Rendezvous with the Courier

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
NeutralRendezvous with the Courier
Start Emmarel Shadewarden
End Courier Larkspur
Level 10-45
Type Legendary
Category Artifact
Class Hunter Hunter
Previous N Hunter [10-45] Weapons of Legend
Next N Hunter [10-45] Call of the Marksman


Speak to Courier Larkspur at Krasus' Landing.


Thas'dorah is a mighty bow indeed! The weapon was carved from a limb of Thas'alah, the mother tree of Eversong, and infused with the magic of the Sunwell. I fought alongside its first wielder, Talanas Windrunner, during an Amani troll incursion.

Ah, but such tales can wait for another time.

Courier Larkspear was making preparations to depart. You can meet him at Krasus' Landing.


I don't know the full details, but a demon prisoner has given us the first solid lead on Alleria Windrunner's whereabouts in a very long time.

The ranger-general has joined with members of the Farstriders on the Broken Shore. She's putting a team together, and your presence is crucial to its success.


On accept

Emmarel Shadewarden says: Speak to me again when you return to Dalaran. We have much to discuss.


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