Sentinel Aynasha

AllianceSentinel Aynasha
Image of Sentinel Aynasha
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 5-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Sentinels
Location Twilight Vale, Darkshore[47, 88]

Sentinel Aynasha is a night elf sentinel located in the hills in the far southeastern corner of Darkshore.

Sentinel Aynasha was traveling to Lor'danel with an important message when she was attacked by Marosh the Devious and his trackers. During the attack she was poisoned, leaving her barely able to stand. She however was able to escape from the attack and retreated to a small cove. While hidden in the small cove, she tried to to make an antidote to treat to poison, but was soon located by the furbolg trackers. Marosh resumed the attack on Aynasha while she defended herself with her bow.


  • Glaive
  • Net



  • While fighting off the ambushers she uses the voicelines of the night elven archer unit in Warcraft III.

See also[]

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