Recover the Remains

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
AllianceRecover the Remains
Start Gnarl
End Gnarl
Level 7-30 (Requires 7)
Category Ashenvale
Experience 1,650 XP
Reputation +250 rep with Darnassus
Rewards 13s


Collect 10 Inv tradeskillitem 03 [Warsong Lumber].


While what the satyrs have done to the trees is horrible, nothing compares to the mass slaughter that the orcs have been engaging in!

<The ancient shakes with visible rage, his leaves falling all around you.>

<race>, I would have you head across the road here at the lumber camp and recover the remains of those trees, treants, and ancients that the Horde have hewn down in their prime.


Have you the remains, little one?


I have lived a very long time in peace with the forest, but what these orc-things are doing makes me want to feed them back to the ground!

I will put this wood to rest now. Thank you for this kindness, <name>. I will never forget.


You will receive: 13s


+250 rep with Darnassus


  1. A [7-30] Agents of Destruction / A [7-30] Recover the Remains
  2. A [7-30] Explosives Shredding

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