Return Fire (quest)

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
AllianceReturn Fire
Start Sentinel Thenysil
End Sentinel Thenysil
Level 7-30 (Requires 7)
Category Ashenvale
Experience 1,250
Reputation +350 Darnassus
Rewards Inv belt 02 [Fiery Loop]
or Inv chest cloth 05 [Thenysil's Vest]
or Inv pants mail 12 [Astranaar Legguards]
or Inv chest cloth 05 [Glaivethrower Expert's Chestpiece]

20s 30c

Shareable Yes
Previous A [7-30] Astranaar's Burning!

Return Fire is an Alliance-only quest that pits the adventurer against the Horde forces attacking Astranaar in Ashenvale.


Use an Astranaar Thrower to shoot down 15 Hellscream's Hellions & their Watch Wind Riders.


The fires are mostly contained, but we have to do something about those wind riders!

Quick, <name>, you have to jump into one of our glaive throwers and return fire!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv belt 02 [Fiery Loop] Inv chest cloth 05 [Thenysil's Vest]
Inv pants mail 12 [Astranaar Legguards] Inv chest cloth 05 [Glaivethrower Expert's Chestpiece]

You will also receive:


There's still more of them bombing us. Please, <name>, shoot them down!


We're saved! You've shot down enough of them that we should be able to handle the rest.

I cannot thank you enough, <name>.


  • Refer to Astranaar Thrower for how to use the thrower.
  • Completing this quest phases out the fires and wind riders.
  • You will no longer be able to drive an Astranaar Thrower after completing this quest. If that ability is more important to you than the drawback of seeing Astranaar on fire — for example, for roleplaying reasons — then do not complete this quest. It does not unlock any follow-ups.


  1. A [7-30] Astranaar's Burning!
  2. A [7-30] Return Fire

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