Shield of the Righteous

  • ️Tue Jul 11 2023
Shield of the Righteous

Ability paladin shieldofvengeance

  • Shield of the Righteous
  • Level 2 paladin ability
  • Melee range
  • 3 Holy Power
  • Instant
  • Requires Shields
  • HolySlams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing (55.25% of Attack power) Holy damage, and reducing the cooldown of Crusader Strike by 1.5 sec.

    ProtectionRetributionSlams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing (42.5% of Attack power) Holy damage, and increasing your Armor by (1.7% of Strength) for 4.5 sec.

Class Paladin
School Holy
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown
Other information
Level learned 2
Improvements Inv shield 1h newplayer a 01 [Faith's Armor], Ability paladin shieldofvengeance [Inner Light], Ability warrior shieldguard [Redoubt], Ability paladin toweroflight [Shining Light], Spell holy holynova [Shining Righteousness], Spell holy eyeforaneye [Strength of Conviction], Ability paladin empoweredsealsrighteous [Warrior of Light]
Related buff

Ability paladin shieldofvengeance

  • Shield of the Righteous
  • Armor increased by X.
  • Duration: 4.5 seconds

In the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game.

Shield of the Righteous is a paladin ability. The paladin slams the target with their shield, dealing damage and increasing armor 4.5 sec.


  • Sometimes abbreviated to SHOTR.

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Holy Protection/Retribution