Rustmaul Dig Site

Classic The subject of this article was removed in patch 4.0.3a but remains in World of Warcraft: Classic.
  • This includes items and quests that can no longer be obtained or are now deprecated.
For the post-Cataclysm version, see Sunken Dig Site.
Rustmaul Dig Site

The Rustmaul Dig Site.

The Rustmaul Dig Site[70, 86] was an abandoned dwarven digsite in the Shimmering Flats. The Explorers' League was in the process of uncovering some ruins when a war party led by Moktar Krin attacked them, killing them all.[1][2] The battle apparently stirred up a nest of silithid creatures from a cave in the dig site. The continuous swarm of insects that erupted drove the already weakened war party off.

The surviving members of the Horde war party can be found at Ironstone Camp, while some did manage to make it to Orgrimmar. When the Shattering caused the flooding of Thousand Needles, the dig site was lost and the Silithid creatures borrowed underground. The area was renamed to Sunken Dig Site.



  • Rustmaul Dig Site.

    Rustmaul Dig Site.

  • Seen from above.

    Seen from above.

  • The camp site.

    The camp site.

  • The entrance to the silithid hive.

    The entrance to the silithid hive.

  • The interior of the silithid hive.

    The interior of the silithid hive.

  • An inactive wasp.

    An inactive wasp.


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