
Not to be confused with void revenant.
Ichoron HS
Faction/Affiliation Elemental Lords, Primalists, Scourge, Independent
Black Empire
Racial leader(s) IconSmall WaterLordIconSmall EarthLordIconSmall ThunderaanNewIconSmall Baleroc Elemental Lords
Homeworld Elemental Plane
Language(s) Kalimag, Ignan, Common
Icon-RPG Auran, Terran, Aquan

Revenants are armored elemental creatures. They look similar to floating suits of crude armor. They also wield large maces and carry giant shields. The most notable revenant was the Guardian, protector of Frostmourne. Some are soldiers of the Old Gods in the Elemental Plane.[1]

Types of revenant[]

In Warcraft III[]

Revenant art

An undead revenant in Warcraft III.

They are hateful undead creatures who are outside the domain of Ner'zhul's control. Bonded to base elemental spirits, these phantom creatures live only to rage and use their powers for destruction.[2] They have the ability to cast elemental magics according to their type. Although undead, Revenants have no affiliation with the Scourge as they have some sort of innate immunity to Ner'zhul's psychic control over undead. They remain neutral in the conflict between the Horde and Alliance.

Elemental revenants
Sea revenants
Death revenants

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Revenants are minor elemental creatures who once served as foot soldiers for the malefic Old Gods when the world was young. When the titans defeated the Old Gods and chained them beneath the cold earth, the wicked revenants and their greater elemental cousins were banished to the Elemental Plane. Locked away from the world they once ruled, the fire of the elementals' hatred for the titans and their creations burned with increasing intensity. As the millennia passed, reckless mortal wizards began to summon elementals back into the physical world. Free at last, many revenants struck out against the mortals that had summoned them and set out to forge their own destiny among their native elements in the world. These evil beings exist only to inflict strife and sow elemental chaos. Though they have limited intelligence, their sheer hatred and will to destroy make them fearful opponents when encountered in the wilds of the world.[3] Many still live on the Elemental Plane.

Note that the RPG appears to attempt to reconcile their naming/element scheme in Warcraft III with the current system of four (and only four) distinct elemental factions:


  • The Warcraft III revenant model was originally intended to be for the death knight hero unit.[8]
  • One of the two types of Drust constructs is based on the revenant model. It is also similar to revenants in nature, being composed of a spirit within a crude shell composed of a basic material (stone, in this case). The biggest difference is Drust constructs contain a captured soul, while the revenants are elemental spirits.
  • Restored Revenant is a wicker construct, described as constructs of death in which souls are trapped and stripped of memory and any semblance of self, their bodies constructed from pieces that can no longer decompose, they never tire and will hunt their prey for all eternity.[9]


World of Warcraft
  • Earth revenant from Wrath of the Lich King.

  • Fire revenant from Dragonflight.

    Fire revenant from Dragonflight.

  • Air revenant from Dragonflight.

    Air revenant from Dragonflight.

  • Ice revenant from Dragonflight.

    Ice revenant from Dragonflight.

  • Water revenant concept art.

    Water revenant concept art.

  • Earth revenant concept art.

    Earth revenant concept art.

  • Air revenant concept art.

    Air revenant concept art.

  • Fire revenant concept art.

    Fire revenant concept art.

  • Death revenant concept art.

    Death revenant concept art.

  • Lightning revenant concept.

    Lightning revenant concept.

Warcraft III
  • Revenant unit model in Warcraft III.

    Revenant unit model in Warcraft III.

  • Ice Revenant in Reforged.

  • Ice Revenant unit portrait in Reforged.

    Ice Revenant unit portrait in Reforged.

  • Ice Revenant portrait in Reforged.

    Ice Revenant portrait in Reforged.

  • Fire Revenant unit portrait in Reforged.

    Fire Revenant unit portrait in Reforged.

  • Frost Revenant portrait in Reforged.

    Frost Revenant portrait in Reforged.

  • Earth Revenant

  • Flame Revenant

  • Cloud Prince

  • Champion of Storms

  • Champion of Storms (Forged)

  • Waveling

  • Water Revenant

  • Tidal Revenant

  • Death Revenant


Creature group
Elemental creatures