Gender and sexuality
- ️Tue Oct 25 2022
- Editorial note: Keep it clean, and no speculation.
Matters of gender and sexuality are not often called upon in the Warcraft universe, but are occasionally brought up throughout official Warcraft lore and art.
Sexuality in the Warcraft universe[]
- According to Gaxim Rustfizzle, goblins seem to reproduce like rabbits.[1]
- Draenei do not often have children because they are so long-lived.[2]
- Lightforged draenei have normal draenei children; as shown in the allied race version of the Vindicaar.[3]
- Orcs are fecund and commonly have large litters because so many die in childhood.[4]
- Worgen can't create new worgen babies as being a worgen is a curse. If two worgen were to mate and produce an offspring, that offspring would not be a worgen. The child would merely possess the genetic material of his or her parents, like any other child sans the curse.[5]
- It is unknown if demons can procreate, but Aggonis claims to be the son of Aggonar.
Interracial relationships[]
- Nathanos Marris had an affair with Sylvanas Windrunner in life, and they retained some amount of feelings for each other in undeath.
- The then-high elf Kael'thas Sunstrider was interested in courting the human Jaina Proudmoore during her studies in Dalaran, but she rejected his advances.
- The blue dragon Kalecgos was in love with the seemingly human Anveena Teague, and later had a relationship with Jaina Proudmoore.
- The blue dragon Azuregos and the Spirit Healer Anara had a short-lived and ultimately impossible romance.[6][7]
- Lor'themar Theron and First Arcanist Thalyssra are a married blood elf/nightborne couple.
- Marvin and Tamara Wobblesprocket are a married gnome/human couple.[8]
- Grizzek Fizzwrench and Sapphronetta Flivvers are a married goblin/gnome couple.
- According to Ag'tor Bloodfist, his fellow orc Belgrom Rockmaul was seduced and then betrayed by the blood elf Magus Rimtori.[9]
- Baros Alexston apparently considered Lieutenant Thorn's worgen form to be attractive, as he expressed admiration for her "long, silky fur".[10]
- Marcus, the human protagonist of most of the erotic Steamy Romance Novels, has had affairs with people from a wide range of races.
- The human Maximillian of Northshire repeatedly proclaims his love for the goblin Doloria, but she does not return his feelings.
- The jungle troll Jes'rimon makes several suggestive comments about the orc Jediga, but she does not appreciate his advances.[11]
- Zebu'tan, a jungle troll in Agmar's Hammer, has a crush on the blood elf Alys Vol'tyr, but she repeatedly rebuffs his advances.
- The gnome Brazie Getz sells
[Brazie's Black Book of Secrets], which contains a series of books with tips on how to flirt with members of other Alliance races.
- Thonk the orc and Gail Nozzywig the goblin are attracted to each other.[12]
- The orc Scout Utvoch finds tauren women irresistible. His friend Sergeant Dontrag calls him depraved for this.[13]
- One of the Lazy Peons in Wor'var seems to have a crush on the blood elf Elathriel Sunstriker.
- One of the Orgrimmar Bruisers at the Orgrimmar Embassy seems to have a crush on the nightborne Mender Jessara.
- Anduin Wrynn considered one female draenei to be very attractive,[14] and at some point began feeling more than simple friendship toward his dwarven bodyguard Aerin Stonehand.[15]
- The original Love is in the Air event had people of various races being infatuated with the human Colara Dean and the Forsaken Elenia Haydon.
- The Zandalari troll Khal'ak was deeply infatuated with Vol'jin of the Darkspear tribe.[16] Similarly, the Darkspear Zekhan is besotted with the Zandalari queen Talanji.[17]
- The succubus Mistress Nagmara was in love with the dwarf Private Rocknot. When he spurned her advances, she asked adventurers to help her make a love potion that she could use on him.[18]
- One of the drunken stories told by the Dark Iron Brewer is of his unreciprocated feelings for a female naga.
- The naga Meridith the Mermaiden was deeply in love with the gnome Narain Soothfancy. Narain did not return the feelings, arguing that since she was a "fish" and he was a gnome, "it could never work out".[19]
- The ogre Captain Kromcrush is rumored to have once had a "torrid affair" with a gnoll.
Interracial reproduction[]
- Main article: Half-breed
- Draenei and orcs can reproduce with each other. Their offspring are known as half-orcs or half-draenei; known examples include Garona and Lantresor of the Blade.
