Ruins of Aboraz

Ruins of Aboraz

Ruins of Aboraz

The Ruins of Aboraz [39, 58] is a collection of ancient troll ruins on the southeastern coast of Stranglethorn Vale, now the home of the witch doctor Zanzil the Outcast. Zanzil's ghoul, naga, and troll minions wander the ruins, and the captured Darkspear troll Yenniku is also here as a thrall of Zanzil. The bewitched debtor to "Sea Wolf" MacKinley, Chucky "Ten Thumbs", also roams the ruins as a ghoul.

It is located southeast of Ruins of Jubuwal, east of Spirit Den, and south of Crystalvein Mine.

Ruins of Aboraz Digsite[]

Cape of Stranglethorn

Ruins of Aboraz Digsite @ 61,43

The Ruins of Aboraz is a troll archaeology dig site.

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