
  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
Image of Sharpbeak
Title <Flight Master>
Gender Male
Race Gryphon (Beast)
Affiliation(s) Dragonscale Expedition, Wildhammer clan
Location Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) Swiftwing (father)
Keenclaw (mother)

Sharpbeak is a gryphon assisting the Wildhammer clan in the Hinterlands after being rescued from Vilebranch trolls. He is the son and heir of Swiftwing and Keenclaw who are all part of the Wildhammer fleet. According to Gryphon Master Talonaxe, he is destined to lead their next generation of gryphons.[1] During the war against the Primalists, he was seen in the Zaralek Cavern as part of the Dragonscale Expedition, serving as a flight master.


World of Warcraft[]


Sharpbeak in a cage prior to the Cataclysm.

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

He has recently been captured by the Vilebranch trolls, but Gryphon Master Talonaxe of Aerie Peak, with the help of Thadius Grimshade, sent Alliance adventurers to save him in Jintha'Alor from Vile Priestess Hexx. He returned to Aerie Peak where he lives happily with his parents, Swiftwing and Keenclaw.[1][2][3]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Vehicle This creature can be mounted.

Sharpbeak no longer needs saving and is now a powerful fully matured elite gryphon. Found in the same location as before, he appears to be assisting the Wildhammer dwarves in an attack on the Vilebranch trolls.


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Sharpbeak found a rider in Sheridon Hastle and with him joined the Dragonscale Expedition on the joint Alliance-Horde scientific study of the Dragon Isles. Unfortunately at some point after entering the Zaralek Cavern below the isles, Sheridon was killed by djaradin of the Zaqali tribe. This sent Sharpbeak into mourning to the point of refusing to eat, until an adventurer (possibly the very same who once saved him from the Vilebranch) helped to comfort him.[citation needed] 


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Hinterlands[53.6, 66.8] 5 Alliance Horde As part of Alliance Hinterlands quests.
Hinterlands[53.2, 66.6] 10-30 Elite Alliance Horde As part of Alliance Hinterlands storyline.
Dragonscale Camp, Zaralek Cavern[40.2, 67.8] 70 Alliance Horde


Objective of[]


  • Zaralek Cavern quests refer to Sharpbeak as a she, when Sharpbeak was referred to as a he in N [70] Satiating Sharpbeak.
    • While it is possible it is an oversight, it is also possible for the two gryphons to be different ones and not the same.

Patch changes[]


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