- The Mok'Nathal clan consists primarily of half-ogres: the descendants of orcs and ogres.
- More commonly known, humans and elves have been known to have half-breed children, a known example being Rhonin and Vereesa Windrunner twin children.
- While time-locked at the Temporal Conflux in Thaldraszus, the goblin Krizzik saw a future where her great grandson married a night elf and had kids with her.[20]
Marriage and marriage ceremonies[]
- Tyrande Whisperwind and Malfurion Stormrage get married at the end of Stormrage.
- The noun "mate" is used by many non-human races, including orcs, tauren, trolls, night elves, and dragons, from the context, it seems to be roughly synonymous to "spouse".
- Dragon Aspects are commonly polyamorous, their mates are known as consorts, with the primary mate bearing the title of Prime Consort.
- Members of the blue dragonflight are known to practice some form of betrothal: Kalecgos and Tyrigosa are described as "future mates".
- Ajamon Ghostcaller is described as the ex-wife of Tony Two-Tusk.
- After a lot of wedding arrangements, Fanny Thundermar and Keegan Firebeard get married in
[30-35] Wild, Wild, Wildhammer Wedding.
- Go'el and Aggralan get married in
[35] Elemental Bonds: The Vow.
- A ghostly wedding between the Eternal Bride and Eternal Groom is seen perpetually taking place on Forever Rise in Azsuna.
- A flashback to Lucille Waycrest and Alexander Treadward's disastrous wedding is experienced in the
[20-60] To Have Loved and Lost questline.
- The blood elf leader Lor'themar Theron and the nightborne leader Thalyssra get married in the short story The Vow Eternal.
- The Maruuk centaur practice betrothal.[21][22] Their marriage traditions are explored in a short questline in Maruukai in which adventurers help Windsage Dawa and Hunter Narman prepare marriage proposals for each other.[23][24]
Gender and gender roles[]
The original World of Warcraft: Game Manual states: "Men and women are equal in Azeroth, so the only differences between the two genders is cosmetic."[25] Character creation in World of Warcraft involves selecting either a "Body 1" or "Body 2" (called "Male" and "Female" prior to patch 10.0.2) gendered body type. Aside from the character's appearance and voice, this provides no gameplay effect, although some gendered titles and the way the character is addressed by some NPCs, quests, and user interfaces change slightly. Players may alter their body type as they see fit at Barbershops.
- For some creatures and races, some members of a particular gender are mentioned by lore but rarely represented or seen, such as with female ogres.
- Prior to the conclusion of the Third War, night elf society was sharply divided by gender, with the vast majority of druids being men and most warriors and clerics being women. There were a few deviations—males with no aptitude for druidism trained in the arts of war, and females with exceptional druidic gifts were trained—but these gender roles more or less defined the culture of the kaldorei for ten thousand years. In the years since the Third War, this gender division appears to have eased somewhat, and more women have taken up the mantle of the druids, just as men have begun to choose the path of war or dedicate themselves to Elune.[26][27][28][29][30]
- The Kingdom of Lordaeron practiced male primogeniture; although Calia Menethil was King Terenas II's oldest child, it was her younger brother Arthas who was set to inherit the throne.[31][32] The details of the other human nations' inheritance rules have not been specified.
- Warchief Thrall declared the Horde's females to be on equal footing with men. In the Crossroads, the orc Sergra Darkthorn commends female adventurers for showing initiative and warns male adventurers not to disrespect her because of her gender.[33]
- In the original version of the
[53] Betrayed questline, Belgrom Rockmaul was expressly misogynistic; he told adventurers about how he'd been betrayed by Magus Rimtori and stated: "I may have made a grave mistake. I trusted a blood elf. What's worse, I trusted a woman!"[9] Later, when adventurers gave him Rimtori's head, he referred to her as a "wench" and "pathetic woman".[34] The questline was removed in World of Warcraft: Classic. It was re-added in Burning Crusade Classic, but some of the quest text was changed to tone down Belgrom's language.
