Repeatable reputation quest

A repeatable reputation quest, aka RRQ, unlike normal quests, can be done multiple times with each completion giving Reputation as a reward. Some RRQs also give items, money, or XP when completed as well.

See the main article, Reputation, for a discussion of RRQs in context.

Identify RRQ givers[]

RRQ giver on mini-map

RRQ givers appear on the mini-map.

A blue Activedaily indicates that that NPC has a repeatable quest available or for turn in. However, the quest may be a daily quest instead of a repeatable reputation quest. Unlike an RRQ, a daily quest gives experience and guild reputation, but can be completed only once per day and is subject to the limit of 25 daily quests per day.

As of Patch 2.3, this Activedaily marker will show up on the mini-map (see image to the right). This indicator will not change regardless of whether you have gotten the quest or completed it.

Player-faction repeatable reputation quests[]

Cloth turn-ins and the Egg quests for Darnassus & Thunder Bluff were removed following the Cataclysm. Reputation can still be gained by the following methods:

  • Nonrepeatable quests,
  • Daily cooking, fishing, and other profession quests,
  • Argent Tournament daily quests,
  • Championing the city by wearing their tabard in any non-Outland dungeon. Outland dungeons are each related to an Outland faction, and will only give rep for that faction.

This leaves the Alterac Valley PvP quests as the only remaining repeatable quests for city reputation. All quests are repeatable and grant reputation until 999/1000 Exalted.

Faction Quest Name NPC Reputation Gain Quest Item Amount
 Stormpike Guard
A [20-70] Crystal Cluster Arch Druid Renferal 75
 [Storm Crystal] 5
 Stormpike Guard
A [20-70P] Call of Air - Ichman's Fleet Wing Commander Ichman 10
 [Frostwolf Commander's Medal] 1
 Stormpike Guard
A [20-70P] Call of Air - Slidore's Fleet Wing Commander Slidore 10
 [Frostwolf Soldier's Medal] 1
 Stormpike Guard
A [20-70P] Call of Air - Vipore's Fleet Wing Commander Vipore 10
 [Frostwolf Lieutenant's Medal] 1
 Stormpike Guard
B [20-70] Empty Stables Stormpike Stable Master 10
Tamed Alterac Ram 1
 Stormpike Guard
Ivus the Forest Lord Arch Druid Renferal 10
 [Storm Crystal] 1
 Stormpike Guard
A [20-70P] More Armor Scraps Murgot Deepforge 10
 [Armor Scraps] 20
 Stormpike Guard
A [60P] Ram Hide Harnesses Stormpike Ram Rider Commander 10
 [Frostwolf Hide] 1
 Frostwolf Clan
H [20-70] A Gallon of Blood Primalist Thurloga 75
 [Stormpike Soldier's Blood] 5
 Frostwolf Clan
H [??P] Call of Air - Guse's Fleet Wing Commander Guse 10
 [Stormpike Soldier's Flesh] 1
 Frostwolf Clan
H [20-70P] Call of Air - Jeztor's Fleet Wing Commander Jeztor 10
 [Stormpike Lieutenant's Flesh] 1
 Frostwolf Clan
H [20-70P] Call of Air - Mulverick's Fleet Wing Commander Mulverick 10
 [Stormpike Commander's Flesh] 1
 Frostwolf Clan
B [20-70] Empty Stables Frostwolf Stable Master 10
 [Frostwolf Muzzle] 1
 Frostwolf Clan
Lokholar the Ice Lord Primalist Thurloga 10
 [Stormpike Soldier's Blood] 1
 Frostwolf Clan
H [20-70P] More Booty! Smith Regzar 10
 [Armor Scraps] 20
 Frostwolf Clan
H [60P] Ram Hide Harnesses Frostwolf Wolf Rider 10
 [Alterac Ram Hide] 1

Non-player faction repeatable reputation quests[]

