Rot Hide

Rot Hide Gnoll HS

Rot Hide Gnoll in Hearthstone.

The Rot Hide are a group of undead gnolls[1] that were unable to escape the Lich King's Plague. Now a number of them serve as undead minions to the Scourge. They are given life by Inv potion 06 [Embalming Ichor].[2] They can be found mostly at and around Garren's Haunt in Tirisfal Glades. Before the Cataclysm they were also found at the Dead Field and on Fenris Isle in Silverpine Forest.


World of Warcraft[]

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Fenris Keep area

Fenris Keep on Fenris Isle.

Most of the Rot Hide gnolls are committed to looting corpses[3] for the Scourge. They were located mostly around abandoned farms, forest deeps, and their main capital Fenris Keep on Fenris Isle, where they are led by Thule Ravenclaw. He led the Rot Hide gnolls in their forays against the Forsaken, and crafted the Inv potion 06 [Rot Hide Ichor] through warlock and necromantic magic[4] that flows through their bodies.[5]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

After the Cataclysm, they were driven out of Fenris Keep and many members have been killed, such as Snarlmane. However, the group remained active in Tirisfal Glades, such as Maggot Eye and his undead gnolls in Garren's Haunt, while their leader Thule Ravenclaw was still alive in a small camp in Silverpine Forest. To end their threat to the Forsaken, Apothecary Jerrod and Apprentice Crispin sent Horde adventurers to perform various tasks, notably to kill Maggot Eye and his undead gnolls.[6][2]

Battle for Azeroth[]

During the Battle for Lordaeron, Garren's Haunt was abandoned by the Rot Hide gnolls and damaged by the advance of the Alliance forces. Following the end of the conflict, Garren's Haunt remained abandoned. It is unknown what happened to Maggot Eye and the Rot Hide gnolls, but they were possibly killed by either the Forsaken or the Alliance.




In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

At first glance, this creature seems to be a common gnoll, but further inspection reveals that its withered skin stretches tightly over prominent bones, rotted flesh shows beneath its patchy fur, and its eyes glow dark red or yellow, and are rheumy and sick-looking.[7] Rot Hide gnolls combine the strength and aggression of regular gnolls, amplified by their undead status, with a lack of the cowardice that gnolls often exhibit. Rot Hide gnolls possess little intelligence and even less subtlety. They charge into battle, using their powerful attack to its fullest degree, and change targets at random.[8] No one seems to know where they came from. The Rothides and the Forsaken wage a constant guerilla war against each other.[7]




This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

The Rot Hide gnolls may have been an already existing tribe before the Plague, or Mudsnouts that have fallen to the Plague. The Mudsnouts seem to be the only tribe of gnolls native to Lordaeron, and the Plague would account for their low numbers.


External links[]

Undead types
Living followers
Buildings & constructs