Shatterspear Pass

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
Shatterspear Pass

Darkshore entrance.

Shatterspear Pass is a fortified road in Darkshore, leading up and through a narrow mountain pass that ends in a short tunnel through the mountains to the pre Cataclysm sealed off Shatterspear Vale.

After the Shatterspear tribe joined the Horde, the Horde built the pass[1] leading to their vale with palisade walls at the bottom and towers along the road leading up to the tunnel entrance. It is attacked and later, through phasing, occupied by the vengeful night elves of Darkshore whose Sentinels are seen patrolling it while troll corpses dots the ground.

After the War of the Thorns, the Shatterspear have recaptured the area. Moxo the Beheader patrols the pass.

After the Fourth War, Zekhan and Rexxar passed through the pass and noticed the skeletons that line the cliffs. They are said to be either failed messengers or those who sought a way out by force. The troll ambassador was glad to use the pass instead of tempting the same fate.[2]


  • The troll huts seen on the cliff walls in the pass are most likely a reference or inspired by the same cliff huts inhabited by the Eloits in the 2002 movie: The Time Machine.

Patch changes[]


  1. ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, pg. 38: "As a return on good faith, the Horde built Shatterspear Pass—a bridge to the outside world."
  2. ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, pg. 38

External links[]

Map of Darkshore - Battle for Azeroth (Horde)
Map of Darkshore - Cataclysm

Map of Darkshore - Battle for Azeroth (Alliance)
Map of Darkshore - Classic