
  • ️Mon Nov 28 2022
For the Waycrest Manor subzone, see Rupture (Waycrest Manor). For the pet battle ability, see Peticon-elemental Spell nature earthshock [Rupture].

Ability rogue rupture

  • Rupture
  • Level 17 Assassination, Subtlety rogue ability
  • Melee range
  • 25 Energy
  • Instant
  • Requires Melee Weapon
  • Finishing move that tears open the target, dealing Bleed damage over time. Lasts longer per combo point.

    1 point: (95.4% of Attack Power) over 8 sec
    2 points: (143.1% of Attack Power) over 12 sec
    3 points: (190.8% of Attack Power) over 16 sec
    4 points: (238.6% of Attack Power) over 20 sec
    5 points: (286.3% of Attack Power) over 24 sec

Class Rogue
School Physical
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown
Other information
Level learned 17
Improvements Ability rogue rupture [Bloody Mess], Ability rogue eviscerate [Finality], Spell deathknight strangulate [Replicating Shadows], Ability rogue venomouswounds [Venomous Wounds]
Related debuff

Ability rogue rupture

  • Bleed
  • Rupture
  • Bleeding for (23.856% of Attack power) damage every 2 seconds.
  • Duration: 8-24 seconds
Rupture TCG

In the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game.

Rupture is a level 17 Assassination and Subtlety rogue finishing move that inflicts a bleeding wound on the target, working as a DoT.


Previously, Rupture was a static damage finishing move that offered the same DPS no matter how many combo points were saved up—additional combo points only extended the duration of rupture. The prevalent strategy was to gauge how many seconds left your target had to live, and to only use enough combo points to match it. However, Rupture was overhauled to improve its scaling and make it a more attractive ability for end-game use. This change was later reverted, making the DPS the same regardless of the number of combo points used.

Tips and tactics[]

Patch changes[]

See also[]

External links[]