- King Magni Bronzebeard formerly believed that women could not rule as well as men. This led to a rift between him and his daughter Moira, but he later changed his attitude after realizing that he had been unfair.[35][36]
- The Hyldnir, a faction of frost vrykul, have a strictly matriarchal society in which males are used as slave labor.[37][38] They regard even non-Hyldnir females with more respect than males.[39] When attacking other races, they capture the men and let the women go.[40]
- The island of Ogrezonia is rumored to be inhabited by giant female ogres who perform horrible rituals on men who happen upon their island.[41]
- Blood troll society is strictly matriarchal. Women serve as leaders and are in charge of war parties[42][43] while men are used as manual labor,[44] blood magic fuel,[45][46] or food.[47] Male blood trolls respectfully refer to females as ma'da (Zandali for "mother").[48][49]
- The Maruuk centaur's cultural leader, the Khanam Matra, is always a female from Teera's bloodline.[50][51]
LGBTQ+ characters[]
Developer statements[]
In the open Q&A at BlizzCon 2011, one of the questions was: "There really hasn't been a large representation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender characters in the World of Warcraft lore. Are there any chances to change that in the future?" Chris Metzen's reply was "We have I don't know how many quest designers. Probably seven? So there's a lot of people that plug away on story for this thing and certainly, like, our CDev's department's always chasing fiction and hooking characters and stuff like that, and we totally appreciate every component of our audience and want the game to kind of sing to everybody, so... Off the top of my head, I don't know if we're currently developing gay or lesbian characters but it's certainly a possibility. As long as the story's compelling... I think everything's gravy as long as it's just a really good character, well-rounded character that people really respond to, so I think it's totally an open possibility."[52]
In a July 2020 interview with Eurogamer, while discussing the Shadowlands character Pelagos (see below), executive producer John Hight stated that "WoW is a game that doesn't try to emphasise sexual relationships so in that regard, we don't necessarily tell that part of the story other than to hint around it. But we certainly have characters [that have] - or we've always thought of characters as having - different gender identities in the game. We don't try to put a big focus on it and make it a big deal, we just try to make the game feel comfortable, friendly and approachable for everybody in the game, regardless of where they come from." When asked if this meant that there are transgender characters in content predating Shadowlands, Hight replied, "Knowing some of our designers and having conversations with them, I'm sure that was the intent. But we like to keep things subtle."[53]
In an interview with Wowhead around the same time, lead narrative designer Steve Danuser stated that "I think it's a valuable thing that we show these different perspectives [on gender and sexuality] on Azeroth and want to really make clear that, you know, there's people who sometimes say, “Well, Warcraft is this medieval fantasy game and those kinds of things weren't talked about in medieval times, so they shouldn't be in Azeroth,” but I disagree with that. I think that Azeroth is a world of magic and a world of possibilities, and one of the things that's really important to know is that, in Azeroth, you can love who you want, you can identify yourself the way that you want, and all of those things are possibilities. We just want the game to be able to reflect that through its storylines, and through its character customization options, and we're really excited about that."[54]
World of Warcraft[]
- Gender has little or no effect on interactions with most NPCs. For example, NPCs who react to emotes such as /kiss and /flirt will react the same no matter the player character's gender, and the
[Seduction] ability is equally effective on male and female targets.
- Skyguard Khatie in the Blade's Edge Mountains shows a clear interest in the player character once they've reached honored or higher with the Sha'tari Skyguard,[55] regardless of the character's gender.
- During the Feast of Winter Veil, inns generally have pairs of Winter Revelers standing under the mistletoe. While most inns have a male reveler and a female reveler, the Silvermoon City Inn has two male revelers.
- Sayaad can change their appearance between male (incubi) and female (succubi) to match their warlock masters' preferences.[56]
- Sentinel Sweetspring in Dragonblight sometimes "grins at Sentinel Amberline across the camp, waggling her long eyebrows suggestively."
- Isabel Jones and Marith Lazuria—both women—appear to be in competition to impress a trade ship captain named Lila, whom they describe as having lovely hair and a beautiful eye.[57]
- Elementalist Starion in Thousand Needles compliments the player character's looks regardless of gender, calling male characters "handsome" and female characters "gorgeous."[58]
- Bilgewater Prisoners in the Twilight Highlands, who can spawn as male or female, may say: "Hey bud, I'll sell you my wife if you get me out of here. She won't mind!"
- In the quest
[7-30] A Lost Lad, Warden Stillwater is revealed to be in love with Johnny Awesome. Prior to Shadowlands, this was due to Stillwater mistaking Johnny for a woman. Even after the quest was renamed and rewritten, however, Stillwater still expresses longing for Johnny, admiration of his "perfect" appearance, and concern for his safety.
