Rescue the Survivors!

  • ️Tue Jan 09 2007
AllianceRescue the Survivors!
Start Zalduun [80, 49]
End Zalduun [80, 49]
Level 1-10
Category Ammen Vale
Race  Draenei
Experience 220
Reputation +350 Exodar
Rewards  [Empty Draenei Supply Pouch]


Previous A [1-10] Urgent Delivery!
Rescue the Survivors TCG

In the TCG.

Rescue the Survivors! requires you to use the draenei racial ability, [Gift of the Naaru] on one of the various draenei survivors laying around Ammen Vale.


Use your Gift of the Naaru ability on one of the Draenei Survivors spread throughout Ammen Vale, then return to Zalduun at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.


You can find the survivors laying around the Crash Site. You have to target one of them, and then use the Gift of the Naaru ability. The survivors are easy to spot, since they glow with a red mist. Although only one survivor is required, you may target as many as you find later, even after the quest is completed.


The healing crystals are replenished, but that is not the only way we can help the injured. All draenei can tap the gift of the Naaru to heal. You must use this ability to heal one of the crash survivors.

You'll find most of the survivors in the areas to the west and northwest, but the crash scattered us all over the vale.

The survivors have suffered from exposure to the irradiated power crystals, so you should be able to find them by the red glow that surround them.

You must save them, <name>.


You will receive:
[Empty Draenei Supply Pouch]

You will also receive:


We'll survive this yet with your help.


The Light be praised! You've done what only a true <hero/heroine> could have done, <name>! The draenei you saved owes their continued life to your selflessness!

Please, take this supply pouch. You look like you can use it more than I.


Upon healing
[Draenei] Oh no! Where are we? What happened? Look, there's part of the ship!

Originally, non-draenei could also pick up this quest. In such a case, it could be completed by grouping with a draenei player. The non-draenei would get credit for saving a survivor when the draenei used Gift of the Naaru.


  1. A  [1-10] You Survived!
  2. A [1-10] Replenishing the Healing Crystals
  3. Complete both of:
  4. A [1-10] Inoculation
  5. A [1-10] The Missing Scout
  6. A [1-10] The Blood Elves
  7. A [1-10] Blood Elf Spy
  8. A [1-10] The Emitter
  9. A [1-30] Travel to Azure Watch

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