Resupplying the Excavation

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
For the Classic version, see A [15] Resupplying the Excavation.
AllianceResupplying the Excavation
Start Jern Hornhelm [37.2, 47.4]
End Huldar [56.4, 66.0]
Level 5-30
Category Loch Modan
Experience 880
Reputation +150 Ironforge
Rewards 6s
Previous A [5-30] Axis of Awful
Next A [5-30] Protecting the Shipment


Locate Huldar, Miran, and Saean.

  • Find Huldar, Miran and Saean


Ironband has an excavation to the southeast and he's been needing a hefty amount of explosives sent from the league for all the carving. Huldar, Miran, and Saean just departed with the most recent load and could probably use a hand.

They can't have made it very far, strong as they are. They can only move so fast laden down with those barrels.

They're taking the normal route to the site, leaving south out of town and following the curve of the Loch. Go catch up with them and help'm out, will ya?


You will receive: 6s


Hmph, it'll take more than a Dark Iron ambush to stop the deliveries!

But Saean... I would never have suspected him to be one of their sympathizers. We've been working with him for almost a year now... maybe I missed the signs.

Well, I'll consider that later.


Head southeast along the old loch waterline. Just past the southernmost point of the loch at [56.4, 66.0] are Huldar and Miran, beset by Saean and three Dark Iron Ambushers!

Southeast of Huldar and Miran is one of the locations mentioned in Inv misc book 09 [Gorick's Stash List]: Shanda the Spinner's den. At [61.7, 73.2] immediately outside of the den is the third Explorers' League Document. Collect it to start A [5-30] Explorers' League Document (3 of 6).


Optional breadcrumbs: A [5-30] Reinforcements for Loch Modan or A [5-30] Hero's Call: Loch Modan!

South Gate Pass[]

  1. A [5-30] The Lost Pilot
  2. A [5-30] A Pilot's Revenge
  3. A [5-30] South Gate Status Report

Valley of Kings and Thelsamar[]

  1. A [5-30] In Defense of the King's Lands
  2. A [5-30] A Decisive Strike
  3. A [5-30] Onward to Thelsamar

Main chain[]

  1. A [5-30] Stormpike's Orders (optional breadcrumb)
  2. A [5-30] A Tiny, Clever Commander
  3. A [5-30] Kobold and Kobolder
  4. A [5-30] Who's In Charge Here?
  5. A [5-30] The Bearer of Gnoll-edge
  6. A [5-30] Suddenly, Murlocs!
  7. A [5-30] Smells Like A Plan
  8. A [5-30] Axis of Awful
  9. A [5-30] Resupplying the Excavation
  10. A [5-30] Protecting the Shipment
  11. A [5-30] Keep Your Hands Off The Goods!
  12. A [5-30] Joining the Hunt, A [5-30] Find Bingles (optional)
  13. A [5-30] Wing Nut
  14. A [5-30] Bird is the Word
  15. A [5-30] Skystrider's Heart
  16. A [5-30] He's That Age
  17. A [5-30] Standing Up
  18. A [5-30] Fight the Hammer
  19. A [5-30] Servants of Cho'gall
  20. A [5-30] Gor'kresh
  21. A [5-30] Ando's Call
  22. A [5-30] The Winds of Loch Modan

Patch changes[]

External links[]