- In his retelling of the day Deathwing came to the Badlands, Martek the Exiled is shown surrounded by three female admirers and a male admirer. Martek rescues one of the admirers and they later share a "tender moment" on his motorcycle, regardless of which admirer the player chose. Prior to Shadowlands, Martek's dialogue collectively referred to all four admirers as "hot babes".[59]
- In the romance novel
[A Steamy Romance Novel: Hot and Misty], it's implied that Kama the Beast Tamer's life-mate is another woman.
- Marsha Stockton and Ann Stockton—a human and a dwarf respectively—can be found speaking to each other in the southwest wing of the Shrine of Seven Stars. Though their relationship is unknown, their shared last name could suggest that they're a married couple.
[A Steamy Romance Novel: Savage Passions] is about Marcus the paladin's romance with a male stablehand named Raven.
- Darktide Engineers in the alternate Shadowmoon Valley, who can spawn as male or female, may say: "Tell my wife I... ah, forget it."
- Heather and Rhonda on the Wandering Isle are seen flirting. They are based on a real-life lesbian couple.[60][61]
- In a small enchanting questline in Azsuna, the player reunites two former lovers, Priestess Driana and Enchantress Ilanya.[62]
- In the quest
[110] Fevered Note, a Bradensbrook Explorer in Val'sharah fell ill after kissing a harpy. The explorer could spawn as male or female.
- The ending of
[A Steamy Romance Novel: Got Milk?] implies a threesome between Marcus, Bax Freeseeker, and Tanda Freeseeker. In-game, Marcus can be seen lying next to the two in a hut near Thunder Totem. When approached, he wakes up and walks out of the hut with the words, "Well, that was certainly unexpected."
- After Dark Ranger Velonara in the Trueshot Lodge rejects Death Hunter Moorgoth's advances, Moorgoth incorrectly concludes that this is because Velonara is attracted to the player character, regardless of the character's gender.
- Levia Laurence fell under the seduction spell of Agatha, an imp mother she had thought was a succubus. Alongside her shock at Agatha's true form, Levia seems genuinely hurt to find out she had been deceived and that Agatha didn't really care for her. One quest even describes them as lovers.
- One of the /silly emotes for female nightborne characters reflects an interest in women: "Tyrande still looks good after all these years. Know if she's seeing anyone?"
- The songs of sirens, which cause the victim to fall madly in love with the creature, can affect people of any gender.[63]
- Stabby Jane owns and cherishes a locket containing a hand-drawn picture of two women. One of them, who's described in a way that matches Jane's appearance, has her arm around the other.[64] The nature of the women's relationship is never stated, but they may have been a couple.
- Upon finding out that her male lover is lost at sea, Flora Silverwind expresses an interest in pursuing Kirsty Logan.[65]
- During the quest
[60] Stay of Execution, Jaina Proudmoore, Mathias Shaw, and the Alliance player teleport into the Underhold of Orgrimmar. They find themselves standing on top of a romantic picnic setup, and can hear two female goblins approaching and exchanging tender words. Jaina freezes the goblins as soon as they notice the Alliance intruders.
- The kyrian Pelagos presented as a woman in his mortal life but chose to be a man in the Shadowlands.[66]
- The burdens of Acolyte Galistos includes a memory of two tauren caring for an infant. The burdens' models are randomized, meaning the tauren can spawn as either one male and one female, two males, or two females.[67]
- Outcast Kasimir and Outcast Mirceo are likely a male couple, as Kasimir refers to Mirceo as "my love."[68]
- Thiernax and Qadarin, both men, are married.
- Acolyte Nelesis is said to be Margrave Sin'dane's "favorite consort";[69] both Nelesis and Sin'dane are female.
- The relationships between some soulbinds are depicted as being similar to romantic relationships. These include the relationship between Eridia and Lysonia (both female),[70] and the one between Acolyte Amalthina and Klystere (also both female).
- Ecologist Iskha and Ecologist Tharu, both male, are mates.[71]
- Farrier Roscha was betrothed to another woman.[21]
- In Maruukai, adventurers help Hunter Narman and Windsage Dawa—both male—prepare marriage proposals for each other.[23][24]
- Miguel and Thomas Bright are married.[72]
- Wellington and Beef are husbands.
