
  • ️Tue Jul 17 2018
Start Zolani
End Zolani
Level 10-60
Category Dazar'alor
Experience 16,450
Reputation +150 Zandalari Empire
Rewards 19g 40s
Previous H [10-60] The Port of Zandalar
Next H [10-60] Deterrent & H [110-120] Witch Doctor Jala


Slay 15 Dockside Ruffians.

  • Dockside Thugs slain (15)


Where are de guards?

Princess Talanji has convinced King Rastakhan to permit outsiders in our port. For de first time in centuries, we have allowed non-trolls to set foot on our shores and peddle their wares.

And now trolls of lesser tribes seem to think dey can take advantage of these merchants?

I will not allow dis sort of behavior. While I investigate why de merchants are not protected, I want you to work your way through de bazaar and slay any thugs you find.

Send dem a message.


You will receive:


If Zuldazar is to once again be a shining jewel, we must learn to work with de other races.


You have my thanks. I think having someone of de Horde dispense dis justice was extra fitting.

De fact dat we have left our harbor so unprotected worries me greatly.


Kill: Amani Thugs, Gurubashi Thugs, and Sandfury Thugs.


  1. H [10-60] The Port of Zandalar
  2. H [10-60] Shakedown & H [10-60] The Word of Zul
  3. H [10-60] Deterrent, H [10-60] Punishment of Tal'aman, H [10-60] Punishment of Tal'farrak
  4. H [10-60] Royal Report

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