
  • ️Tue May 02 2023

Spell shadow seduction

  • Seduction
  • Warlock sayaad pet ability
  • 30 yd range
  • 30 sec cooldown
  • 1.7 sec cast
  • Seduces the target, disorienting and causing them to walk towards the demon for 30 sec. Damage may break the effect. Only usable against Humanoids.
Usable by
Class Warlock
Pet Sayaad
School Shadow
Cooldown 30 seconds
Related debuff

Spell shadow seduction

  • Magic
  • Seduction
  • Disoriented.
  • Duration: 30 seconds

Seduction is a Sayaad ability granted by Ability warlock demonicempowerment [Command Demon]. It mesmerizes a target and renders them unable to attack, cast, move, or use any other abilities. Any damage caused to the target has a chance to remove the effect.


Seduction has a 1.7-second casting time and is channeled, so the Sayaad can't perform any other action while seducing and can be interrupted. This ability only works on humanoids and lasts for 30 seconds against mobs, but only 8 seconds against players, and is subject to diminishing returns in PvP. Any damage inflicted on the target will break Seduction instantly.

Seduction on other players is controlled by diminishing returns, which means that you can't seduce a player an unlimited number of times. Not only that, but Seduction and Spell shadow possession [Fear] are in the same diminishing returns category, preventing alternating use for long periods of time.

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