- Steria Duskgrove and Callisto Windsor, both female, are lovers.[73]
- The dragon Conflago periodically changes between a male and female appearance and has a gender-neutral name, indicating that they are genderfluid.
- In World of Warcraft: Classic, Relathor Moonsong and Cyriden Farseeker call each other their partners. It is ambiguous whether this refers to a business relationship or a romantic one.
- Shadows Rising
- Before Wilmer was raised as an undead, Jago loved him. They reunited briefly during the Gathering in the Arathi Highlands.[74]
- Queen Talanji granted permission to two Zandalari girls, Nav'rae and Khila, to be wed.[75]
- Flynn Fairwind is bisexual.[76] He is currently in a relationship with Mathias Shaw[77] and previously had a crush on Taelia Fordragon.[76]
- Folk & Fairy Tales of Azeroth
- Keda Bloomblade, the protagonist of the short story "Stones, Moss, and Tears", is a transgender woman.
- The same story passingly mentions a member of the Sentinels (at the time a female-only organization) who is married to another woman.
- The short story "Why the Mermaids Left Boralus" centers on a romance between the human Ery and the mermaid Halia, both female.
- The short story "Visage Day" reveals that Chronormu was born male but chose to become female during her Visage Day ceremony.
- Exploring Azeroth: Northrend
- Two historical members of the Bronzebeard clan, Mina Stormsmith and Ailsa Bronzebeard—both women—were married and had children together.[78]
Non-canon sources[]
- According to the Monster Guide, female quilboar sometimes take on a male lifestyle, including female mates; see the RPG section below.
- The Hearthstone character Varden Dawngrasp is non-binary.[79]
- Aedelas Blackmoore abused and raped his unwilling mistress Taretha Foxton during her time as a slave at Durnholde Keep.[86]
- During the Second War, the Dragon Queen Alexstrasza and her prime consort Tyranastrasz were captive and forced to produce red dragons on behalf of Deathwing for the Old Horde.[87]
- Keristrasza was taken prisoner by Malygos to be his unwilling consort.[88][89]
- Archmage Karlain killed an apprentice, seeking him as a mentor, who was attempting to rape his wife.[90]
- Garona Halforcen, as a child of mixed heritage, was always implied to be the result of wartime sexual violence. This is made explicit in the Secrets issue of the World of Warcraft comic, in which she is stated to come from a breeding experiment between one of Gul'dan's warriors and a draenei prisoner, and in World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, which changes her backstory to being the child of the draenei Leran and a warrior of the Bladewind clan who captured her in a raid.
- Concubine quote:
- "They fall asleep after. Me, I fall asleep during...."
- Dryad annoyed speech:
- "I'll attract the enemy with my human call. I'm so wasted! I'm so wasted!"
- Night Mistress quote:
- "Five seconds! I'm not kidding!"
- A male goblin joke:
- "She told me to tie her up and do whatever I wanted to her. So I took her stereo."
- A female goblin joke:
- "I'm a free spirit, I don't like to be tied down. Oh, you mean that literally. I'm totally into that."
- A dwarven saying:
- "Be-ware, Be-ware of a gnome with long hair! Though tiny in height, if the ale is just right, she'll follow you back, and hop in the sack!"[91]
- A female troll saying:
- "When enraged, and in heat, a female troll can mate over 80 times in one night. Be you prepared?"[92]
- Succubus:
- "Don't touch what you can't afford."
In the RPG[]
This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.
- In Duskwood, a pregnancy — human, elven, or dwarven — has not been carried to term in two years.[93]
Interracial reproduction[]
- Interacial breeding is generally frowned upon by human and elven society. Half-elves usually suffer bigotry from both their elven and human parents. The elven parents often abandon their children.[94][citation needed]
- Goblins and dwarves do not hold strong opinions on human-elf mating.[94]
- Male harpies may not exist, as no male harpies have been reported. Harpies will breed with captive males of many species, though they prefer elves, orcs, and humans to either smaller or larger species.[95]
Romance and love[]
- It is not uncommon for a succubus in a mortal's servitude to fall uncontrollably in love with him or her; this occurrence is not always to the master's advantage, though, for a devoted succubus can be prone to fits of extreme jealousy, especially when her master deals with those of the opposite sex.[96]
Marriage and marriage ceremonies[]
An Alliance wedding reception.
