by Magna Scavell's apprentice Falric centuries ago.[3]

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The forces of Ulduar used liquid pyrite as a combustible fuel source.

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Pyrite ore can rarely be found in Uldum, the Twilight Highlands, and Tol Barad. Some can also be found in the Thousand Needles as a quest item. Both Alliance and Horde tried to dupe the local centaur with fool's gold to acquire their oil drilling rights.[2]



A larger pyrite deposit.

Pyrite is mined from Pyrite Deposits and Rich Pyrite Deposits (Both require 525 Mining). Pyrite is found only in the highest tiers of Cataclysm zones, those being the Twilight Highlands and Uldum (more frequent in the former). Rich Pyrite Deposits are only found in Tol Barad (both in the peninsula and the battleground area). Both types are rare spawned nodes off Elementium, though they appear to occur more frequently than previous rare nodes.

As an ingredient[]

Materials required
Inv ore arcanite 01 2x [Pyrite Ore]
Used to make
Inv misc pyriumbar 02 1x [Pyrium Bar]


  • In real life, pyrite is an iron sulfide. It has little practical use in modern times, though it still remains popular in jewelry due to its shine.
  • The Inv ore arcanite 01 [Pyrite Ore]'s icon is rainbow colored while the actual bar and nodes are both gold. This is presumably made to differentiate it from the actual Inv ore gold 01 [Gold Ore] item. In liquid form, pyrite appears to turn blue.
  • Pyrite has also been called "Baked Potato" or "Baked Potarite" or other variations, due to the node's resemblance to a baked potato.



  1. ^ Cycle of Hatred, chapter 14
  2. ^ a b B [15-30] Fool's Gold
  3. ^ Cycle of Hatred, chapter 12

See also[]

WoW Icon update
Bc icon
Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor
  • Truesteel
Battle for Azeroth
  • Laestrite
  • Oxxein
  • Phaedrum
  • Solenium
  • Sinvyr
  • Elethium
    • Enchanted Elethium
  • Progenium
  • Shadowghast
  • Obsidian Seared Alloy
  • Infurious Alloy
  • Frostfire Alloy
  • Primal Molten Alloy