Rock Moss

  • ️Tue Sep 10 2013
MobRock Moss
Image of Rock Moss
Race Mistlurker (Elemental)
Level 30-35 Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Cavern of Lost Spirits, Timeless Isle[42.1, 32.3] / [43, 32]
Status Killable

Rock Moss is a mistlurker located in the Cavern of Lost Spirits on the Timeless Isle.


  • Murky Cloud — Expel a murky cloud, dealing 46,250 to 53,750 Nature damage every 1 second. 1.64 sec cast.
  • Renewing Mists — A soothing mist heals the caster for 92,500 to 107,500 every 3 sec. for 12 sec. 2.05 sec cast. Magic buff. Spellstealable/dispelable

Notable loot[]

To check whether Rock Moss has been looted today, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(33307))

If a "true" appears in the chat window, Rock Moss has been looted today; "false" indicates the opposite.


Patch changes[]

External links[]