- Night elves do not traditionally marry, but they do take companions for life.[97]
- Wildhammer dwarves only have a single holiday each year in which all the marriages are performed. It is one of the three community rituals held per year (the other two are for births and deaths respectively). Wildhammer dwarves commonly marry someone from their same birth year.[98]
- Traditional jungle troll rites of passage include suitors battling to the death for the object of their affection (either gender would do this), fights with blunt weapons during a marriage ceremony to establish dominance in the marriage.[99] Many jungle trolls consider their wives as both trophies to be proud of and lowly slaves who have no rights. The more wives a warrior has, the more ties he shares within the tribe and the more allies he has. Though the warrior must have the means to care for all of his wives, it is a matter of prestige but also of political and social interest to own as many wives as possible. Only a willing father or brother agrees to give a female to a husband; unless, of course, a husband decides to hand out one of his own wives to another jungle troll to show his appreciation. Such a valuable gift shows a mark of respect and mutual friendship between the giver and the recipient. This ancient tradition allows jungle trolls to cut deals and alliances with other tribes. It is not rare to see the members of a weaker jungle troll tribe offer wives as tributes or peace offerings to the warriors of a bigger or more organized tribe. Among the members of the Darkspear tribe — who suffer the influence of the Horde some are beginning to question this outdated way of life.[100]
- For tuskarr, marriage occurs as soon as a man can support a wife, and for females as soon as they reach puberty. Tuskarr like to celebrate positive social behavior such as marriage, to indicate the proper way an individual should act to reach the afterlife. Tuskarr have simple rituals relating to marriage, and it is one of their most prominent ceremonies. Girls dream of marrying a good whaler.[101][102]
- Orcs share many of common marriage ceremonies as humans.[103]
Mating rituals[]
- Magnataur do not have a mating season. Magnataur breed when food is plentiful and chance brings a potential mate into close proximity. Once the act is complete the pair separates. Mating can pit males against each other. These fights are usually all display. The two shout and smash the ground until one loses his nerve and flees.[104]
- Murlocs extract a greenish mucus from the colored head fin of threshadons for use by chieftains as a powerful aphrodisiac.[105]
Gender and gender roles[]
- Some races previously discriminated against one gender or the other (for example, many years ago the orcs did not allow females to fight, and the night elves did not allow male mounted warriors), but war changes everything, including gender beliefs. Nowadays, both genders are accepted in all classes.[106]
- Some races show extreme sexual dimorphism, though there are a few unique exceptions:
- Murlocs have minimal amount of sexual dimorphism (only the length and shape of the head-fin and back-fin indicate gender).[107]
- Makrura males and females appear identical to non-makrura observers unless a female is carrying a clutch of eggs on her torso. Male makrura mate only once and then molt into sexless drones (although they are still referred to as he for all practical purposes).[108]
- Most female quilboar do not follow the males' path of the warrior. On occasion, a female child displays such unnatural strength that the shaman deems her a man. She then trains as a warrior and lives in all ways like a male, even taking female mates. Tribal legend holds that such unions have occasionally produced an exceptional quilboar warrior (though no scholar has confirmed the tale), so there is little or no stigma attached to such situations.[109]
- Female trolls hold no place in regular troll society. Male trolls consider them mates, nothing more — though they honor and give respect to female trolls who distinguish themselves in battle. Tauren (and orcs, due to a recent decree from Thrall) value their females as more than mates and allow them to rise to positions of power. Female Darkspears find this concept interesting, and some choose to live in the future because they sense it affords them greater opportunities than standard troll culture.[110] Until Thrall’s involvement with the Darkspear trolls, only male trolls became witch doctors. Female trolls have since seen the equality other Horde women possess and crave their own emancipation. Despite their efforts, few female witch doctors exist, and those who attempt to take on the role of tribal witch doctor meet with much derision and resistance.[111]
