Ruby Dragonshrine

  • ️Tue Oct 14 2008
Ruby Dragonshrine 2

Ruby Dragonshrine.

Ruby Dragonshrine

The Ruby Dragonshrine is the final resting place for the red dragons. It is an island of greenery and life in the snow-blasted wastes, befitting the red dragonflight, whose domain is the fire that gives both life and death.[1] Nozdormu told the adventurers that it was formed when a single drop of Alexstrasza's blood striking the snows, melting through, and growing into the Crimson Oak that stands in its center.[2]

Located on the western edge of The Dragon Wastes, south of the Obsidian Dragonshrine, north of the Azure Dragonshrine, west-northwest of Wyrmrest Temple, just to the northeast of Snowfall Glade, and southeast of Agmar's Hammer. The Area is guarded by Ruby Watchers.

At the time of the war against the Lich King, Dahlia Suntouch was the dragonshrine's previous keeper until she was slain at the feet of the death knight Orbaz Bloodbane. Under attack by the forces of the Scourge, both the Alliance and the Horde have sent squads to assist the red flight.

End Time[]

End Time - Ruby Dragonshrine 3

Future Ruby Dragonshrine, as seen during End Time.

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

During the events depicted in the End Time instance, the dragonshrine is devoid of life and swarmed by the undead. The Echo of Sylvanas can be found here.

Nozdormu has this to say about the dragonshrine when players arrive:

What lies before you is the aftermath of Deathwing's reign. What was once the Ruby Dragonshrine now lays in waste, its charred husk and scorched earth the only testament to its existence.

It is said that, long ago, a single drop of Alexstrasza's blood melted away the snows of and gave life to the great Crimson Oak that stands before you. Its branches raised triumphantly into the sky and radiated the warmth and life of the Red Dragonflight.

But now, its twisted, rotting limbs can no longer harness the power of life and vitality - instead only death and destruction. As flame and corruption extinguished the life force of these lands, the great tree captured an image... an echo of the warriors who fell on its hallowed grounds.


The Deaths of Chromie[]

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

At an undisclosed point in the future, the Ruby Dragonshrine comes under attack by the Scourge once again. Talar Icechill plots the death of Chronormu.

Notes and trivia[]

Patch changes[]


External links[]

Dragonblight End Time Deaths of Chromie

Dragonblight is a contested territory

Map of the Dragonblight