Faction Quest Name Repeatable
From - Until
NPC Zone Rep Gain Quest Item/Objective Amount
 Aldor* N [15-30] Strained Supplies Hated - Unfriendly Sha'nir Shattrath 250  [Dreadfang Venom Sac] 8
 Aldor* N [15-30] More Marks of Kil'jaeden Neutral - Honored Adyen the Lightwarden
Harbinger Saronen
Shadowmoon Valley
 [Mark of Kil'jaeden] 1
 Aldor* N [15-30] More Marks of Sargeras Friendly - Exalted Adyen the Lightwarden
Harbinger Saronen
Shadowmoon Valley
 [Mark of Sargeras] 1
 Aldor* N [15-30] A Cleansing Light Friendly - Exalted Ishanah Shattrath 350  [Fel Armament] 1
 Argent Dawn N [15-30D] Aberrations of Bone Revered - Exalted Lord Raymond George Eastern Plaguelands
2000 Rattlegore slain N/A
 Argent Dawn  [Annals of the Silver Hand] Revered -Exalted Lord Raymond George Eastern Plaguelands
2000  [Annals of the Silver Hand] 1
 Brood of Nozdormu N [30R] Secrets of the Qiraji Exalted Andorgos Ahn'Qiraj 1000  [Ancient Qiraji Artifact] 1
 Brood of Nozdormu
 Cenarion Circle
N [30R] Mortal Champions Exalted Kandrostrasz Ahn'Qiraj 500
 [Qiraji Lord's Insignia] 1
 Cenarion Circle N [15-30] Encrypted Twilight Texts Exalted Bor Wildmane Silithus 250  [Encrypted Twilight Text] 10
 Cenarion Expedition N [10-30] Plants of Zangarmarsh Honored Lauranna Thar'well Zangarmarsh 250  [Unidentified Plant Parts] 10
 Cenarion Expedition  [Uncatalogued Species] Exalted Lauranna Thar'well Zangarmarsh 500  [Uncatalogued Species] 1
 Consortium N [15-30] More Crystal Fragments Friendly Gezhe Nagrand 250  [Oshu'gun Crystal Fragment] 10
 Consortium N [15-30] More Heads Full of Ivory Friendly Gezhe Nagrand 250  [Pair of Ivory Tusks] 3
 Consortium N [15-30] More Obsidian Warbeads Exalted Gezhe Nagrand 250  [Obsidian Warbeads] 10
 Consortium N [25-30] Another Heap of Ethereals Exalted Nether-Stalker Khay'ji Netherstorm 250  [Zaxxis Insignia] 10
 Kurenai A [15-30] More Warbeads Exalted Warden Moi'bff Jill Nagrand 500  [Obsidian Warbeads] 10
 Lower City N [15-30] More Feathers Honored Vekax Shattrath 250  [Arakkoa Feather] 30
 Mag'har (faction) H [15-30] More Warbeads! Exalted Warden Bullrok Nagrand 500  [Obsidian Warbeads] 10
 Order of the Cloud Serpent A [10-35] A Time-Lost Treasure Neutral - Exalted Elder Anli The Jade Forest 1000  [Quivering Firestorm Egg] 1
 Ravenholdt N Rogue [60] Syndicate Emblems Neutral - Friendly Ravenholdt Guard Hillsbrad Foothills 250  [Syndicate Emblem] 1
N [60] Junkboxes Needed Friendly - Exalted Fahrad Hillsbrad Foothills 75
 [Heavy Junkbox] 5
 Scryer* N [15-30] Voren'thal's Visions Hated - Unfriendly Arcanist Adyria Shattrath 250  [Dampscale Basilisk Eye] 8
 Scryer* N [15-30] More Firewing Signets Neutral - Honored Magistrix Fyalenn Shattrath 25
 [Firewing Signet] 1
 Scryer* More Sunfury Signets Friendly - Exalted Magistrix Fyalenn Shattrath 25
 [Sunfury Signet] 1
 Scryer* N [15-30] Synthesis of Power Friendly - Exalted Voren'thal the Seer Shattrath 350  [Arcane Tome] 1
 Sporeggar N [10-30] More Spore Sacs Friendly Fahssn Zangarmarsh 750  [Mature Spore Sac] 10
 Sporeggar N [10-30] More Tendrils! Friendly Fahssn Zangarmarsh 750  [Bog Lord Tendril] 6
 Sporeggar N [10-30] Glowcap Mushrooms Neutral - Friendly Msshi'fn Zangarmarsh 750  [Glowcap] 10
 Sporeggar N [10-30] Now That We're Still Friends... Friendly - Exalted Gzhun'tt Zangarmarsh 750 Bloodscale Slavedriver
Bloodscale Enchantress
 Sporeggar  [Fertile Spores] Friendly - Exalted Gshaff Zangarmarsh 750  [Fertile Spores] 6
 Sporeggar N [10-30D] Bring Me A Shrubbery! Friendly - Exalted Gzhun'tt Zangarmarsh 750  [Sanguine Hibiscus] 5
 Steamwheedle Cartel* N [46] Again With the Zapped Giants Exalted Zorbin Fandazzle Feralas 25  [Miniaturization Residue] 10
 Steamwheedle Cartel* N [55] Refuel for the Zapping Exalted Zorbin Fandazzle Feralas 25  [Water Elemental Core] 6
 Thorium Brotherhood N [60] Gaining Acceptance Revered - Exalted Master Smith Burninate Searing Gorge 15  [Dark Iron Residue] 4
 Thorium Brotherhood N [60] Gaining Even More Acceptance Revered - Exalted Master Smith Burninate Searing Gorge 500  [Dark Iron Residue] 100
 Thorium Brotherhood N [30D] Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Dark Iron Ore Honored - Exalted Lokhtos Darkbargainer Blackrock Depths 75  [Dark Iron Ore] 10
 Thorium Brotherhood N [30D] Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Core Leather Honored - Exalted Lokhtos Darkbargainer Blackrock Depths 350  [Core Leather] 2
 Thorium Brotherhood N [30D] Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Lava Core Honored - Exalted Lokhtos Darkbargainer Blackrock Depths 500  [Lava Core] 1
 Thorium Brotherhood N [30D] Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Fiery Core Honored - Exalted Lokhtos Darkbargainer Blackrock Depths 500  [Fiery Core] 1
 Thorium Brotherhood N [30D] Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Blood of the Mountain Honored - Exalted Lokhtos Darkbargainer Blackrock Depths 500  [Blood of the Mountain] 1
 Timbermaw Hold N [15-30] Feathers for Grazle Exalted Grazle Felwood 150  [Deadwood Headdress Feather] 5
 Timbermaw Hold N [15-30] Feathers for Nafien Exalted Nafien Felwood 150  [Deadwood Headdress Feather] 5
 Timbermaw Hold N [56] Beads for Salfa Exalted Salfa Winterspring 150  [Winterfall Spirit Beads] 5
 Wintersaber Trainers A [60] Frostsaber Provisions Exalted Rivern Frostwind Winterspring 250  [Shardtooth Meat]
 [Chillwind Meat]
 Wintersaber Trainers A [60] Winterfall Intrusion Exalted Rivern Frostwind Winterspring 250 Winterfall Shaman
Winterfall Ursa
 Wintersaber Trainers A [60G] Rampaging Giants Honored - Exalted Rivern Frostwind Winterspring 350 Frostmaul Giant
Frostmaul Preserver
Alliance Forces
Horde Forces
Steamwheedle Cartel