- Prostitution, the sex trade, and slavery are common business practices among goblins. While slavery is usually illegal in other parts of the world, it is a legitimate trade among goblins, and is condoned by the trade princes. However, it is kept secret to avoid offending potential customers who might object to the controversial business. Slaves are used not just for manual labor but for other deplorable pursuits, and have no rights at all.[112]
- The streets along Ratchet's wharf teem with whorehouses (aka brothels) for those with earthier tastes.[113]
- Rape is generally frowned upon in Azeroth's societies but exists. Half-human half-ogres are rumored to be products of ogre aggressions on human villages.[114] Half-orc genesis is usually violent and perverse, they are usually born to abused or victimized parents.[115] Forlarren are typically the result of couplings between unwilling night elves and demons.[116] A succubus is into pleasure and pain. Like all demons, she enjoys bringing death and misery to the mortal races, but that doesn't mean she can't have fun with them first.[96]
- Harpies capture males of other humanoid races and force them to mate. These unfortunates are often hobbled to keep from escaping. Given the circumstances, seduction is out of the question. Harpies resort to magic and potions to ensure cooperation, and employ their captives until they succumb to disease and malnutrition...[117]
- One of the great pleasures of the humanoid forms used by shapeshifted dragons is that soft skin is more sensitive to receiving a loving touch than hardened scales.[118] Despite her protections, Deathwing's last mating attempt left many burn marks and scars on Sintharia's body.[119]
- While some demons do slake their lust with coupling, the man'ari eredar prefer to do so with violence.[120]
This section contains images about the anatomy (nudity, sexual dimorphism, and suggestive imagery), sexuality in official artwork, and/or images that show off the physical form. They may include nudity or revealing clothing. It also includes examples of sexual dimorphism within a race.
Idol is similar to real-life "mother goddess" & fertility statues (e.g. "Venus" or Goddess of Willendorf)
Murlocs have minimal sexual dimorphism.
Patch changes[]
Patch 10.0.0 (2022-10-25): "Male" and "Female" on the character selection screen changed to "Body 1" and "Body 2".
See also[]
- Flirts, which are often sexual in nature
- Soulbinding, whose relationships often share some elements with mortal romance
- ^
[21] A Gnome's Respite
- ^ Rise of the Horde, pg. 76 (ebook)
- ^ Draenei Caretaker, Draenei Child (Vindicaar)
- ^ The Last Guardian, pg. 302 (ebook)
- ^ Ask CDev - Answers Round 4
- ^
[5-30] Easy is Boring
- ^ Ask CDev Answers - Round 4
- ^
[20-30] Lakeside Landing
- ^ a b
[53] Betrayed
- ^ Baros Alexston#Quotes
- ^
[52] Jes'rimon's Payment to Jediga
- ^
[1-30] Thonk
- ^
[10-30] We're Here to Do One Thing, Maybe Two...
- ^ The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm, pg. 126
- ^ Before the Storm, chapter 5
- ^ Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde, pg. 207
- ^ Shadows Rising, pg. 28
- ^
[54D] The Love Potion
- ^
[60] Love Song for Narain
- ^
[68-70] Time-Locked Timewalkers
- ^ a b
[62-65] The Sole Mender
- ^ Windsage Contan#Quotes
- ^ a b
[62-65] Bloodlines, Sweets, and Teerai
- ^ a b
[62-65] Shikaar Giver
- ^ World of Warcraft: Game Manual, pg. 15
- ^ The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Night Elves#Silver Eyes, Golden Eyes
- ^ The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Sentinels#Membership
- ^ The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Sisterhood of Elune#Membership
- ^ The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Cenarion Circle#Membership
- ^ The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Moon Guard
- ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapters 1 and 3
- ^ Before the Storm, pg. 199: "'We all do what we must,' Calia said. 'I was not the direct heir. [...] But Arthas was the heir, the firstborn son, and as he grew up, Papa began to focus more on him.'"
- ^
[12] Crossroads Conscription
- ^
[56] Betrayed
- ^ The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm, chapter 12
- ^ Magni: Fault Lines
- ^
[25-30] Discipline
- ^
[25-30] Examples to be Made
- ^
[25-30] A Certain Prisoner
- ^
[25-30] They Took Our Men!
- ^
[30-35 Daily] Ogrezonians in the Mood
- ^
[20-60] Blood Troll on the Outside
- ^
[20-60] Sneaking into Zalamar
- ^
[20-60] How to Be a Blood Troll
- ^
[20-60] Bad Juju
- ^ Amaki Bloodsingers' interactions with Amaki War Slaves
- ^
[20-60] Killing Cannibals
- ^ Battle for Azeroth Preview: Nazmir Visitor's Guide
- ^
[20-60] Isolating Zalamar
- ^
[62-65] Toward the City
- ^ Qariin Dotur
- ^ BlizzCon 2011 - World Of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria - General Q&A Panel (Full) (36:46 - 38:46). YouTube (2011-10-22). Retrieved on 2020-10-07. (MMO-Champion transcript)
- ^ Robert Purchese 2020-07-09. World of Warcraft will drop the £13 fee for changing gender in Shadowlands. Eurogamer. Archived from the original on 2020-07-09.
