Shadowlands Season 1

December 8 2020 is the set date for the start of Shadowlands Season 1 with the opening of the raid Castle Nathria.[1]


Sinful Aspirant set sold by Purveyor Zo'kuul
Feats of Strength achievements
Achievement featsofstrength gladiator 07 [Sinful Gladiator: Shadowlands Season 1]
Inv shadebeastmount [Sinful Gladiator's Soul Eater]


Seasonal affix
Spell animarevendreth buff [Prideful] - Players overflow with pride as they defeat non-boss enemies, eventually forming a Manifestation of Pride. Defeating this Manifestation greatly empowers players.

The Spell magic lesserinvisibilty [Skittish] and Spell nature massteleport [Teeming] affixes were retired and replaced with Spell holy prayerofshadowprotection [Spiteful] and Spell nature cyclone [Storming].

Inv deathelementalmount black [Sintouched Deathwalker]
Up to 226 item level (matching Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty) per the table below:
Keystone End of run Great Vault
(M0) 184 -
+2 187 200
+3 190 203
+4 194 207
+5 194 210
+6 197 210
+7 200 213
+8 200 216
+9 200 216
+10 203 220
+11 203 220
+12 207 223
+13 207 223
+14 207 226
+15 210 226
Feats of Strength achievements


Sold by the following vendor: Neutral Purveyor Zo'kuul in the Enclave, Oribos

Armor type Rare Epic Classes
Plate Sinful Aspirant's Plate Armor Sinful Gladiator's Plate Armor Death Knight Death Knight, Paladin Paladin, Warrior Warrior
Mail Sinful Aspirant's Mail Armor Sinful Gladiator's Mail Armor Hunter Hunter, Shaman Shaman
Leather Sinful Aspirant's Leather Armor Sinful Gladiator's Leather Armor Demon Hunter Demon Hunter, Druid Druid, Monk Monk, Rogue Rogue
Cloth Sinful Aspirant's Cloth Armor Sinful Gladiator's Cloth Armor Mage Mage, Priest Priest, Warlock Warlock

Additionally, weapon sets: Sinful Gladiator's Weapons and Sinful Aspirant's Weapons.