- ^ perculia 2020-07-09. Shadowlands Lore Interview with Lead Narrative Designer Steve Danuser - Elune, Sylvanas, Calia. Wowhead. Archived from the original on 2020-07-09.
- ^ Skyguard Khatie#Quotes
- ^
[20-70] Whatever You Sayaad
- ^
[30-35 Daily] A Present for Lila
- ^ Behind You!#Notes
- ^
[15-30] The Day that Deathwing Came: What Really Happened
- ^ Rhonda Cox on Twitter (2015-12-15). Retrieved on 2018-01-15. “It is most definitely my NPC. I designed her myself, and Kung Fu San Soo is the martial art I study. =)”
- ^ Gergo Vas 2015-12-14. World of Warcraft: Legion Has A Ronda Rousey NPC [CORRECTION: It's Not] - Kotaku. Retrieved on 2018-01-15.
- ^
[10-45] Cursed, But Convenient
- ^ Charmed Sailor, Enthralled Sailor, Enthralled Sailor (Tiragarde Sound), and Anthemusa's Thrall
- ^
[35-60] Glimmering Locket
- ^
[10-50] Broken Compass
- ^
Kaivax 2020-07-01. An Update on Pelagos' Pronouns. World of Warcraft Forums. Archived from the original on 2020-07-01.
- ^
[51-60] A Temple in Need
- ^ Outcast's Makeshift Muckpool
- ^
[60] A Fitting Guise
- ^
[50-60WQ] Things Remembered
- ^
[60-62] Don't Be So Shellfish
- ^
[60-62] A Gift for Miguel
- ^
[65-68] Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
- ^ Shadows Rising, prologue
- ^ Shadows Rising, chapter 7
- ^ a b Don Adams on Twitter (2020-07-08). Retrieved on 2020-07-08. “Hey there. When I was working on Flynn for Tiragarde, I wrote in some hints at enrequited[sic] feelings for Taelia, mostly for flavor and character depth, but Flynn's always been bi. He loves openly and with gusto. I could not be happier with where he's ended up. 😊 Hope this helps!”
- ^ Shadows Rising, pg. 265
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 162
- ^ Cam Shea 2021-03-19. We Reveal a Hearthstone: Forged in the Barrens Legendary Card!. IGN. Retrieved on 2021-04-07.
- ^ Destiny Awaits!
- ^
Blizzard Entertainment. - Goblin. Retrieved on 2020-01-25.
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 203
- ^
[45] No Reason to Stay
- ^
[15-30] In with a Bang
- ^
[35-40] My Precious!
- ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
- ^ Day of the Dragon
- ^
[10-30] Bait and Switch
- ^
[10-30D] Prisoner of War
- ^ Dark Riders
- ^ An Honest Trade
- ^ Flirt#Troll female
- ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 46
- ^ a b Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 48
- ^ Monster Guide, pg. 88
- ^ a b Monster Guide, pg. 127
- ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 127
- ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 144
- ^ Alliance & Horde Compendium, pg. 65
- ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 143
- ^ Manual of Monsters, pg. 104-105
- ^ Dark Factions, pg. 22, 88, 208
- ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 140
- ^ Manual of Monsters, pg. 60
- ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 194
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 173
- ^ Lands of Mystery, pg. 135
- ^ Monster Guide, pg. 98
- ^ Monster Guide, pg. 111
- ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 87, 143
- ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 93
- ^ Dark Factions, pg. 116
- ^ Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 191
- ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 7
- ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 8
- ^ Manual of Monsters, pg. 199
- ^ Manual of Monsters, pg. 55
- ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, pg. 32 (e-book edition)
- ^ Night of the Dragon, pg. 70 (e-book edition)
- ^ Rise of the Horde, chapter 5
- ^ Don Adams on Twitter: "Not related to feather color or anything obvious to non-arakkoa. They appear androgynous to other races."